Showing posts with label Eurus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eurus. Show all posts

Friday 21 September 2018

Eurus Always Adored Music



“Speech is the power of communication; the moment of entrance into active life is marked by its attainment.”

"In The Beginning was The Word —"

EXCEPT : That is not exactly True, now is it...?

(quietly, leaning towards her again): 
I’ll let you in on something, Janine. 

JANINE (in a whisper): 
Go on, then. 


I love dancing. 

I’ve always loved it. 


SHERLOCK (quietly): 
Watch out. 

(Looking around to make sure that nobody else can see him, he swings both of his arms to the left, takes a sharp breath, rises onto his left foot and does a full-circle pirouette.

Ooh! Woah! 

Never really comes up in crime work but, um, you know, I live in hope of the right case. 

JANINE (sighing wistfully): 
I wish you weren’t ...
... whatever it is you are. 

I know.

I think that music is a genuine mystery.

It's one of the experiential phenomena we all have access to.

It's like looking into the Night sky.

Or at The Grand Canyon.

There's something about it that seems to speak about things that are beyond the mundane.

And it's an interesting thing that music can do that, because although it has this arguably transcendental element, it's rare to find someone who doesn't like music.

So it's transcendental and niversal at the same time.

It also seems to me that music reliably speaks to people of meaning.

And that there are... And that the reason music plays such a popular, powerful role in our culture is because the meaning that music speaks of is beyond rational critique.
And we're very rational, and we're very intelligent.

And so we've been able to make intellectual hash out of most of the things that had traditionally offered people a grounded sense of meaning.

But because music is beyond rational criticism, it seems to have been able to retain its experiential connection with transcendent meaning denied the fact our rational mind has destroyed everything else
that's transcendental.

Part of the reason music can do this is because it's beyond verbal formulation or verbal criticism.

So if you listen to a song, whether it has lyrics or not,  you could perhaps assume that it just doesn't, it does something to you.

And if someone, who had never heard music, asked you what it did, you couldn't tell them in any way that was a reasonable mary of the experience itself.

I suppose you could consider that analogous to trying to describe colour to someone who is blind.

Whatever music is about, isn't translatable into language

Now, we cause language to augment our pleasure in music.

We do that with lyrics constantly.

But whatever it is that music speaks of... If it speaks of something... Is not something you can speak of in words.

Now, as rational people, we're also inclined to presume if it's real, you can speak about it in words.

But there have been cultures since the dawn of history believe that there were certain things that were not only unspeakable from a verbal perspective, but whose meaning was actually demolished, if it was put in words.

I mean for example in ancient Hebrew societies and current Islam societies, it's heretical Heretical, improper to make an image of the transcendent.

And the reason for that, it's not merely an arbitrary, moral law, nonsensical from a rational perspective.

The reason for that is some things lose their meaning as soon as they are translated into something that's as tiny as a word.

And music is one of those things.

- Jordan Peterson