Showing posts with label Dr. Moreau. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Moreau. Show all posts

Monday 27 May 2024

A Place of Burning, Torment and Misery


"Down to Gehenna or up to The Throne,
He travels the fastest who travels alone."

"As important as the character of Dr. Moreau were the Beast-people. They were going to be civilised, at least more so than we've seen in the previous Moreau versions. 

They've decorated themselves. They've got piercings. They've got some degree of beast-person civilisation. 

There is no Cat-Lady in The Book. 

The Panther-Woman was added in the in the Erle C. Kenton movie 
in the process of making it more Hollywood, and we, in return, retained her. 

In reality, Aissa, our cat-lady is drawn from another novel. 
We stole it from Outcast of the Islands, the Joseph Conrad novel. 

We thought since there's this connection between Conrad and Wells
borrowing characters from another Conrad story was vaguely in our agreement. 

I was determined on some level that I would provide that moment, that we were going to see The Girl turn into A Cat and be An Animal. She would run on all fours. She would become furry and underneath her chilaba is furry all over and has a tail. 

The Dog-people take the opportunity, while The Master is away, 
to chase her up the wall, drag her down, and kill her. Being civilised
they then proceed to not just to eat her but to cook her 
and then serve her to The Castaway. 

When he realises What's Happened in his absence, 
he immediately shoots a couple of the dog-men. 
The dog-men really love him

Not only that, they've got very short memories, because they're dogs
So they don't really remember that they've killed and cooked The Cat-Lady to begin with. 

They don't really understand why he's killing them. 

We also rationalise that Montgomery would undoubtedly 
be sleeping with the Beast-people if he's been on the island for decades

I know in one version we had the thought of the Pig-Lady biting Montgomery's dick off during the final party, which... later in the story, the Beast-people get into Montgomery's stash

So suddenly we're dealing with Humanized-animals on Drugs, 
which is a very appealing thought, and then one starts wondering 
how they would behave and what they would see.

And these were to prove to be controversial elements later in the development process. 

Here we see the muscular satyr character cranking the handle to lower the lift cage. 
All the way down the shaft, there's other creatures living in the different layers of the complex. 

We see them through the cage of the elevator, and they're peeking out, and we notice that there's babies and fires burning down there. 

Here the Bear-man reaches for the conch shell with a Lord of the Flies touch and then picks up the conch shell and blows it. 

Yes, there was going to be Animal-Vision in this movie, just like Toad-Vision or Droid-Vision. Of course, we're going to see point-of-view shots from the beast people.