Wednesday 2 October 2024

Fleabag’s Dad

I don't wish to upset you, Mr Marlow...
No, let me be more precise
I do not wish to upset 

I think you need help.
I think you know that you need help.
And you're too intelligent or too 
aware of your condition to deny it.

Most chronic dermatological patients 
are on tranquillisers or anti-depressants, 
almost as a matter of routine.
Skin is, after all, extremely personal, is it not?

The temptation is to believe that the sins 
and poisons of the mind have somehow 
erupted on to the skin. "Unclean!" you shout, 
ringing your bell, warning us to keep clear.

The Leper in the Bible, yes?
But that's nonsense, you know.
DO you know?

Well, one part of you does, I'm sure.
You can be helped.

Moreover, Mr Marlow, 
I think I can help.

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