Thursday 6 June 2024

No, I cannot. But I Will.

The Crossing: Glover/Washington Scenes

General Washington : 
(finishes explaining The Plan)
That's it, that's the whole of it.

 Col. Glover :
And You want 
My Opinion? 

General Washington : 
and Honestly.

 Col. Glover :
I Think You've lost 
Your Mind

General Washington : 
Well, that's plainly-said
Colonel Glover, but it's 
quite beside The Point, 
The Question is 
Can You Do it? 

 Col. Glover :
No, I cannot
But I Will. 

General Washington : 
....what The Devil 
does that mean?

 Col. Glover :
It means that the whole thing 
is a damn-lunatic affair --  
But if you're determined to 
ride into Hell -- I'll go along. 
And My Fishermen will go too

When all is Said and Donethere's 
no alternative -- is there?

General Washington : 
I think not... 

 Col. Glover :
Very well, then.
That's that

General Washington : 

 Col. Glover :

General Washington : 
Thank you.

 Col. Glover :
Tell me that when 
We've Done it -- Sire.

It's Christmas, sir. Happy to you, Christmas. Thank you. Always shave with cold water? - I have to get used to it. It's true. If we go. We're crossing, Chief. Tonight. May I ask something? - Would you Did not you say no? -I would not. Then, of course, to Gloucester. Say it. - Would you attack Hessence in the afternoon? A stupid question, I do not intend to. But would you? - Talk, openly. - Good. Let's say the boats Prepare until 17.30. It's already night. We're left six and a half hours to cross. Mash at midnight. People will be Cold, it will be wet and tired. With three kilometers per hour, We arrive in Trenton before dawn. We'll go five an hour. - Maybe, I'm not saying that you will not even want to. But such an army can not to get ice for 6 or 10 hours. So you'll be in Trenton for a day. If we even cross the damn river. What did you say last time? -Please? - If we go anyway. Header? -Yes? Since I've known you, You're bothering me and torturing me. You'd be a general not to torture and all the others. - I do not care about that. We need more soldiers, not generals. - The truth. 

You're a hard man to Like, Glover -- 
But you saved us to Brooklyn, on
 the Frogs to the North and the North. 
You are brave of anyone I know. 
And you're a great soldier. So this is the command, if you will not to return people to Massachusetts. Or where did you come from? So, execute the command. Transfer me an army across the river, and this night. I understand, General, I'll transport you army across the river. So, God, I do not know how, but I will do it. I'm not going to Trenton until all boats pass. I want Tour Fishermen with me.

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