Showing posts with label Mentorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mentorship. Show all posts

Sunday 17 November 2019


Buffy. You're really campaigning for bitch-of-the-year, aren't you?
As defending champion, you nervous?
Whatever is causing the Joan Collins 'tude, deal with it. 
Embrace the pain, spank your inner moppet, whatever, but get over it. 
'Cause pretty soon you're not even gonna have the loser friends you've got now.

Gary tells me one day about his sister, how her son, his nephew, died at eighteen from overdosing on a bad batch of MDMA. ‘Would you talk to her?’ he asks.
I see him every day over the course of the production and it is, all in all, a fairly typical experience. 
I return to my trailer, content to be wrapping a film without having caused any unnecessary aggravation. Aside from the ice creams. 
Gary taps on the door. 
When I open it he already has his sister on the line.
I take the phone and close the door and the always slightly absurd ambience of the on-set trailer, in spite of my daft costume, immediately becomes calm and sacred. 
Kerry tells me that she is in Brent Cross shopping centre. 
Excuse me,’ she says, and moves somewhere quiet. 
I sit down and picture her there. 
I breathe and prepare for her story. 
She is tentative and tearful for a few syllables, but propelled by tremulous certainty. 
‘James was a beautiful boy. 
More than my son he was my friend. 
So clever and sensitive. 
Not a druggy kid. 
He didn’t do drugs a lot, I know he didn’t. 
I didn’t want him to go out that night. 
I wanted him to stay in. 
I wish I’d stopped him. I couldn’t sleep, I kept looking at my phone. 
I had a bad feeling. 
At one fifty-eight I got a text, “I’m all right, Mum”, at two fifty-eight I got another one from his phone saying “James is dead.”’ 
At this point the frequency, the intensity, the sharpness of tone changes, the grief is piercing and I try to fall backwards into purpose. 
‘My boy died on the street, Russell, on a pavement with three hundred people watching. Outside a club. He was dead by the time he got to the hospital.’ 
I try to breathe and reach beyond my own lack of experience, my own inability to know something so profound and painful and source something useful. 
‘I’m getting grief counselling and they say I have to let go because the grief is going into my body and making me ill but I don’t want to let go because I deserve it.’ 
Then the terrible sound of a mother’s pain.
I am not qualified to handle a mother’s grief. 
I have no training in counselling or experience of this poignant and unanswerable despair. 
In this moment, though, I am on the phone to a grieving mother and the practical and rational limitations simply cannot be allowed to prevent me giving her the comfort and love her situation demands. 
William Blake did a series of engravings based on the Book of Job, rendering in immaculate tableaux Job’s trials and suffering. It is as if Blake through his art and the Bible through the means of prose refer to the same subliminal truth, as if this story, the Book of Job, contains essential truths that we can only behold fleetingly and through the lens of image or language. 
In one tableau, Yaweh, or God, from on high shows Job ‘the behemoth and the leviathan that I made, as I made thee’. These creatures as rendered by Blake are dreadful and uncanny. The dumb, muscular, skinless beast, all sinew and mouth. The deep-dwelling sea serpent ever present but invisible in its awful depths. 
When regarding these silently screaming images the horror of God’s power is awesome, more terrifying though is the suggestion of ambivalence and that implicitly God The Creator is Not Only Good. 
In these images Job and Yaweh look the same, as if both the man made of flesh and the divine father are enshrined within a single form. 
These hypnotic tableaux induce a visionary state where we confront that God is within us and our own moral choices determine God’s values. That the capacity for Darkness and unconsciousness is as much part of the individual’s psychological make-up as the inclination to love and kindness. 
That we HAVE to be Good, because if WE are not Good, then God is not Good, that God’s Grace is realized through us and if we do not realize it then it does not exist.
Like a terrible quantum equation where our intentions create all that is manifest. Do not be lost in the leviathan deep. Do not be trapped in the dumb carnality of form, transcend; transcend that God may imbue The World with His Grace through you. 
Knowing my own limitations I do not answer from myself. 
Knowing the hopelessness of such pitiless despair I do not attempt to placate with platitudes. 
I offer Love. 
I offer this stranger, this woman that I am confronted with, The Best of Me, such as it is, in the hope that within me, within her, within us all, is the capacity to heal and be healed. 
There is no code in language, no silver bullet that can undo this pain but beyond language, beyond form, beyond death there is, there must be, connection. 
We cannot allow the universe to be unconsciousness and carnality, because we have the choice, because the possibility, the potentiality for love exists in all of us. Its existence as potential is also its demand for realization.
Aside from the love, comfort and forgiveness that anyone would offer a grieving mother I suggest that Kerry meets two of the mentors in this book, Manya and Meredith – healers, mothers, strong women who will be able to hold her pain for her until she is able to.”
Excerpt From
“Mentors,” by Russell Brand, 

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Yet Alone I am Nothing.

“ Have you ever heard Brian Cox or any other particle physics genius (they’re ten a penny after all!) describing the vastness of our universe? The likelihood that even beyond its fathomless reach are more and more, likely an infinity, of universes? 

When I, with my blunt intellect, fondle these imponderables I feel suspended between awe and despair. Within the infinite all forms of measurement become meaningless as they can only refer to parochial patterns; time and the laws of physics only local customs in our universal village. 

When I hear Cox speaking of Carl Sagan, however, the giant star of astronomy who inspired the then adolescent scientist, I feel held between awe and hope. Sagan was a mentor to Cox. Although they never met, Sagan functioned as a mental symbol, a target, a role model that the younger man could emulate on his own journey to greatness. 

A hero is an emblem that demonstrates the possibility of inner drives becoming manifest. 

It could be John Lennon, whose journey from ordinariness to greatness, from glamour to domesticity, from grandeur to humility provides coordinates to others who want to undertake a comparable journey. 

It might be Amma, the Indian teacher and mystic whose certainty of God’s love has generated profound social change across Asia. Her devotion has inspired others through philanthropic works to establish schools and build hospitals and homes. 

At first, of course though, she was dismissed as a mad teenage girl in a fishing village in Kerala going into trances and cuddling everyone. 

People thought she was nuts. 

Greatness looks like Madness until it finds its context. 

Mentorship is a thread that runs through my life, now in both directions. I have men and women that I turn to when the way ahead is not clear and younger people that look to me for guidance in their own crazy lives. 

Note that the mentor’s role is not solely as a teacher, although teaching is of course a huge part of it. When Cox talks admiringly about Carl Sagan it is not just because of his academic expertise, it is because he felt personally guided by him. 

Watching Sagan’s emotional take on science in Cosmos, was the trigger that made Cox, at twelve, decide to be a scientist. We choose mentors throughout our lives, sometimes consciously, sometimes not, sometimes wisely, sometimes not. 

The point of this book is to understand this process and to improve it. When selecting a mentor we must be aware of what it is we want from them. When we are selected as a mentor we must know what the role entails. 

One of the unexpected advantages that my drug addiction granted me is that the 12 Step process of recovery that I practise includes a mentorship tradition. When you enter a 12 Step program, you have to ask someone else to guide you through the steps, or ‘sponsor’ you. 

This typically induces an unwitting humility; few people would say ‘Hey, babe, it’s your lucky day–I want you to take me on a spiritual journey.’ Usually one feels a little shy on asking someone to sponsor them, a little meek, a bit like you’re asking them on a date. 

In undertaking this we accept that our previous methods have failed, that we need help, that our own opinions are inferior to the wisdom of the mentor and hopefully the creed that they belong to. 

In 12 Step custom the sponsor teaches the sponsee the method by which they practised the 12 Steps; they replace their own sponsor, and they give to another what they have been given. Whilst it may bear personal inflections, it is sufficiently faithful to the original program to inhere its power. 

The same, I note, is true in martial arts traditions, there’s a lineage and a system that is carried from teacher to student. 

Clearly there are parallels in academia, but anyone who’s been to school knows that mass education can be pretty inconsistent and the average harried educator has too many bureaucratic and financial burdens to mindfully endow more than a handful of pupils with the elixir of mentorship. 

In this book I will talk to you about my mentors, how they have enhanced my life in practical and esoteric, obvious and unusual ways, by showing me that it is possible to become the person I want to be in spite of the inner and outer obstacles I face. 

I will encourage you to find mentors of your own and explain how you may better use the ones you already have. 

Furthermore I will tell you about my experience mentoring others and how invaluable that has been on my ongoing journey to self-acceptance, and how it has helped me to transform from a bewildered and volatile vagabond to a (mostly) present and (usually) focused Husband and Father. 

I have mentors in every area of my life: as a comic, a dad, a recovering drug addict, a spiritual being and as a man who believes that we, as individuals and the great globe itself, are works in progress and that through a chain of mentorship – and the collaborative Evolution of Systems  – we can improve individually and globally, together. 

Sometimes in my live shows I ask the audience if they belong to any groups: a football team, a religious group, a union, a book club, a housing committee, rowing club – I am surprised by how few people have a Tribe. 

Whilst the impact of globalization on national identity cannot yet be fully understood, I can certainly appreciate the reductive appeal of Statist Myth. 

I become ultra English during a World Cup, the last one in particular was like a jolly revival of the ‘death of Diana’ in its ability to pull a nation together in collective hysteria. But soon enough the bunting comes down, the screens in public squares go black and we are atomized once more. The space between us no longer filled with chants, ditties and ‘in jokes’, eyes back on the pavement, attention drawn within. 

I’m not suggesting the deep alienation that Late Capitalism engenders can be rinsed away by joining a bowling club, but it’s a start, and having a Teacher within The Group to which you belong provides intimacy and purpose. 

In the guru traditions of India the love between teacher and student surpasses all other forms, for here it is explicit that what is being transferred in this relationship is nothing short of God’s love and how an individual can embody the divine. 

We live in lonely and polarized times, where many of us feel lost and fractured. It is evident in our politics but political events reflect deeper and more personal truths. I’ve been trying for a while now to explain what I feel is happening in the societies that I’m familiar with, by which I mean Europe, Australia, the United States – not that I’m claiming to be a sociologist, I don’t have a clue how to approach whatever the hell may be happening in Pakistan or China, but here, here in our post-secular edge lands where the old ideas are dying and the new ones not yet born, I feel a consistent and recognizable yearning for meaning beyond the dayglow ashes of burnt-out consumerism, lurching dumb zombie nationalism, starchy, corrupt religion and the CGI circus of modern mainstream media. 

I’ve been watching for a long time and I knew before Trump, Brexit, radicalism and the ‘new right’ that something serious was up. You know it too. 

Sometimes we despair and sometimes we distract because it seems like too much for one person to tackle and we’ve forgotten how to collude. 

Yet alone I am nothing. "


" No Child is awake enough 
to Appoint A Mentor, 
you take what you are given
it isn’t until adolescence that we grope beyond the boundaries of Mum & Dad, or whoever was doing that job. 

Some BOYS give that job to PEERS IN GANGS, some GIRLS give it to PONIES but, for all of us, 
beyond these narrow roles are scores of Ben Kenobis and Maya Angelous 
just dying to pass on 
A Lifetime of Twinkling Wisdom. 

Worth noting that if the teen craving for an idol is soaked up by vapid consumerism, all that hormonal good intent could get splurged on a digital Kardashian or wrung out on a beatboxing pipkin in a backward baseball cap. 

Yes, yes, the adolescent wants coitus, 
But what does 
The Wanting want? "

PETER's apartment

Is, like, she The Killer or what?

No. That's Rita Hayworth. 
She was married to Citizen Kane while they were doing this thing. 

Then right after they finished, she dumped him for some polo player. 

I don't why beautiful girls love horses so much.

 Do you love horses?


Friday 25 October 2019


It Has Often Been Said That All Comedy is Rooted in Fear –

–  The Things That Make Us Laugh are VERY Closely to The Things Frighten Us

Godmother :
Sorry, but whoever had a miscarriage, could you take it to the kitchen, please? 

Claire :
No! Don't follow me, Jake.
Oh, and this is over.
You're leaving me.

Martin The Hobgoblin :
No, no, no.

Claire :

Martin The Hobgoblin :
Are you drunk? 

Claire :
Are you sober? 

Martin The Hobgoblin :
A bit.
Could you just fuck off? 

Fleabag :
Oh, absolutely not! 

Martin The Hobgoblin :
Okay, no, no.

Fleabag :
I'm staying right here.

Claire :
I want you to leave me.

Martin The Hobgoblin :
Listen to me, I just, I have I think 

Fleabag’s Emotional Support Inner-Monologue:
( he has a little speech.  )

Martin The Hobgoblin :
I have a little speech that's building here.
Now, I know you look at me and you see a bad man with a big beard.

Claire :
You are an alcoholic and you tried it on with my sister.

Martin The Hobgoblin :
I tried to kiss your sister on her birthday.

Claire :
My birthday! 

Martin The Hobgoblin :
I mix up birthdays and I have an alcohol problem, just like everyone else in this fucking country.

But I am here and I do things.

I pick up Jake up from shit, 
I make dessert for Easter, 
I organise the downstairs toilet, 
I fired the humming cleaner.

Claire :
You enjoyed that.

Martin The Hobgoblin :
I hoover the car.
I put up all your certificates 
I don't make you feel guilty for not having sex with me.

I am not a bad guy! 
I just have a bad personality, it's not my fault.

Some people are born with fucked personalities.

Look at Jake.
He is so creepy, it's not his fault! 

Why the bassoon!? 
You want to know what the bassoon is!? 

It's a cry for help! 

The main fucking problem here is that you don't like me.

And that has been breaking my fucking heart for 11 years.

I love you.

I make you laugh.
I'm a douche, but I make you laugh.

You said that that was the most important thing! 

I think the thing that you hate the most about yourself is that you actually love me.

So, I am not going to leave you, until you are down on your knees begging me.

Claire :
Please, leave me.

Martin The Hobgoblin :
Oh, man.

I didn't think you'd do that in that dress.


Well I guess the only thing left for me to say is — 
Fuck You.

Fleabag :
Fuck You.

“Asking someone to mentor you, as I have said, is a simultaneous acknowledgement of vulnerability and admiration, and even in the most secular and occidental context bears a trace of Yogananda’s euphoric sincerity.

No one wants to be rejected by someone they admire and who knows they’re vulnerable. 

But after my holiday my old method of redemption through love was still giving me a good battering. 
If you’d asked me at the time what the problem was, I would have instantly blamed the woman I was going out with. 
Now I know the problem was my unreasonable, unconscious requirements.

I asked Jimmy for help, he agreed to help me. 
I told him about the melee that was my relationship and he was always able to ‘hold it’. 

Meaning that my problems never fazed him – the last thing you need when opening up your heart is for the person you’ve appointed to blanch or gag. 

He pointedly never offers unsolicited advice, instead meeting my enquiries with his own experience. 

There is a great power in this.”

Excerpt From
by Russell Brand.

Switch :
How are you? 

Good. I'm good.

How are you? 

Switch :
You know.


My Dad collects Robots.
There's a room in our apartment.

Some are life-sized.
Some toys.

Sometimes at night, I go in there.
I stand very still, and pretend I'm a Robot, too.

Tuesday 24 September 2019


The Hidden Unity is Obi-Wan Kenobi

In 1955, when our planet was bombarded by cycle 19 solar magnetic waves, young people in the West responded like needles in a groove with rock ’n’ roll’s tight jeans, short hair, biker JD aggression, short, fast songs, and widespread use of stimulant drugs like speed and coffee.

Silver Age comic-book punk was embodied by crew-cut Barry Allen in his speed suit. “Chemicals and Lighting” could have been a song or a band. 

The tight suits, establishment men, and emphasis on science and rationality are all typical, as are Stan Lee’s realistic superheroes such as the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man.

Textbook Joseph Campbell.

The way Campbell explained it, 
Young Men need a Secondary Father to finish raising them.

Beyond their Biological Father, they need a surrogate, traditionally a minister or a coach or a military officer.

The floatsam and jetsam of a generation washed up on the beach of last resort.

That's why street gangs are so appealing. 
They send you men out, like Knights on Quests to hone their skills and improve themselves.

And all the TRADITIONAL Mentors -- 
forget it.

Men are presumptive predators. They're leaving Teaching in droves.

Religious Leaders are pariahs.

Sports Coaches are stigmatized as odds-on pedophiles.

Even The Military is sketchy with sexual goings-on.

James Stark :
Suppose you had to do something.
You had to go someplace and do this thing that was...
You know, it was very dangerous.
But it was Matter of Honour.
And you had to prove it.
What would you do?

Well, is there some kind of trick answer?

James Stark :
No, what would you do?

Pinnie :
Well, I wouldn't make a hasty decision.
Tell you what, Jimbo.
Let's get a little light on the subject.
Jim, what happened?
What kind of trouble are you in?

James Stark :
The kind I was telling you about.
Now can you answer me?

Pinnie :
Nobody can make a snap decision.
It's one of those things that you...

James Stark :
You can't.
That's all there is to it.
It's something that you... 

Pinnie :
You just don't.
We've got to consider all the pros and cons.

James Stark :
I don't have time.

Pinnie :
We'll make time.
I'll get paper and we'll make a list.
And then if we're still stuck... we'll get some advice.

James Stark :
What can you do when you have to be a Man?

Pinnie :

James Stark :
No, you give me a Direct Answer!
Are you going to keep me from going?

Pinnie :
Did I ever stop you from anything?
You're at a wonderful age.
In ten years, you'll look back on this and wish...

James Stark :
Ten years?
I want an answer now. I need one.

Pinnie :
Listen, Jimbo, I'm just trying to show you how foolish you are.
When you're older, you'll look back at this.... 
and you'll laugh at yourself for thinking that this is so important.
It's not as if you were alone.
This has happened to every boy.
It happened to me when I was your age, maybe a year older.

Ratbag :
What's all the excitement?
I've been working hard getting this house in order...

Pinnie : 
Jim had blood on him.
He just ran out.

Ratbag :
And you didn't stop him?

That's The Edge.
That's The End.

Jim Stark :
Certainly is.

You know something?
I like you.
You know that?

Why do we do this?

You got to do something..., don't you?

Listen... I know a Place. 
Plato told me before. 

It's an old, deserted mansion...up by the planetarium. 
Want to go up there with me? 

You can Trust me, Judy. 


•Unbelievable• that Old Biff could've chosen that particular date!

It could mean that that point in time contains some cosmic significance... Almost as though it were the temporal junction point for the ENTIRE space-time continuum...!

....on The Other Hand it could just be an INCREDIBLE coincidence.”


Old Biff from The Future is from 2015 in a stolen Time Machine he cannot operate, without instructions, or a manual —  he just pressed CTRL + Z on the keypad 3 times until he found somewhere he wanted to go — November 12th 1955.

As a shorthand toward understanding the two maximum states we flip between, Spence suggests we can regard one pole as having a “punk” character, while its opposite may be thought of as “hippie.”

In Spence’s lexicon, at least as I understand it (his own website will set you straight if.   wrong), punk maxima can be identified in a fashion vogue for short hair, tight clothes, short, punchy popular music, aggression, speedy drugs, and materialism. 

He focused on youth culture trends on the basis that young nervous systems registered the magnetic reversals most profoundly and reflected them back in the lineaments of the art and music they made or consumed. So far, so good.

In 1955, when our planet was bombarded by cycle 19 solar magnetic waves, young people in the West responded like needles in a groove with rock ’n’ roll’s tight jeans, short hair, biker JD aggression, short, fast songs, and widespread use of stimulant drugs like speed and coffee.

Silver Age comic-book punk was embodied by crew-cut Barry Allen in his speed suit. “Chemicals and Lighting” could have been a song or a band. 

The tight suits, establishment men, and emphasis on science and rationality are all typical, as are Stan Lee’s realistic superheroes such as the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man.

Friday 15 March 2019

Profiles in Mentorship : Matt

"Matt, Danny, we have this opportunity to do this thing at FOX. Will you help us out?"  

That's how a Man talks. 

Do you care that we didn't do a very good show tonight?


Excuse me. Sorry about the timing.

What happened?

It was my fault.

What happened?!

It was my fault.

I'm about to go to a party where 17 people will ask me what happened.

Tell them it was my fault.

I can't blame other people for the same reason you can't blame other people so I need to blame him. What happened?

Ricky and Ron didn't switch the format back to 40-second page.

Why didn't you say so? I'm never so happy as when it's Ricky and Ron.

That's why I didn't say so.

Switch back from what?


Why were they off 40-second page?

They were working in half-hour format.


They're writing a pilot script.

Do you know anything about this?

No, do you?

No. Do you?


Do you?

Are they allowed to shop a pilot?

What do you care?

Aren't they exclusive?

I'm sure they can write whatever they want on spec.

Not if they're banking good material instead of giving it to him.

I don't think Ricky and Ron have a secret treasure trove of good material they've been saving for an occasion.

Then why do you care?

I don't; I just want to screw with them? How can we find out if they're allowed to do this?

All right. My assistant Kevin is still at the office. If I have him pull the contract and read it, will you two have a serious conversation with me about product placement?

What's serious?

You have to listen while I speak.

Hmm. No, this I cannot do.

Call your assistant.

What was it you wanted to talk to me about?

Just something Jack said on the way to Nevada.


We'll do this first.

I won't be able to concentrate! [on phone] Kevin, it's me. Can you pull the contracts on Richard Tahoe and Ron Oswald? I'm going to hang on. [to Matt and Danny] While I'm thinking of it, are either of you particularly attached to Peripheral Vision Man?



There's an option on underlying material that expires today. I can renew it for about a hundred dollars if you want.

Save the money.

And now I don't have to fire anybody.

[on phone] Thank you. [to Danny] If 15 people are willing to split 100 dollars. [on phone] Can you search for language about exclusivity and call me back? I'll be on my cell. Thanks. [hangs up]

Do we have an answer on "Can Ricky and Ron be writing a pilot?"

Kevin hasn't answered my call back yet. It should be any minute.

All right, watch this. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrring! [He points, and her phone rings.] There it is!

Whoa, check it out!

That is mojo, baby!

My boy's got skills!

Mad skills.

That was sick!

That was some Vulcan mindmeld mojo and I was right in the kitchen!

I think you're a prophet.

How do we find out something like that?

Things like this.

Where was that mojo when I needed it?

You had it when you needed it.

Get the audience back, let me do it again!

Would you shut up?! [on phone] Yeah.

I'm going to take you on tour with that phone thing you can do.

Once the show gets out there you cannot get it back. You cannot unring a bell.

It was a good sh --

Stop saying it was a good show!


We're talking quietly.

They're exclusive.

Well, I don't know what that was about, then.

Wait. They have an exception.

For what?

You're kidding.

For what?

They have an option for Peripheral Vision Man. Thanks, Kevin.

When's the option up?

In about an hour and a half.

It's tied again.

Are Ricky and Ron still here?

They're supervising the as-aired script. What's going on?

We're pretty sure the co-execs are going to quit tonight.

Huh, well.

Guys --

You haven't gone to the party yet?

No. Lucy, Darius, can you give us the room a second? [They leave.] What's going on with Peripheral Vision Man?

You know, maybe it'd be better if we let the agents do their jobs at this point.

Okay. [He goes to leave.]

No, wait. Hold on. Ricky --

We set Peripheral Vision Man up at FOX. They ordered six half-hours for midseason, Ron and I are going to run it, we weren't allowed to say anything because --

You weren't allowed?

You know how it is.

I don't, actually.

NBS Studios has the option until midnight, so --

You left final draft in half hour format instead of 40-second page! That's why we got a plea for peace in Indiana from Jessica Simpson!

We know, we're sorry about that.

I'll tell you what, we thought you'd be thrilled.


You get us out of here without having to eat our contracts!

Peripheral Vision Man isn't any good, Ricky. And Studio 60 is a brand, and so am I, and people are going to assume that I had something to do with it!

Why isn't it good, Matt? Because you didn't write it?

It isn't good because it isn't good.

Then have McDeere tie up the option again; she'll do whatever the cool guys tell her to do.

That's the first time anyone's accused me of being cool. 
And I don't think you know Jordan McDeere very well, because she has yet to do anything that anyone has told her to do.  

"Matt, Danny, we have this opportunity to do this thing at FOX. Will you help us out?"  

That's how a Man talks. 

Do you care that we didn't do a very good show tonight?

I thought it was fine, Matt. But I'm sorry if your ego can't sustain a week of not being called a genius.

[looking at script] Descent is spelled with a "s".

Are you going to let us have it?

I don't know. Without the "s" it's "decent."

Yeah, it's all true.


They've got a set-up at FOX for midseason. It's a put pilot with six on the air. You didn't know about any of this?

Business affairs asked me if I wanted to hold on to the option and I asked you.

With an hour and a half left.

I really didn't anticipate anyone wanting to do Peripheral Vision Man as a series.

Nether did I, but I also didn't anticipate FOX airing a contest of strength between an Elephant and a Group of Dwarves.

That one caught us all by surprise. Hey, lighten up, Matt. You've been wanting to get rid of these guys since you got here.

It's going to cut into work time if I have to go door-to-door to everyone in America and explain to them that I didn't write Peripheral Vision Man. 
The show is making a massive comeback. This is the world's stupidest time to have an ugly stepchild out there!

You want me to pick up the option?

Yes, please. Lock up the option and shut the thing down.

What was I doing?


What was I doing?

You were calling to tie up the option.




This just doesn't feel right. How much time can you give me?

The option's up in an hour and 13 minutes, so I can give you about an hour.

All right, I'll be back in a few minutes.

Where are you going?

Just walking around.

Listen --


[Writers' room.]
I am finished.

It's done.

I meant my career.

That is just not true. Plus, if things don't work out for you here, you can always go back and write Benny Hill.

Bite me.

Give me a kiss.

Don't think so.

Hi. [Lucy stand up and snogs him.]

[to Ricky] That was to be mean to you. Goodbye.

[to Darius] You just keep on walking.

Yes, sir.

I think you both put up with a lot of crap and humiliation from me, and I'm going to let you go.


Yeah, but I don't think you should.

Why not?

Because Peripheral Vision Man isn't going to be good. It'll get canceled, you'll be out of work, and I won't be able to hire you back here.

I knew it. You couldn't let us out of the door without a handshake.

Rick, I'm not talking... I'm not talking about old stuff. I'm telling you this writer to writer. You're going to get killed and you're taking him with you.

He is a grown man who makes up his own mind. And he's not the only one I'm taking with me.

Who else?



You get Lucy and the new guy.



Guys, let's not end it like this.

I don't care how we end it, as long as we end it.

Rick --

Listen --

Rick! The primetime landscape isn't the same as when we were coming up. There are maybe half as many jobs for comedy writers now as there were then. Stop being mad at me.

We should stop being mad at you? We could write the greatest sketch in the world, we could write the damn 2000 year old man, and you wouldn't recognize it because it came from us!

Maybe, but that's not why I'm telling you this.
You're two of our guys, you have a history here, and I'm looking out for you.

I'm moved. That is so typically --

Ricky --

-- condescending of you, you narcissistic horse's ass!
When Harry realizes she's already found the man of her dreams, I hope she screws him right in front of you.

Rick! Enough!

The writers all have options to come work with me on this.
You can keep them here with a salary and title bump.
The show sucked tonight, and no, I don't care.

I've been his partner my whole career.
You know, it's like you and Danny.

Ron --

And nobody noticed he got dropped on his head when you guys came here.
In the press, in the network... in this building, Matt.
Nobody noticed in this building. I'll see you.



You're using voiceover?

We need it for the exposition.

Voiceover's going to kill you.
Use a sidekick, a character you introduce in the beginning of the first episode.
Colorblind Boy, Cataract Kid... give him somebody to talk to.

That's a good note.
I appreciate it.

Don't tell him it came from me.

Are we going to be fired?

Nope, you're just going to wish you'd been.

Room in the budget, words I love.

Actually, there's going to be a lot more room in the budget than you think for a while.


Let the rights go. Let Ricky and Ron go, too.

You sure?

Yeah. And we're going to be letting most of the writing staff go with them.

How many is most?

Everyone except Lucy and Darius.

Lucy's never had a sketch on and Darius has been working here 5 days.

We'll staff back up.

Until we do it'll just be you and two freshman writers.

That's two more than I had before. It's going to be fine.