Saturday 18 May 2024

An Additional Donation of $5 Dollars.


3:14 PM

(Scully walks into the old cabin. The bell rings as the door opens. There is a sign next to a pot that says "Freaks Free; Others Please Leave Donation." Scully walks over to it, puts a bill in, and starts looking around. She looks at a picture of siamese twins. Passing various strange things in jars, she picks up another picture of the siamese twins. They are named Chang and Eng. The Curator walks out behind her. His face is disfigured and is reflected in a small mirror.)

CURATOR: Welcome to my museum. May I put to rest any questions you may have conjured?

SCULLY: I was just reading about the fascinating life of Chang and Eng and wondering if their death was just as fascinating.

CURATOR: Oh, very much so. 

On a cold January eve in 1874, Eng awoke to find his brother had passed away during the course of the night. 

A few hours later, Eng himself departed from this world. 

Now, these facts themselves may be less than fascinating but imagine... imagine being Eng and lying there.
(He puts his disfigured hand on her shoulder.)
Knowing that essentially half your body was now dead... 
that the rest must inevitably follow... 
and being able to do about it absolutely nothing

At the autopsy, it was officially concluded that Chang died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

SCULLY: And what was the official cause of Eng's death?

CURATOR: Fright.

(He smiles and starts to walk away.)

SCULLY: Do you have any information on blockhead or geek acts?

(They walk into another room.)

CURATOR: This is a historical collection of human curiosities. Blockheads are skilled performers.

SCULLY: Like magicians?

CURATOR: Like sword swallowers, who really do swallow swords. And geeks are neither skilled nor curiosities

They're merely unseemly... not even attaining the level of "gaffs."

SCULLY: "Gaffs?"

(The curator takes a picture of two siamese twins who look very different.)

CURATOR: Observe closely the dissimilarity of the facial features. Conjoined twins are always identical. These twins are phonies... gaffs.

SCULLY: Sort of like the Feejee Mermaid?

(He laughs and puts the picture down.)

CURATOR: You're investigating the Alligator Man's murder, yes? I have something I believe you might find of some interest.

(He hands her a picture of "Jim-Jim, the Dog-Faced Boy.")

SCULLY: What does this have to do with the Glazebrook murder?

CURATOR: I've recently come into possession of an authentic P.T. Barnum exhibit. 

Now, I don't show this display to all my customers... only those with the intellectual curiosity to appreciate it.
(He walks over to a door behind Scully.)
Barnum billed it as "the great unknown."

(He opens the door. Scully is about to enter, but he stops her.)

I must first ask of you two favors. 
Tell no soul what you witness in here.

SCULLY: And the second favour?

CURATOR: An additional donation of five dollars.

(She hands him five dollars and steps inside the dark room. 
He locks the door behind her. 

She walks over to the only object in the room, 
a trunk cast in a spotlight. 

She tentatively opens the trunk to find... nothing

A door swings open to her left with an "Exit" sign above it. 
A buzzer goes off and she looks down at the trunk, 
smiling slightly at having been duped.)

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