Sunday 23 June 2024


R. D Laing's Glasgow (1975)

Dr. R. D. Laing :
Some terrible things happen 
in The Name of Love.

Angie :
Well I love you Ronnie.
....Do you love me?

Dr. R. D. Laing :
....Love's a terrible burden 
to inflict on someone.

Angie :
What's the matter?

Dr. R. D. Laing :
You know Syd's Mother died
'cause she loved him so much?

-- I don't think My Mother
would've died to Save Me...

She didn't even want anyone
to know she was pregnant --
Maybe she didn't want me...

Certainly don't remember
her ever kissing me, or 
holding me or puttin'
her arms around me.

Our House was not
A Place of Love.

Angie :
...where was Your Dad?

Dr. R. D. Laing :
Doctors said it was 'overwork',
nowadays they'd call it
a Nervous Breakdown.

Angie :
So You were alone
with Your Mother..?

Dr. R. D. Laing :
I've been holding one
hand or another ever since.

[Father breathing rapidly]

Dr. R. D. Laing :
I've spent My Life
Listening to people
that no one else gives 
a fuck about --

Angie :
You sound angry.

Dr. R. D. Laing :
I'm not angry
I'm just tired
I just need sleep...

I need to go away to
Glasgow to see Suzie;

She's still under 
The Weather.

Angie :
I'll come with you.

Dr. R. D. Laing :
...Nah, I don't think that's 
a good ideashe's 
really not herself --

Angie :

Dr. R. D. Laing :
Oh, for fuck's sake,
it's not a family outin';
My Daughter's ill.

She just needs to spend
a bit of time with me.

.....I didn't tell You 
to leave them --


He told Julia The Story of 
His Mother's disappearance. 
Without opening her eyes 
she rolled over and settled herself 
into a more comfortable position.

'I expect you were a 
beastly little swine 
in those days,'
she said indistinctly. 
'All children are swine.'

'Yes. But the real point 
of The Story----'

Lord of the Flies  1963

'Have you done this before?'

'Of course. Hundreds of times -- well, scores of times, anyway.'

'With Party members?'

'Yes, always with Party members.'

'With members of the Inner Party?'

'Not with those swine, no. But there's plenty that WOULD if they got half a chance. They're not so holy as they make out.'

His heart leapt. Scores of times she had done it: he wished it had been hundreds -- thousands. Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with a wild hope. Who knew, perhaps The Party was rotten under the surface, its cult of strenuousness and self-denial simply a sham concealing iniquity. If he could have infected the whole lot of them with leprosy or syphilis, how gladly he would have done so! Anything to rot, to weaken, to undermine! He pulled her down so that they were kneeling face to face.

'Listen. The more men you've had, the more I love you. Do you understand that?'

'Yes, perfectly.'

'I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.'

'Well then, I ought to suit you, dear. I'm corrupt to the bones.'

'You like doing this? I don't mean simply me : I mean the thing in itself?'

'I adore it.'

That was above all what he wanted to hear. Not merely the love of one person but the animal instinct, the simple undifferentiated desire : that was the force that would tear The Party to pieces. He pressed her down upon the grass, among the fallen bluebells. This time there was no difficulty. Presently the rising and falling of their breasts slowed to normal speed, and in a sort of pleasant helplessness they fell apart.

'It's coffee,' he murmured, 'real coffee.'

'It's Inner Party coffee. There's a whole kilo here,' she said.

'How did you manage to get hold of all these things?'

'It's all Inner Party stuff. There's nothing those swine don't have, nothing. But of course waiters and servants and people pinch things, and -- look, I got a little packet of tea as well.'

Winston had squatted down beside her. He tore open a corner of the packet.

'It's real tea. Not blackberry leaves.'

'There's been a lot of tea about lately. 
They've captured India, or something,' she said vaguely.

And He said, "What hast Thou DONE? 
The Voice of thy brother's blood crieth 
unto Me from the ground.

And now art Thou cursed from the earth, 
which hath opened her mouth to receive 
thy brother's blood from thy hand;

When Thou tillest the ground, it shall not 
henceforth yield unto thee her strength; 
a fugitive and a vagabond shalt Thou be in the earth.

And Cain said unto the LORD, 
"My Punishment is greater than I can bear.

Behold, Thou hast driven me out 
this day from the face of the earth; 
and from thy face shall I be hid; and 
I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond 
in the earth; and it shall come to pass, 
that every one that findeth me shall slay me."

And the LORD said unto him, 
"Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain
vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold." 

And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, 
lest any finding him should kill him.

Friday 21 June 2024


Scrooged  - Ghost of Christmas Future


Scrooged - The Truth is Painful


Niagra Falls Frankie Angel

The Acolytes

The Acolyte

"...and one thing that we uh -- 
that Joaquin came up with 
and found was, um  
--for a lot of these Sailors 
that had been in The War
that when they came 
back from The War, 
they felt very aimless
because they didn't have 
any Commander anymore.

You know, that they 
LIKED being in....
They enjoyed the the part of The Military 
that was very structured, that 
gave them A Commander
that if they had A Commander 
that they connected to, they 
Liked very much, they really 
liked working for them
they liked being guided --

And to come back to ‘Reality’ 
and real -- or not 'reality', 
but to come back to Home
and Life back here, to 
not have that, is 
very disorienting."

Joaquin gets defensive.
By Antoinette Bueno

Published: 10:18 AM PST, 
November 12, 2014

Though the typically reclusive Joaquin Phoenix rarely talks about his unconventional upbringing, the Oscar-winning actor gets candid with Playboy Interview about his experience being born into the Children of God cult, as well as his infamous 2009 Late Show with David Letterman appearance.

Joaquin's parents joined the controversial religious group Children of God in the early 1970s and traveled throughout South America along with him and his siblings -- including the late River Phoenix, who died of a drug overdose in 1993 -- but left when they became disenchanted with the group.

"When people bring up Children of God, there's always something vaguely accusatory about it," the Her star, now 40, tells the magazine. "It's guilt by association. I think it was really innocent on my parents' part. They really believed, but I don’t think most people see it that way. I've always thought that was strange and unfair."

"I think my parents thought they'd found a community that shared their ideals," he further explains. "Cults rarely advertise themselves as such. It's usually someone saying, 'We're like-minded people. This is a community,' but I think the moment my parents realized there was something more to it, they got out."

Joaquin also comments on his 2010 faux documentary I'm Still Here, in which he pretended to reinvent himself as a rapper. This being the notoriously intense Joaquin, he took it to the next level by making one of the most bizarre appearances ever on Late Show with David Letterman, which lots of people didn't take too kindly to.

"David Letterman was not in on the joke," he reveals. "But look, David Letterman is one of the smartest guys on television. There's no way that guy doesn't know what's going on in some way. That's what I'll say about it."

Despite the controversial reception to the Casey Affleck-directed film, he calls the entire experience "liberating."

"Unlike when you’re acting and everyone is there to support you and you can do take after take, when I did those live music shows and the movie, the safety net wasn’t there," he says. "I can see how people felt like they’d been duped. I think I would have had a similar reaction. I totally understand people getting defensive and scared because they don’t want to be taken advantage of. I think now everyone knows it was never our intention to attack people. We were clearly attacking ourselves."

As for his trouble dealing with fame, Joaquin compares it to being an attractive woman.

"I think I know what it's like to be an attractive woman," he says. "I think that's basically what the experience [of fame] is, right? But that sycophantic energy is uncomfortable to be around. Nobody wants to experience that."

Though as he gets older, Joaquin admits he feels like he knows less and less.

"All I know is that I’ve been fortunate, and my good fortune continues," he reflects. "Other than that, the older I get, the more I know that I don’t f**king know anything at all. .... I'm trying to get better at being open to the mystery of it all."

Playboy Interview's December issue hits newsstands this Friday.

The Amazing World of Psychic Phenomena

Amazing World of Psychic Phenomena (1976)

The Phantom Victory


In The Past
Politicians promised 
to create A Better World. 

They had Different Ways of achieving this, but
Their Power and Authority came 
from the optimistic Visions 
they offered to Their People. 

Those Dreams FAILED. 

And Today, People have 
Lost Faith in Ideologies. 

Politicians are seen simply 
as Managers of Public Life. 

But now, They have Discovered 
A NEW Role that restores 
Their Power and Authority. 

Instead of Delivering Dreams, Politicians now promise 
to Protect Us from  NIGHTMARES

They Say that 
They will rescue Us,
from dreadful Dangers 
that We cannot See and 
DO Not Understand. 

And The Great Danger of All —

"So much of the news this year has been hopeless, depressing, and above all, confusing. To which the only response is to say, "oh dear."

What this film is going to suggest is that that Defeatist Response has become a central part of a new system of political control. 

And to understand how this is happening, you have to look to Russia, to a man called Vladislav Surkov, who is A Hero of Our Time. 

Surkov is one of President Putin's advisers, and has helped him maintain his power for 15 years, but he has done it in a very new way. 

He came originally from the avant-garde art world, and those who have studied His Career, say that what Surkov has done, is to import ideas from conceptual art into the very heart of politics. 

His aim is to undermine peoples' perceptions of the world, so they never know what is really happening. 

Surkov turned Russian Politics into a bewildering, constantly changing piece of Theatre

He sponsored all kinds of groups, from neo-Nazi skinheads to liberal human rights groups. He even backed parties that were opposed to President Putin. 

But the key thing was, that Surkov then let it be known that this was what he was doing, which meant that no one was sure what was Real or Fake. As one journalist put it: "It is a strategy of power that keeps any opposition constantly confused." 

A ceaseless shape-shifting that is unstoppable because it is undefinable.

It is exactly what Surkov is alleged to have done in The Ukraine this year. 

In typical fashion, as The War began, Surkov published a short story about something he called Non-linear War. A War where you never know what The Enemy are really up to, or even who they are

The underlying aim, Surkov says, is not to Win The War, but to use the conflict to create a constant state of destabilized perception, in order to manage and control.

But maybe, we have something similar emerging here in Britain. Everything we're told by journalists and politicians is confusing and contradictory

Of course, there is no Mr. Surkov in charge, but it is an odd, non-linear world that plays into the hands of Those in Power.

British troops have come Home from Afghanistan, but nobody seems to know whether it was A Victory or whether it was A Defeat. 


Aging disk jockeys are prosecuted for crimes they committed decades ago, while practically no one in The City of London is prosecuted for the endless financial crimes that have been revealed there. 

In Syria, We are Told that President Assad is The Evil Enemy, but then His Enemies turn out to be even more evil than him, so We Bomb Them, and by doing that, We Help keep Assad in Power. 

But the real epicenter of this non-linear world is The Economy, and the closest we have to our own shape-shifting Post-Modern Politician is George Osborne

He tells us proudly that The Economy is Growing, but at the same time, wages are going down

He says he is reducing The Deficit, but then it is revealed that The Deficit is going up

But the dark heart of this shape-shifting world is Quantitative Easing. 

The Government is insisting on taking billions of Pounds out of the economy through its austerity program, yet at the very same time it is pumping billion of Pounds into the economy through Quantitative Easing, the equivalent of 24,000 Pounds for every family in Britain. 

But it gets even more confusing, because the Bank of England has admitted that those billions of Pounds are not going where they are supposed to. 

A vast majority of that money has actually found its way into the hands of the wealthiest five percent in Britain. 

It has been described as the biggest transfer of wealth to the rich in recent documented history. 

It could be a huge scandal, comparable to the greedy oligarchs in Russia. A ruthless elite, siphoning off billions in public money. But nobody seems to know. 

It sums up the strange mood of our time, where nothing really makes any coherent sense. 

We live with a constant vaudeville of contradictory stories that makes it impossible for any real opposition to emerge, because they can't counter it with any coherent narrative of their own

And it means that We as individuals become ever more powerless, unable to challenge anything, because we live a state of confusion and uncertainty. 

To which the only response, is : Oh Dear

But that is 
What They want You to Say.

Thursday 20 June 2024

You are Superior to NO ONE!

[Kapitan's office]

(The Kapitan is a human, and an SS officer.)
Ever since my days at the university 
I've admired this painting, and 
now it's mine

Our fellow officers might prefer gold or land, but for me the greatest prize of war is art.

Trophies of The Hunt. But was The Hunt fair?

We entered this city with superior firepower against a weakened prey. Do you really deserve these prizes?
KAPITAN: We are German. The German people deserve Europe and everything in it.


Sir, you question our destiny?

Of course not. But I want to 
hear it in your own words. Tell me, 
why are we the Master Race?

Our blood is pure. Our people lived and hunted 
on this land for a thousand years before
 the degenerate races brought their corruption. 
Europe must be purified.

You yourself, are you stronger 
than these degenerate races? 
More cunning?

Yes, of course.

And if you were alone without an army supporting you, 
would you continue the hunt?
 If your prey were armed instead
of defenceless, what then?

I, Colonel, I, I don't know what you're trying --

(The Hirogen grabs his throat.)

You are superior to no one
Never underestimate your prey or 
disrespect its abilities. If you do,
 you will become the hunted. 

When the opposing army invades 
this city, remember my words.

(The Kapitan nods. There is a knock on the door.)
KARR: Enter.
(Torres is shown in. A copy of Da Vinci's lost Leda and the Swan is one of the paintings on the wall.)
KAPITAN: Brigitte.
TORRES: I'm sorry, I know I'm not supposed to come here. Don't blame him. I told him that I was ill and I had to see you.
KARR: I will leave you two alone.
KAPITAN: Heil Hitler!
(The Alpha leaves without returning the salute.)
KAPITAN: It's all right, the Colonel is in a strange mood today.
(He hugs Torres.)
KAPITAN: What's wrong? Is it our child?
TORRES: I don't know. I was dizzy.
KAPITAN: I'll call the doctor.
TORRES: No. I feel better now. Maybe I just needed to see you. Why haven't you shown me this place before?
KAPITAN: I didn't want your neighbours to see you coming here. They make it difficult enough, knowing we're together.
TORRES: I don't care what they think. It's beautiful.
(She is referring to a small sculpture on a side table.)
KAPITAN: Praxiteles, master sculptor of ancient Greece. There are only three like this in all of Europe.
TORRES: So many wonderful things.
(Including a soldier with headphones on sitting at a radio set.)

[Sainte Claire - Street]

(Two Hirogen are walking together. )
TURANJ: The Kommandant would have us continue this simulation until we rot. It's pointless. We should begin the hunt. He believes we must learn more about our prey, but I have learned enough. Ready your weapon. Avoid the cranium.
(Neelix is wheeling his bicycle along the street. They shoot at him. People scatter, but Seven shoots back.)

Nazi seduces Hirogen

[Le Coeur de Lion]

(Turanj pours himself a glass of wine.)
TURANJ: Synthetic, and undrinkable. I am tired of this simulation.
KAPITAN: Mein Herr, a word with you.
TURANJ: And these holograms are becoming annoying as well.
KAPITAN: What are we waiting for? Why don't we execute these prisoners?
TURANJ: Orders from the Kommandant.
KAPITAN: If I may speak freely. The Kommandant has been acting strangely the past few days. He's been questioning German superiority. Perhaps we shouldn't follow his orders so blindly.
TURANJ: You will do as he says, as long as I tell you to.
KAPITAN: I don't know how much longer I can stand being trapped in here.
TURANJ: Perhaps you would enjoy some entertainment. Sing.
SEVEN: I will not.
TURANJ: Sing or you will die.
SEVEN: Then I'll die.
TUVOK: Seven, you are a valued member of this crew. The logical response would be to grant his request.
SEVEN: Logic is irrelevant. One day the Borg will assimilate your species despite your arrogance. When that moment arrives, remember me.
KARR [OC]: Bridge to holodeck one.


KARR: I've come to an agreement with Captain Janeway. Call a ceasefire.

[Le Coeur de Lion]

TUVOK: Captain?
JANEWAY [OC]: It's true, Tuvok.


JANEWAY: Our first order of business is to call off the troops. I want you to find Chakotay

[Le Coeur de Lion]

JANEWAY [OC]: And have him convince his soldiers to pull out of the city.
TUVOK: Aye, Captain.
KARR [OC]: Turanj


KARR: Order our hunters to end the fighting.

[Le Coeur de Lion]

KAPITAN: This is madness. We're winning this battle.

[Le Coeur de Lion]

KARR [OC]: Our civilisation depends on this agreement.

[Le Coeur de Lion]

TURANJ: Acknowledged. You heard him, release the captives. I'll tell the others. Order all units to withdraw to these positions
KAPITAN: I have always thought highly of you.
TURANJ: Have you?
KAPITAN: Yes. But the Kommandant is a fool. He doesn't understand. He's never embraced the Fuhrer or his vision. One does not cooperate with decadent forms of life. One hunts them down and eliminates them. The Kommandant speaks of civilisation. The ancient Romans were civilised. The Jews are civilised. But in all its moral decay, Rome fell to the spears of our ancestors, as the Jews are falling now. Look at our destiny. (the flag behind the bar) The field of red, the purity of German blood. The blazing white circle of the sun that sanctified that blood. No one can deny us, no power on Earth or beyond. Not the Christian Saviour, not the God of the Jews. We are driven by the very force that gives life to the universe itself. We must countermand the Kommandant's orders, stay and fight. We must be faithful to who we are.
TURANJ: You two, follow me.

Saturday 15 June 2024

We Have Lost Out Way

Species that don't change, die.

The Killing Game - Alpha Hirogen Monologue

[Ready room]

(Redecorated in the Hirogen style. 
The Hirogen SS officer enters.)

I've been studying Voyager's database 
looking for our next simulation

There are many to choose from. 
These people have a violent history. 
I believe I've found a worthy prey. The Borg. 
When World War Two is over, we will recreate 
a notorious battle known as Wolf-359.

I look forward to it.

I thought you might. But if you continue to 
disobey me, this is one hunt you will never see. 
You nearly destroyed two of my 
favourite prey. You were careless.

I've become impatient. We penetrated this vessel, 
overcame their defences, and 
in the moment of the kill, you 
forced us to stop. Now we play 
these incessant games....

It's time we took our trophies 
and moved on.

Your lust for the kill has blinded you, 
like many young hunters. If you took 
the time to study your prey, to understand 
its behaviour, you might learn something.

There is nothing to be learned.

You're wrong. Each prey exposes us 
to another way of life and makes us 
re-evaluate our own. 

Have you considered our future? 
What would become of us when we have 
hunted this territory to exhaustion?

We will travel to another part of space, 
search for new prey, as we have always done.

A way of life that hasn't changed 
for a thousand years.

Why should it?

Species that don't change, die
We've lost our way. We've allowed 
our predatory instincts to dominate us. 

We disperse ourselves throughout the quadrant, 
sending ships in all directions. 
We've become a solitary race, isolated. 

We've spread ourselves too thin. 
We're no longer a culture. 
We have no identity. 

In another thousand years, 
no one will remember 
the name Hirogen

Our people must come back together
combine forces, rebuild our civilisation.

What of The Hunt?

The Hunt will always continue, but in a new way. 
I intend to transform this ship into a vast simulation, 
populated with a varied and endless supply of prey. 

In time, this technology can be 
duplicated for other Hirogen. 
These holodecks will allow us 
to hold onto our past, 
while we face the future.

Even if I were persuaded, others wouldn't be.

Then you are with me? I must continue my research. 
I'll see you tomorrow on holodeck one.
 The Americans are due to invade.

Paul Thomas Anderson's Ghost Story

Paul Thomas Anderson's Ghost Story

Master :
It's a hard, slow process.

Dog : 
I just don't understand it.

Master :
I don't either.
That's why we're here.

Dog :
....Do not do that, please?

Master :
Resume the exercise,
no matter what is said --

Dog : 

Master :
You may talk to Clark.
One minute.
Whatever comes to your mind.
True or False.

Dog : 
I don't want to say anything.

Master :
Then don't say anything.
Just look at him. One minute.
Starting now --

I want to fart in your face.

I wish I could fart.
Because I'd fart in 
your face right now.

How is this helping?

You'll see.

Clark Kent :
She got rid of you, right?

She saw you for what you are :
Selfish and Alone.

You should go into The Hospital
with your mother, because that's 
where you belong.

Because you're sick,
and you're tired,
and you need to be alone,
away from PEOPLE.

How many people
you KILL, dummy?

Are you drunk, dummy?

Did you blow them all up
and burn them?

Dummy, dummy, dummy.
Can you stay still, dummy?
Can you, dum-dum?

Are you A Loser?
You lunkhead.


- But...
- Fail.


Dog :
It's a fucking wall!

It's a fucking wall.
It's a fucking wall.

It's a fucking wall.
And I'm not in it.

I'm not in it. It's a window
and I can leave any time I want.

But I choose not to.
I choose to stay here.

It's breathing.

Master :
No matter what is said,
We Do Not React.
Freddie, you may begin --

Dog :
I was on A Ship that got
13 battle stars and Won The War.

What'd YOU Do, Dummy?