Friday 14 June 2024

Informal Processing

Freddie Quell, a volatile, heavy-drinking veteran 
who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, 
finds some semblance of a family 
when he stumbles onto the ship of Lancaster Dodd, 
the charismatic leader of a new "religion" 
he forms after World War II.

The Master Informal Processing (Full Scene) - HD

"My favorite scene from one of my favorite movie.

Freddie Quell experiences processing from Lancaster Dodd, marking the start of a twisted yet beautiful friendship that will span over trillions of years.

I claim no ownership of this material. Uploaded for 
entertainment and enjoyment purposes only"

Master :
Freddie. Lovely.
I've been writing.

Feel like I went under.
Dark cloud rolls in, opens up.

Anxious to share new work.
Would you care for some 
informal processing?

Dog :
Sure. What do I have to do?

Master :
Just answer my questions, we talk.

Dog :


Master :
Very good. Have a seat.
How are you feeling, Freddie?

Dog :

Master :
- You rested? - Yes.

Master :
- Excited? - Yeah.

Master :
Have you made some friends?

- Everyone is very nice here.

Master :
Good. Good.
How are you feeling?

Yeah, good.

Master :
I gather myself.
You'll be my guinea pig and protege --
Informal processing.

Are you ready?


Master :
Say your name.

- Freddie Quell.

Master :
Say it again.

Freddie Quell.

Master :
- Say it again. - Freddie Quell.

Master :
- Say it again. - Freddie Quell.

Master :
Might as well say it one more time, just
 to make sure you know who you are.

Freddie Quell.

Are you thoughtless in your remarks?

I usually put some thought into them.

Do you linger at bus stations for pleasure?


Do you get muscle spasms for no reason?


Do your past failures bother you?


Do your past failures bother you?


Do your past failures bother you?


Do your past failures in life bother you?


- Is your life a struggle? - No.

- Do you like to be told what to do? - No.

Is your behavior erratic?


Do you find interest in other people?

Not really.

- Do you find it easy to be fair?


Master :
Are you often consumed by envy?

Dog :
No, about what?

Master :
Are you often consumed by envy?

Dog :
I don't unders... 
You mean like jealousy?

Master :
Like jealousy.

Dog :
Oh, well, yeah --
I don't like someone else's 
hands on my girls --

I don't like to think about it. 
It makes me sick.

Are you scientific in your thought?


Are you concerned with the impression you make?


I don't understand.

Yes, you do.

Well, most people are asses, if that's what you mean.

Are you usually truthful to others?

No. I don't know.

- Sometimes. - Are you unpredictable?


Silly animal.

- I couldn't help it. - Dirty animal.


It's good to laugh during processing.

Sometimes we forget, even if it is the sound of an animal.

Freddie Quell, test session, March 5th, 1950, 1800 hours.

Aboard the sailing vessel Alethia.

LD, MOC, MD, logged and approved.

Should we sample another sip before we join them upstairs?

Wait, that's it?

For now.

No, no, no, no. You got to ask me more.

This is fun. Come on, you got to ask me more.

Could you answer the next series of questions without blinking your eyes?

- Yes. - Without fear and hesitation,

- answer as quickly as you can? - Sure.

- Again.

Starting now, you are not to blink.

If you blink we go back to the start.


You blinked.

Starting now, you are not to blink.

If you blink, we go back to the start.

Do you often think about how inconsequential you are?


Do you believe that God will save you from your own ridiculousness?


Have you ever had intercourse with someone inside your family?


Have you ever had intercourse with someone inside your family?

- Yes. - Who?

- My auntie. - Have you killed anyone?

- No. - Maybe?

- Not me. - Have you killed anyone?

- No. - How many times did you

- have intercourse with your aunt? - Three times.

- Where is your aunt now? - I don't know.

Would you like to have intercourse with her again?


- Do you regret this? - No.

- Where is your mother? - I don't know. Loony...

- Infringement. - Fuck!

- Back to the start. - OK.

Do you often think about how inconsequential you are?


- Do you believe that God will save you? - No.

Have you ever had sex with a member of your family?

- Yes. - Are you lying?

- No. - Who?

- My Auntie Bertha. - Where is your aunt now?

I don't know, maybe home.

- Are you lying? - No.

- Are you a liar? - Yes.

- Have you killed anyone? - Yes.

- Who? - Japs in war.

- Do you regret this? - No.

- What are you running from? - Maybe I hurt a man, I think.

Maybe he's dead. I don't know.

- Where? - In Salinas.

He stole a batch of my booze and he drank it.

- Is this booze you make poison? - Not if you drink it smart.

- Are you trying to poison me? - No.

- Where is your father? - Dead.

- How did he die? - Drunk.

Where is your mother?

Where is your mother?

- Loony bin. - Is she psychotic?


- What is the name of your aunt? - Bertha.

How did you come to have sex with your Auntie Bertha?

- I was drunk and she looked good. - And you did it again and again?


Have you ever had bad thoughts about Master Peggy?

- Yes. - What did you think?

- I thought you were fools. - Am I a fool to you?

- No, sir. - If you were locked in a room

for the rest of your life, who would be in there with you?

- Doris. - Who's Doris?

Best girl I ever met. The girl I'm going to marry one day.

- Is she in Lynn? - Yes.

- Lynn, Massachusetts? - Yes, sir.

- Then why aren't you with her? - I'm an idiot.

- Why aren't you with that lovely girl? - I got no reason. I'm a fool.

- Do you love Doris? - Yes.

- Is she the love of your life? - Yes, sir.

- Then why aren't you with her? - I don't know.

Yes, you do. Tell me why you're not with her if you love her so much.

I told her I'd come back, and I never went back

and now I just, I got to get back to her.

- Why don't you go back? - I don't know.

- Why don't you go back? - I don't know!

Close your eyes.

Recall a word.


Can you recall what you're wearing?

Navy blues.

What do you hear?

Voices inside.

Sailor :
Hello, Mrs. Solstad.

The Virgin :
What made you come 
and see me?

Sailor :
I thought about you.

I thought about you 
when I was away.

The Virgin :
I got your letter.

Sailor :
They have you write 
to soldiers at school?

The Virgin :
I wrote to you.
How come you didn't 
write me back?

Sailor :
I don't know.
I did. I just... 
never sent it.

Are you going 
to Briar Cliff?

The Virgin :
I'm not in college.

Sailor :
What are you, a senior?

The Virgin :

Sailor :
 You're not 
a freshman.

The Virgin :
I'm a sophomore.

Sailor :
So how old does 
that make you?

The Virgin :
......did you think 
I was older?

Sailor :
No -- I don't really remember.

The Virgin :
Can I kiss you...?

Recall a sound.

She's singing.

Her voice settles me down.

The Virgin :
I'm meant to go 
to Norway.

Sailor :
When's this?

The Virgin :

Sailor :
.....what for?

The Virgin :
I'm going to meet the 
rest of Our Family.

Sailor :
.....well, I don't think you should go.
No, you're not going to go.

I came all this way to see you, 
and I want you to stay here.

The Virgin :
All right.

All right.

Can you recall a word?

Any word.


Say it again.


Who's saying "away"?

Dog :
I am.

Outbound for Shanghai!
Need one able-bodied seaman, 
one oiler and one baker.

The Man McCoughsky.
The Man Quell.

Sailor :


Sailor :
Yes, sir.

Done this before?

Sailor :
Yes, sir.

Tomorrow morning, 8:00.

Sailor :

The Virgin :

Sailor :
Listen, I gotta go somewhere for a few months,
so you should go to Norway.

The Virgin :
 Where are you going?

Sailor :
I got a job that takes me away.

The Virgin :

Sailor :
I don't know.
Don't ask me so many questions. 
I don't know anyway.

You know, I didn't know 
which window was yours, 
and I always guess right.

You take your trip 
and come back home,
and that's gonna 
be our time, right?

That's gonna be our time. 
That's gonna be our time, right?


Sailor :
Right? Say yes.

Say yes.


Sailor :
I'll be back in a minute...

Master :
Release and return to me.
Open your eyes.
Say your name.

Dog :
Freddie Quell.

Master :
Are you here 
with me in 1950?

Dog :

Master :
End of session.
How do you feel?

Dog :
I feel good.

Master :
Left side of your body feel OK?

Dog :

Master :
Right side of your stomach?

Dog :

Master :

Dog :
A little.

Master :
Are you a member of 
The Hidden Rulers?

Dog :
I don't know what that is.

Master :
Any communist organization?

Dog :

Master :
Any invader-force on this 
planet or anywhere else?

Dog :
No, sir.

Master :
You are The Bravest 
Boy I've ever met.

To The Poison --

AhWell done.

I like Kools.

Minty flavor.

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