Showing posts with label NASTHALTHIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASTHALTHIA. Show all posts

Saturday 18 May 2024

-- and An Assistant.



To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


The universe, as we know it, is held in delicate balance by forces which we do not yet fully understand. We know, in the broadest terms, that the planets hold their course relative to the galaxy, that the galaxy holds its course relative to…? Discussion as to the force binding the galaxy in its equilibrium is a matter of constant speculation. Following investigation of elementary particles, gravity is the least likely force. Electromagnetic is the next most likely. Nuclear, or ‘Strong Interaction’, is the most significant force, though this is tempered by the fourth force ‘Weak Interaction’, (responsible for a number of phenomena of which the best known is Beta Radioactivity). This last force is that which is undergoing the most strenuous research. (REF: Plank, Einstein, Millikan on Photons, European Organisation for Nuclear Research, Geneva, on Elementary Particles.)

There exists the distinct possibility that the Fourth Force will discredit Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity and lend credence to Minkowski’s extension of ordinary geometry – that of the fourth dimension, Space/Time.

Thus the state of all matter is held in balance by four forces, of which the weakest, most insignificant, is the unexplained arbiter.

Gravity can be controlled, to a certain extent. Electromagnetism can be controlled, to a certain extent. Nuclear Interaction can be controlled, to a certain extent. But the Fourth Force…?

The Time Lords have a degree of control over this Fourth Force, by which they regulate the balance, in so far as they can, of their Cluster. (A collection of Galaxies.)

In the normal course of events, this control suffices. But Time Lords, like human mortals, effect control when and where they like, and to whatever ends they desire, either committed or ambivalent.

Control cannot be allowed to rest in the hands of so capricious a people. A further, and greater, degree of control must vest in a higher, and more responsible faculty.

Eternity and infinity, as concepts, do not, by their very nature, allow for an absolute Authority the Pyramidical Hierarchy stretches through Time and Space and can have no apex. But the next step is logical

The balance must be kept by someone , or something, which enjoys a greater sense of responsibility, and a greater sense of objectivity. A sense of right against a sense of wrong. A force for right against a force for wrong. If a force for good were to govern the balance there would be no balance. Therefore the force of evil must have an equal control. Must responsibility and objectivity lie solely in the hands of the good influence? Demonstrably not so. Of our recent history there is no account nor any evidence that Hitler believed in his principles less sincerely than Churchill did in his. Where were Nuremburg, had Hitler won?

Where would we stand if evil were the norm and good … abominated? If the balance were to shift, then this could, should, would become the case.

Hypothesis :
All civilizations abhor the idea of authority without responsibility. Therefore the Time Lords, with their immense authority, must be responsible, as civilized beings, to a yet higher authority. Even if they are unaware of that authority’s existence… or have yet to admit to it…

The President of the High Council of Time Lords, upon his ratification, is made aware of such a higher authority. He is made aware that, awesome as the power of the Time Lords is to humans, or indeed to other beings, it is only as awesome as the power held over the Time Lords.

There exists in our section of the universe, our section of the Cosmos, , our section of the Cluster, two Guardians. One is for ‘Good’, one is for ‘Evil’. One for ‘Construction’, one for ‘Destruction’. One for…the opposites are infinite, as they must be.

‘Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite them. And little fleas have smaller fleas, and so ad infinitum…’

There is no evidence stronger to our earthly eyes than the difference between pure black and pure white.  So, without any pre-judgement, let us call our two Guardians Black and White.

The source of power for both these Guardians resides in neutral territory – the Centre of Time.  It is called the Key to Time and is in the form of six interlocking unequal segments, each of which, joined with the others, forms a perfect cube in the ratio of 6 x 6 x 6 units. This cube, this Key, is stolen by an agent of Black and scattered throughout space and time. Unless this key can be recovered in a finite time, measured, naturally, not in minutes, hours, months or years, then the balance will be destroyed. It is easier to destroy than create; it is easier to kill than give birth; it is easier to demolish than build. The Apocalypse will not be instantaneous – there would be no joy for Black in that. But for millennia worlds and their inhabitants would suffer… famine, war, pestilence, despair, until finally they would be destroyed, or better still, destroy themselves. And for all we know, that is what is happening now.

Prognosis :
The above is simply the background, or rather framework, in which we shall explore the Doctor’s attempts to recover, as an agent of White, the Key to Time. Over 26 episodes, telling six individual stories, he will recover the Sections which form the Key to Time.

The time limit in which he has to work will be clearly defined by ‘a candle’ – a bright orb, so bright in its normal state that to look upon it by the uninitiated would be blinding, but now already diminished. As it fades, so do the hopes of all civilisations.

The Doctor will be seen to have six independent ventures, each linked by the common theme. He will, on occasion, have to decide whether to subordinate the individual problem to the overall plan. He will, on occasion lose a battle to win the war. But each venture in itself must be self explanatory. He may meet old adversaries or encounter new. They will remain, as they always have been, the agents of ‘Black’. Those who wish to join him in episode one and follow him through to episode twenty-six will gain the momentum and bonus of following the story through. Those who choose to watch only one venture will enjoy it for its own sake – the scope in each venture is as wide and as free-ranging as ever – but should be encouraged as far as possible to see what happens next. But what does happen next?

Perhaps the Guardians are Time Lords advanced to a higher degree along their own paths. Perhaps this is a test as to whether the Doctor is to qualify for advancement. Perhaps this is a gigantic fraud. Does the good guy always wear the white hat? Whatever the outcome, either individually or overall, the Doctor will arrive at his own conclusions and decisions in his own fashion. As always."

Ooh. Can we have a show trial before we put 
these traitors to death? Are you okay?

Better than okay. 
I can see the entire electromagnetic spectrum... 
and those must be atoms, little clouds of possibility. 
Einstein couldn't connect the gravitational force to 
the other three... but if he could have seen this... 
It's so obvious

Uncle Lex? 

The fundamental forces are yoked by Consciousness
Everything's connected. Everyone
And this is how he sees things 
all the time
Every day. 

I don't know if I should be worried or mortified. 

It's a cruel joke —
The mechanistic clockwork of Reality,
hinging on a precious impossible 
Defiance of Entropyon Life
And The Clockwork doesn't care. 

It's like... Like it's all just us, in here together
We're all we've got

You are embarrassing me beyond therapy. 

You'll have to forgive him, Nasthalthia. 
He just figured out How Everything Works.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

The Clockwork Doesn’t Care — But You DO

Ooh. Can we have a show trial before we put 
these traitors to death? Are you okay?

Better than okay. 
I can see the entire electromagnetic spectrum... and those must be atoms, little clouds of possibility. 
Einstein couldn't connect the gravitational force to the other three... but if he could have seen this... 
It's so obvious

Uncle Lex? 

The fundamental forces are yoked by Consciousness
Everything's connected. Everyone
And this is how he sees things 
all the time
Every day. 

I don't know if I should be worried or mortified. 

It's a cruel joke —
The mechanistic clockwork of Reality,
hinging on a precious impossible 
Defiance of Entropy, on Life
And The Clockwork doesn't care. 

It's like... Like it's all just us, in here together
We're all we've got

You are embarrassing me beyond therapy. 

You'll have to forgive him, Nasthalthia. 
He just figured out How Everything Works.