Sunday 3 October 2021

Love Thy Neighbour

Supreme: Do not have any gods before God.
Idols: Do not worship any idols.
Irreverence: Do not use the name of God in vain.
Sabbath: Do honor the Sabbath day.
Parents: Do honor your parents.

Murder: Do not kill your neighbor.
Adultery: Do not commit adultery with your neighbor.
Steal: Do not steal from your neighbor.
Lie: Do not lie to your neighbor.
Covet: Do not covet what belongs to your neighbor.

The First and The Last have to do with one's Thoughts
The others pertain to one's actions (which themselves start as Thoughts). 
That is a Teaching found in The Torah. 
In the New Testament, The Teaching is condensed further as simply Two Pillars :

Love God.
Love Your Neighbor.

These last two have been referred to as the Great Commandments.

Love God

Supreme: Do not have any gods before God.
Idols: Do not worship any idols.
Irreverence: Do not use the name of God in vain.
Sabbath: Do honor the Sabbath day.
Parents: Do honor your parents.

Murder: Do not kill your neighbor.
Adultery: Do not commit adultery with your neighbor.
Steal: Do not steal from your neighbor.
Lie: Do not lie to your neighbor.
Covet: Do not covet what belongs to your neighbor.

The first and the last have to do with one's thoughts. The others pertain to one's actions (which themselves start as thoughts). That is a teaching found in the Torah. In the New Testament, the teaching is condensed further as simply two pillars:
Love God.
Love your neighbor.

These last two have been referred to as the Great Commandments.

There is No Reason to Be Afraid.

Stardate: 49578.2

[Drayan moon]

(Lush vegetation and a crashed shuttlecraft. A crewman is lying on the ground nearby. Tuvok fetches a medkit.) 

Tuvok to Voyager. 
Voyager, do you read?
You must lie still. 

I can't, I can't feel my legs. 

Several of your vertebrae have been fractured. 

Isn't there anything you can do? 

I'm afraid the shuttle's medical supplies are inadequate. 
We must wait for Voyager to find us. 

It's getting worse. 
My whole body feels numb. 

I want you to slow your breathing, and relax your muscles. 
Try not to move. 

All this time I thought I was so lucky…

No Family back Home. 
Nobody to miss. 

Now it seems kind of sad 
not to leave anybody behind. 

I believe Ensign Macormak 
would Miss You a great deal. 

You think so? 
I was never really sure how she —

(Bennet dies. Tuvok sets up a stasis field over his body then hears a rustling in the bushes. He takes out his phaser and turns to see that it is a young girl. She tries to run across the clearing and he grabs her.

It's all right, don't be frightened. 
I won't Hurt You. 

Let me go! 

Will you run if I do?

(She struggles then gives up.) 


My Name is Tuvok. 
Who are you? 

You don't look Like Us. 

I am not A Member of Your Race. 
I am Vulcan

I thought this moon was uninhabited. 
Do you live here? 

We came here on a ship, 
but it crashed like yours. 

Where are your parents? 

Dead. Is he dead too? 


What were you doing to him? 

I put a stasis field around His Body 
to protect it until I can take it 
back to My Ship. 


Some cultures, like Mister Bennet's, 
consider an appropriate burial 
to be a Sign of Respect. 

Tressa, is there anyone else here with you? 

(She nods.

It's all right. 

(Another girl and a boy come out of the bushes.

There is no one looking after you? 

Everyone Else died in The Crash. 
We're alone. 

There is No Reason 
to Be Afraid. 

I Will Take Care of You Now 
and See That You Get Home Safely. 

(The second girl and the boy run over and hug Tuvok, then Tressa joins in.)

Saturday 2 October 2021


Brandon, I'm tired.

And in a way, I'm frightened too, 
but I don't want to fence any more.

What are you going to do?

I don't want to, but I'm gonna look 
inside that chest.

Are you crazy?

I hope so. 
With all My Heart, 
I hope I'm crazy.

This has nothing to do with you.
I've got to look inside that chest.

All right! 
Go ahead and look.
I hope you like what you see.

Oh, no. No!

Rupert —
I couldn't believe it was True.

Rupert, please —
Please what?

Listen to Me. 
Let Me Explain.

Do you think 
you can explain that?

Yes, to you I can, 
because you'll understand.


Rupert, remember the discussion we had before with Mr. Kentley?


Remember we said,
"The Lives of Inferior Beings 
are Unimportant"?

Remember we said -
we've always said, You and I-

That Moral Concepts of 
Good and Evil
Right and Wrong
don't hold for
The Intellectually Superior.
Remember, Rupert?

Yes, I remember.

That's all we've done.
That's all Phillip 
and I have done.

He and I have lived what
You and I Have Talked.

I knew you'd understand,
because you have to, don't you see? 
You have to.

Brandon -
Brandon, till this very moment,

This World and The People in it
have always been 
Dark and Incomprehensible to me, 
and I've tried to clear
My Way with Logic, and 
Superior Intellect.

And you've thrown 
my own words right 
back in my face, Brandon.

You were right to.
If nothing else, A Man
should Stand by His Words.

But you've given My Words 
A Meaning that I never
dreamed of!

And you've tried to twist them
into a cold, logical excuse
for your ugly murder!

Well, they never were that, Brandon,
and you can't make them that.

There must have been something 
deep inside you from the very start,
that let you do this thing,
but there's always been
something deep inside me
that would never let me do it...
and would never let me 
be a party to it now.

What do you mean?

I mean that tonight you've made me ashamed of every concept I ever had of superior or inferior beings.

But I thank you for that shame,
because now I Know that We are each of us a separate Human Being,
Brandon, with the right to live
and work and think
as individuals, but with an obligation
to The Society we live in.

By What Right
do you dare say that there's 
a superior few to which you belong?

By What Right 
Did You DARE Decide 
that that boy in there was inferior 
and Therefore Could Be Killed?

Did You Think 
You Were God, Brandon?

Is that what you thought when you Choked the Life out of Him?

Is that what you thought when you 
Served Food from His Grave?

I don't know what you thought,
but I know what you've done.

You've murdered!

You've strangled 
a fellow Human Being,
who could Live and Love
as you never could,
and never will again.

What are you doing?

It's not what I'm going to do.
It's what Society's going to do.
I don't know what that will be,
but I can guess.

And I can help.
You're going to DIE,
Brandon, both of you!
You're Going to Die.

Was that a gun?
Yes, I heard three shots.

Yeah, they came
from up there.

I think somebody
better call the police.

Did anyone hear
any shots fired?

Can I use your phone?

Here comes a squad car now.
They're coming.

Aladdin’s Cave

Life can be absolutely phenomenal and it should be and it will be when you start using The Secret. 

Well a lot of people ask me what Their Job is in The Creative Process, and what The Job of The Universe is. 

So let's look at that for a moment. 

Let's use this metaphor if you think about Aladdin and His Lamp. 

You've probably heard of that one. 

I mean, Aladdin picks up The Lamp and he Dusts it Off and out pops The Genie. 

The Genie always says one thing, 
"Your wish is my command." 

If you trace the story back to its origins, you know we now think that there' s Three Wishes, but if you trace the story back to its origins there's absolutely no limit whatsoever to the wishes. 

Think about that one. Now, let's take this metaphor and blow it out and apply it to You and Your Life

Remember Aladdin is The One Who Always Asks for What He Wants

Then you've got The Universe at large, which is This Grand Genie, and Traditions you know have called it so many different things. Your Holy Guardian Angel, your Higher Self. I mean we can put any label on it, and you chose the one that works best for you. But every Tradition has told us there's something Bigger Than Us

And The Genie always Says one thing... 
"Your wish is my command." 

So we like to say to you that The Creative Process is a three step process. 

Step One is, You must Ask for What You Want. 

You Do Not Need to Use Words to Ask, in fact, The Universe is not even hearing Words from You. 

The Universe is responding completely 
to Your Thought

What do you really want? Sit down and write it out on a piece of paper. Write it in The Present Tense. 

You might begin by Writing, "I am so happy and grateful now that... ' 

And then explain How You Want Your Life to Be. 
In every area. 

And this is really fun. This is like having The Universe as Your Catalogue, and You flip through it and You go, "Well, I'd like to have this experience and I'd like to have that product and I'd like to have a person like that.' 

It is You just Placing Your Order with The Universe. 

It's really that easy. 

The Second Step is Answer. 

An Answer to What You're Asking

And that is Not-Your Work in Your Physical Form. 
The Universe will do that step for you. 

All of the universal forces are responding 
to The Thoughts that you have set into motion.

And The Universe will start to rearrange itself to make it happen for you. 

Most of us have never allowed ourselves 
to want What We Truly Want, 
because we can't see 
how it's going to manifest. 

If you do just a little research it is going to become evident to you that anyone that ever accomplished anything
did not know how they were going to do it. 
They only knew they were going to do it. 

You don't need to know how it's going to come about. 
You don't need to know how the universe will rearrange itself. 
You don't know how, it'll be shown to you. 
You will attract The Way. 

So then Our Friends Say, 'Something must be going terribly wrong, because I know I am asking so where' s my stuff? ' 

And We Say, "You are Asking. You are completing step one, you can't help but do that. 

And The Universe is answering every time, no exception. 

But there is another step that you must understand, and it is called Step Three, which is The Receiving Step. Which means, You must bring yourself into alignment with what you're asking for. When you are in alignment with What You Want, you feel wonderful

That's what Enthusiasm is, that's what Joy is, that's what Appreciation is, that's what that Feeling of Passion is. But when you are feeling despair or fear or anger, those are strong indicators that you are not right now in alignment with What You're Asking-for. 

And so, when you begin to realise that the way you feel is everything, and you begin to direct your thoughts based upon how they feel, little by little you can find the feeling place of it and now you are one with it, and now it must manifest into Your Experience. 

And when you turn that Fantasy into A Fact, you're in the position to build bigger and better fantasies. 

And that My Friend, 
is The Creative Process. 

So, The Law of Attraction, The Study and Practice of The Law of Attraction, is just figuring out what will help you generate The Feelings of Having it Now. 

Go test drive that car, 
go shop for that home, 
get in the house. 

Do whatever you have to do to generate the feelings of having it now, and remember them. 

Whatever you can do to do that will help you to literally attract it. It could be you wake up and it's just there, it' s manifest. 

Or, you might get some inspired idea of some action to take. 

You certainly shouldn't be going, 
"Well, I could do it this way, 
but man I would hate that.' 
Because you're not on the right track if that' s the case. 
Action will sometimes be required
but if you're really doing it in line with what The Universe is trying to deliver, 
it's going to feel joyous, 
you're going to feel so alive
time will just stop, 
you could do it all day

The Universe Likes Speed
Don't Delay 
Don't Second-Guess, 
Don't Doubt. 

When The Opportunity's there
when The Impulse is there
when The Intuitive-nudge from Within is there, act -- That's your job. 
And that's all you have to do. 
You will attract everything that you require. 

If it's money you need you will attract it, 
if it's people you need you'll attract it. 
If it's a certain book you need you'll attract it. 

You've gotta pay attention to what you're attracted-to, 
because as you hold images of what you want, 
you're gonna be attracted to things 
and they're gonna be attracted to you. 

But it literally moves into physical reality 
with and through you. 
And it does that By Law. 

You can start with nothing
and out of nothing 
and out of no way
A Way will be made

Think of this : 
A car driving through the night, the headlights only go a hundred to two hundred feet forward, and you can make it all the way from California to New York, driving, through the dark, because all you have to see is the next two hundred feet. And that's how life tends to unfold before us. And if we just trust that the next two hundred feet will unfold after that that and the next two hundred feet will unfold after that, your life will keep unfolding. 

And it will eventually get you to the destination of whatever it is you truly want, because you want it. Well another thing people wonder about is, how long is this gonna take? 

How long will it take to manifest the car, the relationship, the money, or whatever it happens to be. Well, I don't have any rule book that says it's gonna take you thirty minutes or three days or thirty days. I think its more a matter of you being in alignment with the Universe itself. 

Size is nothing to The Universe. 

It is no more difficult to attract on a scientific level something that we consider huge to something that we consider infinitesimally small... 
The Universe does everything it does with zero effort. 
The grass doesn't strain to grow, it's effortless. 
It' s just this great design. 

It's all about what' s going on up here
It's about what we put in place saying 
"This is big, it' s going to take some time' 
and "This is small, oh I'll give it an hour.' 

You know, those are Our Rules that we define. 
There are No Rules according to The Universe. 
You provide the feelings of Having it Now. 
It will respond. 

Some people have an easier time with little things and so we sometimes say, "Well, start with something small like a cup of coffee." 
Make it Your Intention to attract A Cup of Coffee today.' 

Hold an image of talking to an old friend that you haven't seen for a long time. 

Somehow or another somebody's going to start talking to you about that person. That person's going to phone you or you'll get a letter from them. 

People are amazed at how I line up car parks, and I've done this right from when I first understood The Secret. I would visualise a car space exactly where I wanted it and 95% of the time it would be there for me, and I would just pull straight in. 5% of the time I'd have to wait just a minute or two and the person would pull out and I'd pull in. So I do that all that time. 

A lot of people feel stuck or imprisoned or confined by their current circumstances, and I'm trying to point out that whatever your circumstances right now that is only your current reality and current reality will begin to change as a result of watching this and beginning to use The Secret. 

And sometimes it feels like you're stuck, because you continue to think the same thoughts over and over again. And so you tend to get the same results over and over again. 

And the reason is because, You see if you're just looking at What Is, then you're just thinking about What Is

And when you think about What Is
Law of Attraction gives you more of it. 

And then if you just observe What Is then you're just thinking about What Is and Law of Attraction gives you more of What Is. And then if you just observe what-we've been over this haven't we. 

You have to find a way that you are 
approaching What Is through 
a different vantage point. 
Most people look at their current state of affairs 
and they say "This is Who I Am". 

That's not Who You Are 
that's Who You Were. 

The Vulcan Ego

Lt. Saavik
What happens if Reliant fails to follow us into the nebula?

Capt. Spock
I think we can guarantee she'll follow us, Lieutenant —

Remind me to discuss with you 
the concept of 
The Human Ego.

Dracula :
Do you really think provoking me is CLEVER…?

Van Helsing :
Yes. Yes, I Do —
I want to 
Learn More ABOUT You.

“Mr. Spock,

I am not very good at writing letters so I will make this short. I know that you are half Vulcan and half human and you have suffered because of this. My mother is Negro and my father is white and I am told this makes me a half-breed. In some ways I am persecuted even more than the Negro. The Negroes don’t like me because I don’t look like them. The white kids don’t like me because I don’t exactly look like one of them either. 

I guess I’ll never have any friends.

Los Angeles, Calif.

Leonard became so interested in this girl’s situation, FaVE [the magazine] offered him this chance to tell everyone what Mr. Spock did when he faced this problem.

As you may know, only Spock’s mother was human. His father was a Vulcan. Spock grew up among Vulcan children and, because he was different, he had to face the problem of not being accepted. This is because people, especially young people it seems, and Vulcans, too, tend to form into groups, kind of like wolf packs. They often demand that you be just like them or you will not be accepted. And the Vulcans were no different than humans are when it comes to prejudice.

Most of the Vulcan kids didn’t like Spock because he was half human. So they wouldn’t include him in all the things they did. He was very lonely and no one understood him. And Spock was heartbroken because he wasn’t popular. But it was only the need for popularity that was ruining his happiness. The question was which was more important, being ‘popular’ with the pack who might turn against him at any minute or being true to himself?


It takes a great deal of courage to turn your back on popularity and to go out on your own. Although inside you’re not really like the members of the pack, it’s still frightening to decide to leave them, because as long as you’re popular, you at least have someone to hang around with. But if you do leave, then you may end up all alone.

Now, there’s a little voice inside each of us that tells us when we’re not being true to ourselves. We should listen to this voice. Often we try to talk ourselves into believing our actions are good – ‘it’s okay to pick on that person’ we say because it may make us popular for awhile with the pack.

But usually there is no good reason for picking on anyone. He’s only bullied or turned away because of his background, because of the way he looks or talks or thinks. It’s always only because he’s different – not worth less personally than anyone else.


“Spock learned he could save himself from letting prejudice get him down. He could do this by really understanding himself and knowing his own value as a person. He found he was equal to anyone who might try to put him down – equal in his own unique way.

You can do this too, if you realize the difference between popularity and true greatness. It has been said that ‘popularity’ is merely the crumbs of greatness.

When you think of people who are truly great and who have improved the world, you can see that they are people who have realized they didn’t need popularity because they knew they had something special to offer the world, no matter how small that offering seemed. And they offered it and it was accepted with peace and love. It’s all in having the patience to find out what you yourself have to offer the world that’s really uniquely yours.

So – the answer to the whole problem, the answer that Spock found when he had to make his big decision, is in overcoming the need to be popular. It’s in choosing your own personal goal and going after it and forgetting what the others are saying. If you do this, then the ones who accept people for the right reasons – for their true worth – will find you and like you.

So Spock said to himself: “OK, I’m not Vulcan, so the Vulcans don’t want me. My blood isn’t pure red Earth blood. It’s green. And my ears – well, it’s obvious I’m not pure human. So they won’t want me either. I must do for myself and not worry about what others think of me who don’t really know me.


Spock decided he would live up to his own personal value and uniqueness. He’d do whatever made him feel best about himself. He decided to listen to that little voice inside him and not to the people around him.

He replaced the idea of wanting to be liked with the idea of becoming accomplished. Instead of being interested in being popular, he became interested in being intelligent. And instead of wanting to be powerful, he became interested in being useful.

He said to himself: ‘Not everyone will like me. But there will be those who accept me just for what I am. I will develop myself to such a point of excellence, intelligence and brilliance that I can see through any problem and deal with any crisis. I will become such a master of my own abilities and career that there will be a place for me. People of all races will need me and not be able to do without me.’

And that’s just what he did. And when I see him standing there on the bridge of the Enterprise, facing danger and life-and-death problems so cooly and with so much intelligence, I’m sure he made the right decision.”

Captain, I'm afraid you'll have to remain here. 

Spock, Doctor McCoy, 
come with me.


I cannot go with you.

Why not?

I Belong Here.

I don't understand.

Sybok! You are My Brother, 
but you do not know me. 

I am not The Outcast Boy you left behind 
those many years ago. 

Since that time, 
I Have Found Myself and My Place 
and I Know Who I Am. 

I cannot go with you.

I er... 
I guess you'd better count me out, too.

Then I'll see you on 
The Other Side.

Wait! ...You know we'll never 
make it through The Great Barrier.

What if we do? Will that convince you that My Vision was True?

Your Vision..?

Given to Me by God. 

He Waits for Us 
on The Other Side.

You are Mad.

Am I? ...We'll See.

[Enterprise-A bridge]
They Say no ship can survive this.
I say They're Wrong. 
I say the danger is an illusion.

We have no instrument readings. 
Is it there or isn't it?

Mister Sulu, 
...full ahead.

Full ahead, aye.

[Enterprise-A forward observation room
Is it possible?


Are we dreaming?

If we are, then Life is a Dream.

(camera pans down to plaque on ship's wheel 'To boldly go where no man has gone before')

[Enterprise-A bridge]

Instruments are back on line. 
There's a power source emanating from the planet like nothing 
I've ever seen.

Sha Ka Ree.

KORRD: Qui'Tu.

Vorta Vor.


About The Ship.

The Ship needs its Captain.

No special conditions?

No conditions.

What makes you think I won't turn us around?

Because you too, must know.