Saturday 1 June 2024

David Foster Wallace - The Dangers Of Internet & Media Addiction

David Foster Wallace - The Dangers Of Internet & Media Addiction

"Instead of disconnecting entirely, perhaps approaching our consumption with some amount of intention is more realistic, similar to how one might be conscious of what they eat and drink

To curb an unhealthy diet, one does not stop eating, but instead, they eat healthier foods and perhaps less food. We can have our cheat days, but should be careful and recognize the very real consequences of what media we consume and how much we consume of it. 

This is not to suggest that modifying and reducing our consumption is easy, but it is to suggest that perhaps it is serious and necessary if we want to be healthier, happier individuals. In life, there is value in effort, vulnerability, and selflessness. 

There is value in doing or watching things that make us work a little, or feel a little gloomy, or think a little bit more than we’d like

There are parts of life that aren’t pleasurable, but rewarding
Parts where you don’t feel special, but feel a part of a much bigger picture or community. 
Parts that aren’t entertaining, but important

Perhaps what we can learn from Wallace is to remember this : To not always follow our desires for pleasure and ease, and instead, sometimes force ourselves to face our demons head on. To challenge ourselves. To try to connect with, understand, and improve The World around us, instead of trying to escape it."

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