Showing posts with label Negotiation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Negotiation. Show all posts

Thursday 22 April 2021

Of course. And Do You Know HOW You Know That?

“I have to say I did come to the 'end' of all magic as I'd known it and been practising for 25 years and, like a man standing blinking and dazed, ears ringing at ground zero of a nuclear blast, I'm trying to find novel ways to explain what has happened and present it to the world in the form of Blank Magic. 

The Filth was written from the eye of the experience. 
All the really good stuff is still to come. 

For anyone who cares to keep up with these things, 
(and I'm sure many of my readers are practitioners), 
the Qabalistic wisdom I carried home from The Filth Working 
is very simple and profound and is expressed by Greg Feely 
in the scene behind the flower shop - 

The Crown is in The Kingdom, 
The Reverse is Also True. 

And for Enochian magic enthusiasts, 
Greg can be read as Nemo tending his garden if you like.

Of course it took me a long time and a lyric from the new Monster Magnet record to finally get 
The Real Message of The Abyss :

'Shut your mouth, 
you big fucking baby!' 

So I will and Horus, 
crazy Child-God of The Aeon, 
will too
if you tell him


Well hopefully you're over that, still hurts I know 
but you can't freely climb The Tree 
if you confine yourself to The Dirt. 

Of course. I feel a whole lot better now 
but times were fucked up for a while 
and it's shaken me right down to my boots.”

“I guess I have to do The Only Thing I CAN Do — ACCEPTANCE.



Forgiveness — 

It’s The ONLY Tools We’ve Got Left.


And Evolution

if yer interested in it."   

It's no good, Bonnie. 
You can't win. 

I don't care. 

Hi! Hello! Hello! 

(The two Zygons seize Clara.)

Oh, hello! Hi. Hi. 
Stop this. Stop this, please. 

Let me take both of these boxes away.

We'll forgive, we'll forget. 
And the ceasefire will stand. 


Kate goes to the red box.

Doctor, which of these buttons do I press? 
Doctor, which one

Truth or Consequences

Bonnie aka Clara-Zygon 
stands at the blue box.

Truth or Consequences

This is the Moment 
we've all been waiting for. 

Make your mind up time! 

He goes into American Game Show Host mode

One of those buttons 
will destroy The Zygons, 
Release The Imbecile's gas.
The Other One detonates 
The Nuclear Warhead under The Black Archive. 
It'll Destroy Everyone in London.

Bonnie, sweetheart! 

One of those buttons 
will unmask every Zygon in The World. 

The Other One cancels their ability 
to change form. 

It'll make them 
Human Beings for ever


There are safeguards 
beyond safeguards. 

I did this on a very 
important day for me 
and this ceasefire will stand. 

This is Wrong. 

No, it's not

You are responsible for all the violence. 
All of the suffering.
No, I'm not



Yes. You engineered this situation, Doctor. 
This is your fault. 

No, it's not. 
It's your fault. 

I had to do 
What I've Done. 

So Did I. 

We've been treated like cattle. 

So what.

We've been left to fend for ourselves. 

So's everyone. 

It's Not Fair. 

Oh, it's not Fair
Oh, I didn't realise that it was 
Not Fair! 

Well, you know what? 
My TARDIS doesn't work properly 
and I don't have my own personal Tailor. 

The things don't equate. 

These things have happened, Zygella. 
They are facts

You just want cruelty to beget cruelty

You're not superior to people who were cruel to you. 
You're just a whole bunch of new cruel people. 

A whole bunch of new cruel people 
being cruel to some other people, 
who'll end up being cruel to you. 

The only way anyone can live in peace 
is if they're prepared to forgive. 

Why don't you break the cycle? 

Why should we? 

What is it that you actually want

(After a long pause.)


Ah. Ah, right. 
And when this war is over, when you have a homeland free from humans, what do you think it's going to be like? 

Do you know? 
Have you thought about it? 

Have you given it any consideration? 

Because you're very close to getting 
What You Want. 

What's it going to be like? Paint me a picture. 
Are you going to live in houses? 

Do you want people to go to work?
Will there be holidays? 

Oh! Will there be music? 
Do you think people will be allowed 
to play violins? 
Who's going to make the violins? Well? 

Oh, you don't actually know, do you? 

Because, like every other 
tantrumming child in history, Bonnie, 
You don't actually know What You Want. 

So, let me ask you A Question 
about this Brave New World of yours :-- 

When you've killed all The Bad Guys, 
and when it's all Perfect and Just and Fair
when you have finally got it 
exactly The Way You Want It --

What are You Going to Do with 
The People Like You

The Troublemakers

How are you going to protect 
Your Glorious Revolution from 
The Next One? 

We'll win. 

Oh, will you? Well, maybe, 
maybe you will win! 

But nobody wins for long
The Wheel just keeps turning. 

So, come on. 
Break The Cycle. 

Why are you still talking? 

Because I Want to 
Get You to See
and I'm almost there! 

Do you know what I see, Doctor? 

A Box. 

A Box with Everything I Need
A fifty percent chance. 

For us, too. 

Both women have their hands poised 
over the buttons. 
The Doctor resumes Games Host mode.

And we're off! Fingers on buzzers! 
Are you feeling lucky? 

Are you ready to 
Play The Game? 

Who's going to be quickest? 
Who's going to be luckiest? 

This is not A Game! 

No, it's not A Game, sweetheart, 
and I mean that most sincerely. 

Why are you doing this? 

Yes, I'd quite like to know that, too. 
You set this up. Why

Because it's not A Game, Kate. 
This is a scale model of War

Every war ever fought, 
right there in front of you. 

Because it's always the same —
When you fire that first shot, 
no matter how right you feel, 
You Have No Idea Who's Going to Die! 

You don't know whose children 
are going to scream and burn

How many hearts will be broken! 
How many lives shattered! 

How much blood will spill until 
everybody does what they were always 
going to have to do
from The Very Beginning -- 

Sit Down and Talk! 


Listen to me. 
Listen, I just, I just want you to think

Do you know what thinking is
It's just a fancy word for changing your mind. 

I will not change my mind. 

Dr. Disco : 
Then you will die stupid. 

Alternatively, you could 
step away from that box, 
You can walk right out of that door 
and you could stand 
Your Revolution down

No! I'm not stopping this, Doctor. 
I started it. I will not stop it. 

You think They'll let me go
after what I've done? 

Dr. Disco : 
You're all the same, you screaming kids.
You know that? 

"Look at me, I'm unforgivable."
Well, here's the unforeseeable : 
I forgive you. 
After all you've done, I forgive you. 

You don't understand. 
You will never understand. 

Dr. Disco : 
I don't understand? 
Are you kidding? Me

Of course I understand. 
I mean, do you call this a war? 
This funny little thing? 

This is not a war

I fought in a bigger war 
than you will ever know.

I did worse things 
than you could ever imagine

And when I close my eyes 
I hear more screams 
than anyone could ever 
be able to count

And do you know what you do 
with all that pain? 
Shall I tell you where you put it? 

You hold it tight 
'til it burns your hand, 
and you say this :

"No one else will ever 
have to live like this. 

No one else will have to 
feel this pain. 

Not on my watch!"

(Kate closes the lid of the red box and steps back.)

Dr. Disco : 
Thank you. 
Thank you.

I'm sorry. 

Dr. Disco : 
I know. I know. 
Thank you. 

(to Clara-Z


(Long, LONG pause.)

It's empty, isn't it? 

Both boxes. 

There's nothing in them. 
Just buttons

Of course

And do you know 
How you know that? 

Because you've started 
to think like me

Clara-Z drops her hand away 
from the buttons.

It's Hell, isn't it?
No one should have 
to think like that. 

And no one will
Not on Our Watch

Their eyes meet


How can you be so sure? 

Because you have a disadvantage, Zygella. 

I know that face. 

This is all very well, 
but we know the boxes are empty now --

We can't forget that

No, well, er, you've said that 
the last fifteen times

He sonics the memory filter 
in the ceiling. 


Osgood leans an unconscious Kate 
against a rack of stuff. 

Clara-Z closes the blue box.