Saturday 8 June 2024

I am The Job

Michael Caine :
Hands folded... ankles 
crossed. Neck up! 

And remember. Smile
Smilers wear a crown
Losers wear a frown.

Miss Congeniality :
I would so love to hurt you right now.

Michael Caine :
As long as you... smile

Now... Why is New Jersey 
called The Garden State? 

Miss Congeniality : (smiling)
Because it's too hard to fit "Oil and 
Petrochemical-refinery State
on a license plate? 

Michael Caine :
You know, I-I don't appreciate your selfishness and immaturity when I'm working as hard as I am. 

You know, what is the diffence? Big deal. It is fixed, I'm in the top five. Congratulations... to me. 

But i-i-is that enough? Have you no pride in...
in yourself, in your... in your presentation

Miss Congeniality :
You know what? I'm an FBI agent, all right? 
I'm not a performing monkey in heels. 

Michael Caine :
You're also a person and an incomplete one at that! 
In place of friends and relationships, 
you have sarcasm and a gun. 

Miss Congeniality :
Oh, I have sarcasm? 
When every word that 
comes out of your mouth 
is dripping with disdain? 

Michael Caine :
Ah, that is because 
I am a miserable
grumpy elitist, and 
that works for Me. 

Miss Congeniality :
You know what? I don't have relationships 
because I don't want them. 
And-and-and I don't have friends because I work 24-7. 
And you have no idea why I am the way that I am. 

Look, as we're practising interviews here, 
why are you the way you are? 

Miss Congeniality :
None o' your damn business. That's why. 
None o' your damn business. 
All the judges probably have 
never heard that before. 

We have more to do here. 

Miss Congeniality :
(pulls a gun)
No, we are finished

Michael Caine :

Miss Congeniality :
Come in, gimme a 20 on 
Matthews. Right now. 

Be advised he's at the pool. 

"How do you feel about 
gun control?" Favorable

Miss Congeniality :
Thought I'd let you know I 
was quittin', all right? Take care. 

Hold on a second. Wait a minute. 
What do you mean, you quit

Miss Congeniality :
I mean, you got the wrong girl. All right? 

Hart, I do not need this now. 
I know you don't need this right now. 

Miss Congeniality :
That's what I'm saying, all right? 
I'm totally screwing up in there! 
I don't even feel like a real agent anymore. 
I mean, Vic says this thing that's, like, so... 
You know... I don't care what he said. 
I don't care. I-I-I don't care, you know? 
Because I am the job. I am the job 
and I'm okay with that. 
I mean, you're the job. Right?

Yeah, I'm the job. We're all the job. 
You're the job. 

So, then, what's wrong with me
I date. I go on dates. I know... 
I know everyone thinks I haven't 
had a date about 10 years.

Is that... is that what you think? 

I think you date. 

Miss Congeniality :
Damn right I do. But, you know, 
both times it was totally screwed up. 

You know what? I don't even care. I don't care. All I... all I wanna do... is my job. And for the last three days, I feel like I'm completely lost. Hart, listen to me. I've been waiting five years to run my own op. You think I'd blow it on the wrong girl? No, no, no. I know the only reason you picked me is because I'm the only one to look half decent in the bikini and wasn't on maternity leave. No, that's why they let me pick you. - You wanna know why I picked you? - Lost a bet. Because you're smart, because you don't take any crap from people, you're funny... you're easy to talk to when you're not armed... Give yourself a break, cut Vic and the rest of the pageant ladies some slack. Because if they see ever get the chance to see what I see, then... they're gonna love you. So, what do you say? - All right, I won't let you down. - Good, that's what I wanna hear. I mean, in all honesty, I-I-I might let you down. But I'm gonna... try my best... not to. Do not mess with the dress. Oh, Vic is gonna kill you. - What? - You in big trouble. - Why? You fell. You actually... - Big trouble.

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