Sunday 25 October 2015

We Need to Have a Talk About Mr. Fusion...

Yes. THIS one, this we have to a serious conversation about this one here, all by itself.

An extra 30 years of global subservience to the global petrochemical hydrocarbon cartel, paying though the nose for internal combustion, for NO REASON, when we could have had free or almost free energy this whole time, now that we know for ABSOLUTE CERTAIN that Cold Fusion is real, Cold Fusion works, and that it ALWAYS WORKED, right out of the box back in 1989, back when Fleischman and Ponds got drummed out of science and run out of the United States on a rail by the Bush Administration and the Department of Energy...

This is not one of the ones we can just ignore.... 

The Fleischmann-Pons Cell

This is not comparable with continuing existence and ubiquity of the Fax as the dominant organ for mass communication in  The Future of 2015.

I haven't seen a fax since around 1991, and even then it was being hawked by Vanilla Ice and a couple of the ninja turtles, drinking tins of Tab Clear, whilst wearing Global Hypercolour T-Shirts.


  1. Like all your stuff: It may be good, but it's way too long to catch people's attention.

  2. I meant "keep" people's attention.
