Monday 6 May 2019

AXIS MUNDI — The Dark Tower

One last time around The Wheel,

Old Friend.

The Gunslinger:

This is madness.

The Kid :

You can't walk

into a hospital here carrying guns.

Trust me.

Come on.

Let me do all the talking.


You've reached Laurie, Lon and Jake.

Please leave a detailed message...

and we'll get back to you

as soon as possible.

This is awful. 

Try it.

That looks gross. What is it?

You got to try it. 

It's terrible.

I don't want to try it if it's terrible.

It's like mango...

The Gunslinger:

Do the animals here still speak?

What? No, that's a commercial.

Wait, what do you mean by "still"..?

He's in here.

Mr. Deschain.

I see the antibiotics are kicking in.

On a scale of one to 10, how bad is your pain?

The Gunslinger:


You were in very bad shape.

I'm surprised you're even sitting up.

The Gunslinger:

I'm Stronger Than Most.

We get that sentiment a lot.

So aside from your infection

and the wound from the...

costume-party incident...

we also found traces

of hepatitis a, b, e, and...

Chronic Radiation Sickness.

Have you traveled overseas

in the past couple of months?

The Gunslinger:

No. I've been here on Keystone-Earth.

So am I cured or not?

We're going to keep you here for the night to monitor your progress.

[Begins ripping I.V. Tubing feeds out of his arm by the fistful.]

Maybe tomorrow afternoon...

What are you doing? No.

The Gunslinger:

I can't stay Here.

You need to get back on that.

Mr. Deschain, you need...

The Gunslinger:

[Deposits Gold into The Healer’s palm.]

For your services.

Wait, what?

May Your Days Be Long.

But you need to get back on that.

Mr. Deschain?

Bring my guns.

These are painkillers and vitamins.

You only want to take

one or two at a... time.

Hey, cutie.

Can we join The Party?

The Gunslinger:

You have both forgotten

The Faces of Your Fathers.

You probably shouldn't talk

to people Here.

What is this?


How we gonna find the portal?

New York's a pretty big place.

I don't know.

I just can't let Walter know

how I'm coming for him.

I've got an idea.

These painkillers work fast.

I haven't felt this good in years.

Yeah, we got the good stuff.

Got any more of that sugar?


• “Any material image of a religious idea is an IDOL;”

"It's a Radio for Talking to God -- "
and Then, at The End, The Wrath of God will come out and

• “A material object in which force is supposed to be concentrated is a FETISH;”

Its power has no equal -- as a Weapon, to Destroy, or as a Tool, to Build.

• “A material object, or a class of material objects, plants, or animals, which is regarded by man with superstitious respect, and between whom and man there is supposed to exist an invisible but effective force, is a TOTEM.”

J. Fitzgerald Lee, 
"The Greater Exodus," 
London, 1903

Saturday 4 May 2019

All Humour is a POWER STRUGGLE


Hey, Tom.
Where's your sexier half? 

She had to work.
On a Saturday? 

Careful, Donkey, you sure she isn't getting a leg over?!
[ Of course, it later turns out that this is precisely what she is doing at this point.... ] 

This is Andy, Errol's Uncle.
Oh, Errol? My condolences.
Joking! Good to meet you, Andy.
I'm Tom, Alfie's Dad.

Andy is a musician.

Oh, yeah? Andy the musician.
I've heard of you.
Really? Yeah, aren't you in that band? What is it? 
No Direction! 
Come on, that was a good one, Donkey. I'm only joking.
What kind of music do you play? 

Well, it's, sort of, a combination of  —

Hold that thought.
I need to spend a penny.
Here you go.
And don't drink any, I've got my eye on you, Donkey.

Why does that prick keep calling you Donkey? 
Is it because of your, erm 

No. He thinks I look like the donkey from Shrek.
Does he mean Eddie Murphy or the actual donkey? 

I don't know.
I never asked.

I mean you're not just going to let him get away with calling you that are you? 

It's fine.
It's just a nickname

I have been Denounced by Jeremy Corbyn over a Joke


Okay, all this talk about teleology and such is pure sophistry, and trauma definitely does exist. And people cannot break free from the past. 

Surely you realise that? We cannot go back to the past in a time machine. As long as the past exists as the past, we live within contexts from the past. 

If one were to treat the past as something that does not exist, that would be the same as negating the entire life one has led. Are you suggesting I choose such an irresponsible life? 

It is true that one cannot use a time machine or turn back the hands of time. But what kind of meaning does one attribute to past events? This is the task that is given to ‘you now’. 

All right, so let’s talk about ‘now’. Last time, you said that people fabricate the emotion of anger, right? And that that is the standpoint of teleology. I still cannot accept that statement. For example, how would you explain instances of anger toward society, or anger toward government? Would you say that these, too, are emotions fabricated in order to push one’s opinions? 

Certainly, there are times when I feel indignation with regard to social problems. But I would say that rather than a sudden burst of emotion, it is indignation based on logic. There is a difference between personal anger (personal grudge) and indignation with regard to society’s contradictions and injustices (righteous indignation). Personal anger soon cools. Righteous indignation, on the other hand, lasts for a long time. Anger as an expression of a personal grudge is nothing but a tool for making others submit to you. 

YOUTH: You say that personal grudges and righteous indignation are different? 

PHILOSOPHER: They are completely different. Because righteous indignation goes beyond one’s own interests. 

YOUTH: Then, I’ll ask about personal grudges. Surely even you get angry sometimes—for instance, if someone hurls abuse at you for no particular reason—don’t you? 

No, I do not. 

YOUTH: Come on, be honest. 

PHILOSOPHER: If someone were to abuse me to my face, I would think about the person’s hidden goal. Even if you are not directly abusive, when you feel genuinely angry due to another person’s words or behaviour, please consider that the person is challenging you to a power struggle. 

YOUTH: A power struggle? 

PHILOSOPHER: For instance, a child will tease an adult with various pranks and misbehaviours. 
In many cases, this is something done with the goal of getting attention, and will cease just before the adult gets genuinely angry. 
However, if the child does not stop before the adult gets genuinely angry, then his goal is actually to get in a fight. 

Why would he want to get in a fight? 

He wants to win. He wants to prove his power by winning. 

YOUTH: I don’t really get that. Could you give me some concrete examples? 
Let’s say you and a friend have been discussing the current political situation. 
Before long, it turns into a heated argument, and neither of you is willing to accept any differences of opinion until finally it reaches the point where he starts engaging in personal attacks—that you’re stupid, and it’s because of people like you that this country doesn’t change; that sort of thing. 

But if someone said that to me, 
I wouldn’t be able to put up with it. 

In this case, what is the other person’s goal? 
Is it only that he wants to discuss politics? 
No, it isn’t. It’s that he finds you unbearable, and he wants to criticise and provoke you, and make you submit through a power struggle. If you get angry at this point, the moment he has been anticipating will arrive, and the relationship will suddenly turn into a power struggle. No matter what the provocation, you must not get taken in. 

YOUTH: No, there’s no need to run away from it. If someone wants to start a fight, it’s fine to accept it. Because it’s the other guy who’s at fault, anyway. You can bash his nose in, the stupid fool. With words, that is. PHILOSOPHER: Now, let’s say you take control of the quarrel. And then the other man, who was seeking to defeat you, withdraws in a sportsmanlike manner. The thing is, the power struggle doesn’t end there. Having lost the dispute, he rushes onto the next stage. YOUTH: The next stage? PHILOSOPHER: Yes. It’s the revenge stage. Though he has withdrawn for the time being, he will be scheming some revenge in another place and another form, and will reappear with an act of retaliation. YOUTH: Like what, for instance? PHILOSOPHER: The child oppressed by his parents will turn to delinquency. He’ll stop going to school. He’ll cut his wrists or engage in other acts of self-harm. In Freudian aetiology, this is regarded as simple cause and effect: the parents raised the child in this way, and that is why the child grew up to be like this. It’s just like pointing out that a plant wasn’t watered, so it withered. It’s an interpretation that is certainly easy to understand. But Adlerian teleology does not turn a blind eye to the goal that the child is hiding. That is to say, the goal of revenge on the parents. If he becomes a delinquent, stops going to school, cuts his wrists or things like that, the parents will be upset. They’ll panic and worry themselves sick over him. It is in the knowledge that this will happen that the child engages in problem behaviour. So that the current goal (revenge on the parents) can be realised, not because he is motivated by past causes (home environment). YOUTH: He engages in problem behaviour in order to upset his parents? PHILOSOPHER: That’s right. There are probably a lot of people who feel mystified by seeing a child who cuts his wrists, and think, Why would he do such a thing? But try to think how the people around the child—the parents, for instance—will feel as a result of the behaviour of wrist-cutting. If you do, the goal behind the behaviour should come into view of its own accord. YOUTH: The goal being revenge? PHILOSOPHER: Yes. And once the interpersonal relationship reaches the revenge stage, it is almost impossible for either party to find a solution. To prevent this from happening, when one is challenged to a power struggle, one must never allow oneself to be taken in. 


YOUTH: All right, then what should you do when you’re subjected to personal attacks right to your face? Do you just grin and bear it? PHILOSOPHER: No, the idea that you are ‘bearing it’ is proof that you are still stuck in the power struggle. When you are challenged to a fight, and you sense that it is a power struggle, step down from the conflict as soon as possible. Do not answer his action with a reaction. That is the only thing we can do. YOUTH: But is it really that easy to not respond to provocation? In the first place, how would you say I should control my anger? PHILOSOPHER: When you control your anger, you’re ‘bearing it’, right? Instead, let’s learn a way to settle things without using the emotion of anger. Because after all, anger is a tool. A means for achieving a goal. YOUTH: That’s a tough one. PHILOSOPHER: The first thing that I want you to understand here is the fact that anger is a form of communication, and that communication is nevertheless possible without using anger. We can convey our thoughts and intentions and be accepted without any need for anger. If you learn to understand this experientially, the anger emotion will stop appearing, all on its own. YOUTH: But what if they come at you with mistaken accusations, or make insulting comments? I shouldn’t get angry even then? PHILOSOPHER: You don’t seem to understand yet. It’s not that you mustn’t get angry, but that there is no need to rely on the tool of anger. Irascible people do not have short tempers—it is only that they do not know that there are effective communication tools other than anger. That is why people end up saying things like ‘I just snapped’ or ‘he flew into a rage’. We end up relying on anger to communicate. YOUTH: Effective communication tools other than anger … PHILOSOPHER: We have language. We can communicate through language. Believe in the power of language, and the language of logic. YOUTH: Certainly, if I did not believe in that, we wouldn’t be having this dialogue. PHILOSOPHER: One more thing about power struggles. In every instance, no matter how much you might think you are right, try not to criticise the other party on that basis. This is an interpersonal relationship trap that many people fall into. YOUTH: Why’s that? PHILOSOPHER: The moment one is convinced that ‘I am right’ in an interpersonal relationship, one has already stepped into a power struggle. YOUTH: Just because you think you’re right? No way, that’s just blowing things all out of proportion. PHILOSOPHER: I am right. That is to say, the other party is wrong. At that point, the focus of the discussion shifts from ‘the rightness of the assertions’ to ‘the state of the interpersonal relationship’. In other words, the conviction that ‘I am right’ leads to the assumption that ‘this person is wrong’, and finally it becomes a contest and you are thinking, I have to win. It’s a power struggle through and through. YOUTH: Hmm. PHILOSOPHER: In the first place, the rightness of one’s assertions has nothing to do with winning or losing. If you think you are right, regardless of what other people’s opinions might be, the matter should be closed then and there. However, many people will rush into a power struggle, and try to make others submit to them. And that is why they think of ‘admitting a mistake’ as ‘admitting defeat’. YOUTH: Yes, there definitely is that aspect. PHILOSOPHER: Because of one’s mindset of not wanting to lose, one is unable to admit one’s mistake, the result being that one ends up choosing the wrong path. Admitting mistakes, conveying words of apology, and stepping down from power struggles—none of these things is defeat. The pursuit of superiority is not something that is carried out through competition with other people. YOUTH: So, when you’re hung up on winning and losing, you lose the ability to make the right choices? 
PHILOSOPHER: Yes. It clouds your judgement, and all you can see is imminent victory or defeat. Then you turn down the wrong path. It’s only when we take away the lenses of competition and winning and losing that we can begin to correct and change ourselves.

Thursday 2 May 2019


(Growing in power
Not well?  

What is sickness to the body of a knight-errant?  

What matter wounds?  

For each time he falls he shall rise again – 
and woe to the wicked!  

(A lusty bellow

Here, your Grace!
My armor!  My sword!
(Delightedly, clapping his hands
More misadventures!
Adventures, old friend!  
(Rising from the bed, and as ALDONZA and SANCHO support him on either side, he sings)
Oh the trumpets of glory 
Now call me to ride, 
Yes, the trumpets are calling to me
And wherever I ride, 
every staunch at my side, 
My squire and My Lady shall be –

I am I, 
Don Quixote—
The Lord of LaMancha 
Our destiny calls and we go!
And the wild winds of fortune shall carry us onward

Oh, withersoever... 

(DON QUIXOTE falters)
(A cry of apprehension
My Lord--!
(Reassuring them, sings on)
Withersoever they blow, 
Onward to glory – 
(A sudden cry. A whisper)

I... go... 

(He crumples to the floor)


Mortal : 
If You were gonna DO something, 
you shoulda done it when we NEEDED You! 
Where were you THEN? 

God :
I Was Dead.

Mortal : 
Yeah, well... 
Maybe so... 
But you still shoulda DONE somethin’!


I'm glad you're back at the compound. 

I don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. 

We all need Family. 
The Avengers are yours. 
Maybe more so than mine. 

I've been on my own since I was 18. 

I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. 

My faith's in People, I guess. Individuals. 

And I'm happy to say that, for the most part, they haven't let me down. 

Which is why I can't let them down either. 

Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't. 

I know I hurt you, Tony. 

I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I'm sorry. 

Hopefully one day you can understand. 

I wish we agreed on the Accords, I really do. 

I know you're doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do. 

That's all any of us should. 

So no matter what, I promise you, if you need us…

If you need me…

I'll be There.


YOUTH: Wait a minute! I’m supposed to just let that one slip by? 

‘To get rid of one’s problems, all one can do is live in the universe all alone?’ 

What do you mean by that? If you lived all alone, wouldn’t you be horribly lonely? 

Oh, but being alone isn’t what makes you feel lonely.

Loneliness is having other people and society and community around you, 
and having a deep sense of being excluded from them. 

To feel lonely, 
we need other people. 

That is to say, it is only in social contexts that a person becomes an ‘individual’. 

YOUTH: If you were really alone, that is, if you existed completely alone in the universe, you wouldn’t be an individual and you wouldn’t feel lonely, either? 

PHILOSOPHER: I suppose the very concept of loneliness wouldn’t even come up. 

You wouldn’t need language, and there’d be no use for logic or commonsense, either. 

But such a thing is impossible. 

Even if you lived on an uninhabited island, you would think about someone far across the ocean. Even if you spend your nights alone, you strain your ears to hear the sound of someone’s breath. 

As long as there is someone out there somewhere, you will be haunted by loneliness. 

YOUTH: But then, you could just rephrase that as ‘if one could live in the universe all alone, one’s problems would go away’, couldn’t you? 

PHILOSOPHER: In theory, yes. As Adler goes so far as to assert, ‘All problems are interpersonal relationship problems.’ 

YOUTH: Can you say that again? 

PHILOSOPHER: We can repeat it as many times as you like: all problems are interpersonal relationship problems. This is a concept that runs to the very root of Adlerian psychology. 

If all interpersonal relationships were gone from this world, which is to say if one were alone in the universe and all other people were gone, all manner of problems would disappear. 

YOUTH: That’s a lie! It’s nothing more than academic sophistry. 

PHILOSOPHER: Of course, we cannot do without interpersonal relationships. 

A human being’s existence, in its very essence, assumes the existence of other human beings. 

Living completely separate from others is, in principle, impossible. As you are indicating, the premise ‘if one could live all alone in the universe’ is unsound. 

YOUTH: That’s not the issue I am talking about. 

Sure, interpersonal relationships are probably a big problem. That much I acknowledge. 

But to say that everything comes down to interpersonal relationship problems, now that’s really an extreme position. 

What about the worry of being cut off from interpersonal relationships, the kind of problems that an individual agonises over as an individual; problems directed to oneself. 

Do you deny all that? 

PHILOSOPHER: There is no such thing as worry that is completely defined by the individual; so-called internal worry does not exist. 

Whatever the worry that may arise, the shadows of other people are always present. 

YOUTH: But still, you’re a philosopher. Human beings have loftier, greater problems than things like interpersonal relationships. 

What is happiness, what is freedom? 

And what is the meaning of life? 

Aren’t these the themes that philosophers have been investigating ever since the ancient Greeks? 

And you’re saying, so what? 

Interpersonal relationships are everything? 

It seems kind of pedestrian to me. 

It’s hard to believe that a philosopher would say such things. 

PHILOSOPHER: Well, then, it seems there’s a need to explain things a bit more concretely. 

YOUTH: Yes, please do! If you’re going to tell me that you’re a philosopher, then you’ve got to really explain things, or else this makes no sense. 

PHILOSOPHER: You were so afraid of interpersonal relationships that you came to dislike yourself. 

You’ve avoided interpersonal relationships by disliking yourself. 

These assertions shook the youth to his very core. 

The words had an undeniable truth that seemed to pierce his heart. 

Even so, he had to find a clear rebuttal to the statement that all the problems that people experience are interpersonal relationship problems. Adler was trivialising people’s issues.  
The problems I’m suffering from aren’t so mundane! 



I'd rather not do this now. 

Yeah, me too. 

Why did you hate your father? 

Do you have something, 
a cowl or something you can put on? 

Why did you hate Your Father? 

Give me an honest answer. 

You had a father who loved you, 
he gave a damn about you. 

I didn't hate him. 

REY : 
Then why? 

Why, what? 
Why, what? 

Say it. 

REY : 
Why did you... 

Why did you kill him? 
 I don't understand. 

No? Your parents threw you away like garbage. 

They didn't! 

They Did
But you can't stop needing them. 

It's your Greatest Weakness. 
Looking for them everywhere.... 
In Han Solo.... now in Skywalker. 

Did he tell you what happened that night? 



He had sensed my power, 
as he senses yours. 

And he feared it.


Let The Past Die. 
Kill it, if You Have to. 

That's the only way to become 
What You Were Meant to Be. 

No! No! 


I should have felt trapped or panicked. 

But I didn't. 

This didn't go on forever, 
I knew it was leading somewhere. 

And that, at The End, 
it would show me what I came to see. 


Let me see them. 
My parents... please. 

I thought I'd find answers here. 
I was wrong. 
I've never felt so alone 

You're not alone. 

Neither are you. 


It isn't too late. 


It is True? 
Did you try to murder him? 

Leave this island now! 

Stop. Stop! 
Did you do it? 
Did you create Kylo Ren? 

Tell Me The Truth. 

I saw darkness. 
I'd sensed it building in him. 
I'd see it at moments during his training. 

But then I looked inside... 
And it was beyond what I ever imagined. 
Snoke had already turned his heart. 

He would bring destruction, and pain, and death... and The End of Everything I Love 
because of What He Will Become. 

And for the briefest moment of pure instinct... 
I thought I could stop it. 

It passed like a fleeting shadow. 
And I was left with shame... 
and with consequence. 

And the last thing I saw
were the eyes of a frightened boy,
whose Master had failed him. 

Ben, no! 

You failed him by thinking his choice was made - 
It wasn't. 

There is still conflict in him. If he turned from the dark side, that could shift the tide. 

This could be how we win. 

This is not going to go the way you think. 

It is. Just now, when we touched hands... I saw his future. 
As solid as I'm seeing you. 
If I go to him, Ben Solo will turn. 

Rey... don't do this. 

Then he is our last hope.

Master Yoda. 

Young Skywalker. 

I'm ending all of this. 
The tree, the text, the Jedi. 
I'm going to burn it down. 

Hmm. (laughs) 
Ah, Skywalker, missed you, have I. 

So it is time for the Jedi Order to end. 

Time it is. 
For you to look at a pile of old books, hmmm? 

The Sacred Jedi texts! 

Oh. Read them, have you? 

Well, I... 

Page-turners they were not. 
Yes, yes, yes. 
Wisdom they held, but that library contained nothing that the girl Rey does not already possess. 

Skywalker, still looking to the horizon. 
Never here, now, hmmm? 
(pokes Luke with his walking stick

The need in front of your nose. Hmmm? 

I was weak. Unwise. 

Lost Ben Solo, you did. 
Lose Rey, we must not. 

I can't be what she needs me to be. 

Heeded my words not, did you? 
Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. 
But weakness, folly, failure, also. 
Yes, failure most of all. 

The Greatest Teacher, Failure is. 

Luke, we are what they grow beyond. 
That is the true burden of all masters.

Well, I was thinking that you drink too much and it was probably gonna Kill You.

Mortal : 
If You were gonna DO something, you shoulda done it when we NEEDED You! 
Where were you THEN? Huh?

God : 
I Was Dead.

Mortal : 
Yeah, well... 
Maybe so... 
But you still shoulda DONE somethin’!

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Oh, I am VERY Real

Oh, I am VERY Real — I’m The Realest Person You’re Ever Gonna Meet.