Grace : (explaining)
….he likes me to
call him “Doctor”.
Life’s Champion :
I am a Doctor!
Grace :
(turning back
to Not-Bruce)
You know, Freud had
a name for that…..
The Master :
(feeling helpful)
“One thing that’s certain, is that
The Church has always,
and will always warn us, strongly,
against dabbling in things about which
we do not know, in The Occult.
In some 20% of cases
of Diabolical Possession or
Exorcism that we are able to study,
The Exorcist himself
has taken-on some of the symptoms
of Diabolical possession, towards
the end of the case —”
This is what these
Church-Fathers fear
may come to be widely known
far and wide, taken seriously,
and come to be believed
or else accepted to be true
by the masses of The General population, in particular, The Leity of The Church, heresay or speculation, as rumours spread, crirculating throughout
The Church itself, on a global scale —
….so, given that, is it any wonder that they seek to impose such absolute secrecy and confidentiality relative to
any ongoing or active
cases of claimed Diabolism
under investigation and
subject to the process of Ecclesiastical
Authority and Authorisation —
— and, why, up until
Fr.Gabriel Amorth
extended his invitation
to Billy Freidkin, right,
almost and the very end
of both men’s so very
long lives and careers,
with their matching
flawless reputations
for absolute professionalism
and authenticity,
they absolutely would not
allow anyone to film it —
not ever.