Tuesday 3 September 2019

Kings and Emperors

No one controls my mind, Shadow!
There's a New World Order coming,
and I'm gonna be a King.
A King!

We are victorious!
And as victors, we will collect the spoils of war.
I will remember each of you...
particularly my special servant...
the only American with genius enough...
to join me of his own free will...

Who saw himself a King in My Kingdom.

King? Did I say King?
Maybe not the best choice of words.

No, it wasn't.

Because actually, I was thinking prince, tops.
Not even, necessarily. Duke? Baron?
Your choice, of course.

Get Dr. Lane. Assemble the bomb.

Of course.
In The Name of The New Kha Khan!
The Power of God on Earth!
The Emperor of Mankind!

You know, I look at you.
I watch you.
You're never drunk.
Oh, that's...
That's real control.
Control is power.
That's power.
Is that why they fear us?
We have the fucking power to
kill, that's why they fear us.
They fear us because we have
the power to kill arbitrarily.
A man commits a crime,
he should know better.
We have him killed, and we
feel pretty good about it.
Or we kill him ourselves
and we feel even better.
That's not power, though.
That's justice.
It's different than power.
Power is when we have
every justification to kill,
and we don't.
You think that's power?
That's what the emperors had.
A man stole something,
he's brought in
before the emperor,
he throws himseIf down on
the ground, he begs for mercy.
He knows he's going to die.
And the emperor pardons him.
This worthless man.
He lets him go.
I think you are drunk.
That's power, Amon.
That is power.
Amon the Good.
I pardon you.

Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/movie_script.php?movie=schindlers-list

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