Wednesday 15 May 2024



Father Kevin Dyer : 
[On 'It's a Wonderful Life']  
I've seen it 37 times.

University President : 

Father Kevin Dyer :
Do you have a favourite picture?

University President : 
'The Fly'.

‘Fortunes were good?’ Rose asked. 

‘Well,’ Richie said, ‘I don’t know about the others, but I for one got a real eyeful.’ 

Bill heard a minute cracking sound. He looked down at his plate and saw a leg poking blindly out of his fortune cookie. It scraped at his plate. I could have bitten into that, he thought again, but held onto his smile. 

‘Very fine,’ he said. Richie was looking at Bill’s plate. A great grayish-black fly was slowing birthing itself from the collapsing remains of his cookie. It buzzed weakly. Yellowish goo flowed sluggishly out of the cookie and puddled on the tablecloth. There was a smell now, the bland thick smell of an infected wound. 

‘Well, if I can help you in no way at this moment …’ 

‘Not right now,’ Ben said. ‘A wonderful meal. Most … most unusual.’ 

‘I leave you then,’ she said, and bowed out through the beaded curtain. The beads were still swaying and clacking together when all of them pushed away from the table again. 

‘What is it?’ Ben asked huskily, looking at the thing on Bill’s plate. 

‘A fly,’ Bill said. ‘A mutant fly. Courtesy of a writer named George Langlahan, I think. He wrote a story called “The Fly.” A movie was made out of it – not a terribly good one. But the story scared the bejesus out of me. It’s up to Its old tricks, all right. That fly business has been on my mind a lot lately, because I’ve sort of been planning this novelRoadbugs, I’ve been thinking of calling it. I know the title sounds p-pretty stupid, but you see –’ 

‘Excuse me,’ Beverly said distantly. ‘I have to vomit, I think.’ She was gone before any of the men could rise. Bill shook out his napkin and threw it over the fly, which was the size of a baby sparrow. Nothing so large could have come from something as small as a Chinese fortune cookie … but it had. It buzzed twice under the napkin and then fell silent. 

‘Jesus,’ Eddie said faintly. 

‘Let’s get the righteous fuck out of here,’ Mike said. ‘We can meet Bev in the lobby.’ 

Beverly was just coming out of the women’s room as they gathered by the cash register. She looked pale but composed. Mike paid the check, kissed Rose’s cheek, and then they all went out into the rainy afternoon. 

‘Does this change anyone’s mind?’ Mike asked. 

‘I don’t think it changes mine,’ Ben said. 

‘No,’ Eddie said. 

‘What mind?’ Richie said. 

Bill shook his head and then looked at Beverly. ‘I’m staying,’ she said. ‘Bill, what did you mean when you said It’s up to Its old tricks?’ 

‘I’ve been thinking about writing a bug story,’ he said. ‘That Langlahan story had woven itself into my thinking. And so I saw a fly. Yours was blood, Beverly. Why was blood on your mind?’ 

‘I guess because of the blood from the drain,’ Beverly said at once. ‘The blood that came out of the bathroom drain in the old place, when I was eleven.’ But was that really it? She didn’t really think so. Because what had flashed immediately to mind when the blood spurted across her fingers in a warm little jet had been the bloody footprint she had left behind her after stepping on the broken perfume bottle. Tom. And (Bevvie sometimes I worry a lot) her father. 

‘You got a bug, too,’ Bill said to Eddie. ‘Why?’ 

‘Not just a bug,’ Eddie said. ‘A cricket. There are crickets in our basement. Two-hundred-thousand-dollar house and we can’t get rid of the crickets. They drive us crazy at night. A couple of nights before Mike called, I had a really terrible nightmare. I dreamed I woke up and my bed was full of crickets. I was trying to shoot them with my aspirator, but all it would do when I squeezed it was make crackling noises, and just before I woke up I realized it was full of crickets, too.’ 

‘The hostess didn’t see any of it,’ Ben said. He looked at Beverly. ‘Like your folks never saw the blood that came out of the drain, even though it was everywhere.’ 

‘Yes,’ she said. They stood looking at each other in the fine spring rain. 

Mike looked at his watch. ‘There’ll be a bus in twenty minutes or so,’ he said, ‘or I can take four of you in my car, if we cram. Or I can call some cabs. Whatever way you want to do it.’ 

‘I think I’m going to walk from here,’ Bill said. ‘I don’t know where I’m going, but a little fresh air seems like a great idea along about now.’ 

‘I’m going to call a cab,’ Ben said. 

‘I’ll share it with you, if you’ll drop me off downtown,’ Richie said. ‘Okay. Where you going?’ Richie shrugged. ‘Not really sure yet.’ The others elected to wait for the bus. 

‘Seven tonight,’ Mike reminded. ‘And be careful, all of you.’ 

They agreed to be careful, although Bill did not know how you could truthfully make a promise like that when dealing with such a formidable array of unknown factors. He started to say so, then looked at their faces and saw that they knew it already. He walked away instead, raising one hand briefly in farewell. The misty air felt good against his face. The walk back to town would be a long one, but that was all right. He had a lot to think about. He was glad that the reunion was over and the business had begun. 

Monday 13 May 2024


BBC Moviedrome - Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1978 - Introduced by Ale...

Here's Alex Cox [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] 

'Invasion of The Body-Snatchers' is that rarest of things -- 
a remake that is as good as The Original Film. 

They've been countless lousy and incompetent remakes Stagecoach for instance or Father of the Bride sometimes they are so bad they have to be concealed under a different title the remake of out of the past was called Against All Odds offhand I can think of only one other instance in which a genuinely good remake was made and that was William freaking's wages of fear a truly inspired retelling of the French classic wages of fear was a great film based on a great film -- 
it was also a Monumental failure at the box office 

Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a good film based on a good film needless to say it made lots of money and made its director Philip Kaufman that equally rare thing an independent American filmmaker whom the studios considered bankable from Humble and intelligent Beginnings like the great Northfield Minnesota raid he went on to achieve Grand eloquence in the form of the right stuff and the unbearable lightness of Daniel Day-Lewis 

The original version of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers has been shown on Moviedrome. 
As the gentle viewer will no doubt recall made in 1955 it was a dark and Moody science fiction Thriller a bit intellectual and a tad more subtle than the radioactive Cloud that turns men into giant ants 50s Norm directed by Don Siegel was a parable of the encroachment of a dangerous alien Conformity upon a small California town at the time the great manufactured paranoia was communism and the film could be viewed as a warning against said political Doctrine or as a criticism of those who would suppress it at all costs

Communism remained the Great American fear through six presidencies justifying the enormous military expenditures of the Truman Eisenhower Kennedy Johnson Nixon and Ford years -- 

By 1978 Carter was President and the Red Menace didn't seem to tremendous anymore; in fact for a brief while it began to appear that The Menace might actually be domestic rather than foreign, hence the very different take of Philip Kaufman's film -- instead of a small town in northern California we're in San Francisco, a city filled with already threatening people and job descriptions. 

Long before the aliens show up in force it's obvious that something's wrong the post-vietnam post-watergate fear of big unseen power politics lurks at the edges of the film 

One of the symbols of lurking corporate encroachment in this version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers is this odd looking skyscraper a little like a stretched out version of the Masonic pyramid on the dollar bill --

It appears several times and all this manages to aggravate our sense of unease. 

Ironically or maybe not this building 
is called The TransAmerica Tower --
Transamerica being a massive corporation 
that owned among other assets 
United Artists the producer of this film.

atch out for Don Siegel playing a small role as a taxi driver and Kevin McCarthy star of the previous Body Snatchers reprising one of the scenes from the original film also be on the lookout for a five second appearance from Robert Duvall whose part is so small he doesn't receive a credit and Leonard Nimoy in a non-pointy-eared role Grateful Dead fans should prepare to enjoy Jerry Garcia on the banjo [Applause] [Music]

Fraught with Fate

fatal (adj.)
ldlate 14c., "decreed by fate," also "fraught with fate," from O French fatal (14c.) and directly from Latin fatalis "ordained by fate, decreed, destined; of or belonging to fate or destiny; destructive, deadly," from fatum (see fate (n.)). Original senses are obsolete; the meaning "causing or attended with death" in English is from early 15c. Meaning "concerned with or dealing with destiny" is from mid-15c.
also from late 14c.

fate (n.)
late 14c., "one's lot or destiny; predetermined course of life;" also "one's guiding spirit," from Old French fate and directly from Latin fata (source also of Spanish hado, Portuguese fado, Italian fato), neuter plural of fatum "prophetic declaration of what must be, oracle, prediction," thus the Latin word's usual sense, "that which is ordained, destiny, fate," literally "thing spoken (by the gods)," from neuter past participle of fari "to speak," from PIE root *bha- (2) "to speak, tell, say." Often in a bad sense in Latin: "bad luck, ill fortune; mishap, ruin; a pest or plague."

From early 15c. as "power that rules destinies, agency which predetermines events; supernatural predetermination;" also "destiny personified." Meaning "that which must be" is from 1660s; sense of "final event" is from 1768. The Latin sense evolution is from "sentence of the Gods" (Greek theosphaton) to "lot, portion" (Greek moira, personified as a goddess in Homer).
The sense of "one of the three goddesses (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos) who determined the course of a human life" (or, as Blount has it, "the three Ladies of destiny") is in English by 1580s. Their Greek name was Moirai (see above), from a verb meaning "to receive one's share." Latin Parca "one of the three Fates or goddesses of fate" (source of French parque "a Fate;" Spanish parca "Death personified; the Grim Reaper") might be from parcere "act sparingly, refrain from; have mercy upon, forbear to injure or punish" (if so, probably here a euphemism) or plectere "to weave, plait." The native word in English was wyrd (see weird).

J'y suivais un serpent qui venait de me mordre
Quel repli de désirs, sa traîne!...Quel désordre
De trésors s'arrachant à mon avidité,
Et quelle sombre soif de la limpidité!

-- Paul Valéry, from La Jeune Parque

fatalism (n.)
1670s as a philosophical doctrine that all things are determined by fate, from fatal + -ism. Meaning "disposition to accept all conditions and events as inevitable" is from 1734.
Fatalism is a doctrine which does not recognize the determination of all events by causes, in the ordinary sense; holding, on the contrary, that a certain foreordained result will come about, no matter what may be done to prevent it. Fatalism is thus directly opposed to necessitarianism, according to which every event is determined by the events which immediately precede it in a mechanical way. [Century Dictionary]
femme fatale
See all related words (8) >
Trends of fatal
adapted from Ngrams are probably unreliable.
More to Explore
late 15c., "quality of causing death," from French fatalité, from Late Latin fatalitatem (nominative fatalitas) "fatal necessity, fatality," from Latin fatalis "ordained by fate; destructive, deadly" (see fatal). Senses in 16c.-17c. included "determined by fate" and "a destiny."
1710s, "prophetic," from fate (n.) + -ful. Meaning "of momentous consequences" is from c. 1800. Related: Fatefully. Sometimes used by 18c.-19c. poets as if it meant "having the power to kill," which usually belongs to fatal. The broad and diverging senses of fate (n.) also yielde
c. 1300, "any infectious or contagious disease, fatal epidemic," from Old French pestilence "plague, epidemic" (12c.) and...
infectious disease, formerly frequently fatal, 1857, from French diphthérie, coined 1855 by physician Pierre Bretonneau (...
1540s, "calamitous, disastrous, fatal" ("resembling the actions in a stage tragedy"), shortened from tragical (late 15c.)...
1530s, "reversal of what is expected" (especially a fatal turning point in a drama, the winding up of the plot), from Latin...
beginning, and is said to mean "he to whom it comes falls" (when introduced into the blood the effect is almost instantly fatal...
mid-13c., contenaunce, "behavior, bearing, conduct, manners;" early 14c., "outward appearance, looks," from Old French contenance "demeanor, bearing, conduct," from Latin continentia "restraint, abstemiousness, moderation," literally "way one contains oneself," from continentem,
early 15c., earlier asile (late 14c.), "place of refuge, sanctuary," from Latin asylum "sanctuary," from Greek asylon "refuge, fenced territory," noun use of neuter of asylos "inviolable, safe from violence," especially of persons seeking protection, from a- "without" (see a- (3)
c. 1300, repenten, "be grieved over one's past and seek forgiveness; feel such regret for sins, crimes, or omissions as produces amendment of life," from Old French repentir (11c.), from re-, here perhaps used as an intensive prefix, "very much" (see re-), + Vulgar Latin *penitir
Share fatal

The Face of The Enemy


‘W-W-What’s th-this?’ Bill asked, noticing the album Mike had brought. Mike told him, saying he would show them the picture of The Clown when Stan and Beverly got back with the hinges. Bill and Richie exchanged a look. 

‘What’s wrong?’ Mike asked. ‘Is it what happened in your brother’s room, Bill?’ 

‘Y-Yeah,’ Bill said, and would say no more. They took turns working on the hole until Stan and Beverly came back, each with a brown paper bag containing hinges. As Mike talked, Ben sat crosslegged, tailor-fashion, and made glassless windows that would swing open and shut in two of the long boards. Perhaps only Bill noticed how quickly and easily his fingers moved; how adept and knowing they were, like surgeon’s fingers. Bill admired that. 

‘Some of these pictures go back a hundred years, my dad said,’ Mike told them, holding the album on his lap. ‘He gets them at those sales people have in their yards, and at secondhand shops. Sometimes he buys them or trades other collectors for them. Some of them are stereoscopes – there’s two of them just the same on a long card, and when you look at them through this thing like binoculars, it looks like one picture, only in 3-D. Like House of Wax or The Creature from the Black Lagoon.’ 

‘Why does he like all that stuff?’ Beverly asked. She was wearing ordinary Levi’s but she had done something amusing to the cuffs, blousing them out with a bright paisley material for the final four inches so that they looked like pants out of some sailor’s whimsy. 

‘Yeah,’ Eddie said. ‘Most of the time, Derry’s pretty boring.’ 

‘Well, I don’t know for sure, but I think it’s because he wasn’t born here,’ Mike said diffidently. ‘It’s like – I don’t know – like it’s all new to him, or like, you know, if you came in during the middle of a movie –’ 

‘Sh-sh-sure, you’d want to see the s-start,’ Bill said. 

‘Yeah,’ Mike said. ‘There’s a lot of history lying around in Derry. I kind of like it. And I think some of it has to do with this thing – this IT, if you want to call it that.’ 

He looked at Bill and Bill nodded, his eyes thoughtful. 

‘So I was looking through it after the Fourth of July parade because I knew I’d seen that clown before. I knew it. And look.’ He opened the book, thumbed through it, then handed it to Ben, who was sitting on his right. 

‘D-D-Don’t t-t-touch the puh-puh-pages!’ Bill said, and there was such urgency in his voice that they all jumped. He had fisted the hand he had cut reaching into Georgie’s album, Richie saw. Fisted it into a tight, protective knot. 

‘Bill’s right,’ Richie said, and that subdued, totally un-Richielike voice was a powerful convincer. ‘Be careful. It’s like Stan said. If we saw it happen, you guys could see it happen, too.’ 

Feel it,’ Bill added grimly. The album went from hand to hand, each of them holding the book gingerly, by the edges, as if it were old dynamite sweating big beads of nitro. 

It came back to Mike. He opened it to one of the first pages. ‘Daddy says there’s no way to date that one, but it’s probably from the early or mid-seventeen-hundreds,’ Mike said. ‘He repaired a guy’s bandsaw for a box of old books and pictures. That was one of them. He says it might be worth forty bucks or even more.’ 

The picture was a woodcut, the size of a large postcard. When Bill’s turn came to look at it, he was relieved to see that Mike’s father had the kind of album where the pictures were under a protective plastic sheet. He looked, fascinated, and he thought : There. I’m seeing him – or It. Really seeing. That’s the face of The Enemy. The picture showed a funny fellow juggling oversized bowling pins in the middle of a muddy street. There were a few houses on either side of the street, and a few huts that Bill guessed were stores, or trading posts, or whatever they called them back then. It didn’t look like Derry at all, except for the Canal. It was there, neatly cobbled on both sides. In the upper background, Bill could see a team of mules on a towpath, dragging a barge. 

There was a group of maybe half a dozen kids gathered around the funny fellow. One of them was wearing a pastoral straw hat. Another had a hoop and a stick to roll it with. Not the sort of stick that would come with a hoop that you bought today in a Woolworth’s; it was a branch from a tree. Bill could see the bare knobs on it where smaller branches had been lopped off with a knife or a hatchet. That baby wasn’t made in Taiwan or Korea, he thought, fascinated by this boy who could have been him if he’d been born four or five generations before. The funny fellow had a huge grin on his face. He wore no make-up (except to Bill his whole face looked like make-up), but he was bald except for two tufts of hair that stuck up like horns over his ears, and Bill had no trouble recognizing their clown. 

Two hundred years ago or more, he thought, and felt a crazy surge of terror, anger, and excitement rush through him. Twenty-seven years later, sitting in the Derry Public Library and remembering his first look into Mike’s father’s album, he realized he had felt the way a hunter might feel, coming upon the first fresh spoor of an old killer tiger. Two hundred years ago … that long, and only God knows how much longer. This led him to wonder just how long the spirit of Pennywise had been here in Derry – but he found that was a thought he did not really want to pursue. 

‘Gimme, Bill!’ Richie was saying, but Bill held the album a moment longer, staring fixedly at the woodcut, sure it would begin to move : the bowling pins (if that’s what they were) which the funny fellow was juggling would rise and fall, rise and fall, the kids would laugh and applaud (except maybe they wouldn’t all laugh and applaud; some of them might scream and run instead), the mule-team pulling the barge would move beyond the borders of the picture. It didn’t happen, and he passed the book on to Richie. 

When the album came back to Mike he turned some more pages, hunting. ‘Here,’ he said. ‘This one is from 1856, four years before Lincoln was elected President.’ The book went around again. This was a color picture – a sort of cartoon – which showed a bunch of drunks standing in front of a saloon while a fat politician with muttonchop whiskers declaimed from a board that had been set between two hogsheads. He held a foamy pitcher of beer in one hand. The board upon which he stood was considerably bowed with his weight. Some distance off, a group of bonneted women were looking at this show of mingled buffoonery and intemperance with disgust. The caption below the picture read: POLITICS IN DERRY IS THIRSTY WORK, SEZ SENATOR GARNER! 

‘Daddy says pictures like this were really popular for about twenty years before the Civil War,’ Mike said. ‘They called them “foolcards,” and people used to send them to each other. They were like some of the jokes in Mad, I guess.’ ‘Suh-suh-satire,’ Bill said. ‘Yeah,’ Mike said. ‘But now look down in the corner of this one.’ The picture was like Mad in another way – it had as many details and little side-jokes as a big Mort Drucker panel in a Mad magazine movie take-off. There was a grinning fat man pouring a glass of beer down a spotted dog’s throat. There was a woman who had fallen on her prat in a mudpuddle. There were two street urchins slyly sticking sulphur-headed matches into the soles of a prosperous-looking businessman’s shoes, and a girl swinging from her heels in an elm tree so that her underpants showed. But despite this bewildering intaglio of detail, none of them really needed Mike to point the clown out. Dressed in a loud checked vest-busting drummer’s suit, he was playing the shell-game with a bunch of drunken loggers. He was winking at a lumber jack who had, to judge by the gape-mouthed look of surprise on his face, just picked the wrong nutshell. The drummer/clown was taking a coin from him. ‘Him again,’ Ben said. ‘What … a hundred years later?’ ‘Just about,’ Mike said. ‘And here’s one from 1891.’ It was a clipping from the front page of the Derry News. HUZZAH! the headline proclaimed exuberantly. IRONWORKS OPENS! Just below this: ‘Town Turns Out for Gala Picnic.’ The picture showed a woodcut of the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Kitchener Ironworks; its style reminded Bill of the Currier and Ives prints his mother had in the dining room, although this was nowhere near as polished. A fellow tricked out in a morning coat and tophat was holding a large pair of open-jawed scissors above the Ironworks ribbon while a crowd of perhaps five hundred watched. Off to the left was a clown – their clown – turning a handspring for a group of children. The artist had caught him upside down, turning his smile into a scream. He passed the book on quickly to Richie. The next picture was a photograph under which Will Hanlon had written: 1933: Repeal in Derry. Although none of the boys knew much about either the Volstead Act or its repeal, the picture made the salient facts clear. The photo was of Wally’s Spa down in Hell’s Half-Acre. The place was almost literally filled to the rafters with men wearing open-collared white shirts, straw boaters, lumbermen’s shirts, tee-shirts, banker’s suits. All of them were holding glasses and bottles victoriously aloft. There were two big signs in the window. WELCOME BACK, JOHN BARLEYCORN! one read. The other said: FREE BEER TONIGHT. The clown, dressed like the biggest dandy you ever saw (white shoes, spats, gangster pants), had his foot on the running board of a Reo auto and was drinking champagne from a lady’s high-heeled shoe. 

‘1945,’ Mike said. The Derry News again. The headline: JAPAN SURRENDERS – IT’S OVER! THANK GOD IT’S OVER! A parade was snake-dancing its way along Main Street toward Up-Mile Hill. And there was the clown in the background, wearing his silver suit with the orange buttons, frozen in the matrix of dots that made up the grainy newsprint photo, seeming to suggest (at least to Bill) that nothing was over, no one had surrendered, nothing was won, nil was still the rule, zilch still the custom; seeming to suggest above all that all was still lost. Bill felt cold and dry and scared. Suddenly the dots in the picture disappeared and it began to move. ‘That’s what –’ Mike began. 

‘L-L-Look,’ Bill said. The word dropped out of his mouth like a partially melted ice-cube. ‘A-A-All of you luh-look at ththis!’ They crowded around. ‘Oh my God,’ Beverly whispered, awed. That’s IT!Richie nearly screamed, pounding Bill on the back in his excitement. He looked around at Eddie’s white, drawn face and Stan Uris’s frozen one. ‘That’s what we saw in George’s room! That’s exactly what we’ ‘Shhh,’ Ben said. ‘Listen.’ And, almost sobbing: ‘You can hear them – Christ, you can hear them in there.’ And in the silence that was only broken by the mild stir of the summer breeze, they all realized they could. The band was playing a martial marching tune, made faint and tinny by distance … or the passage of time … or whatever it was. The cheering of the crowd was like sounds that might come through on a badly tuned radio station. There were popping noises, also faint, like the muffled sound of snapping fingers. ‘Firecrackers,’ Beverly whispered, and rubbed at her eyes with hands that shook. ‘Those are firecrackers, aren’t they?’ No one answered. They watched the picture, their eyes eating up their faces. The parade wiggled its way toward them, but just before the marchers reached the extreme foreground – at the point where it seemed they must march right out of the picture and into a world thirteen years later – they dropped from sight, as if on some kind of unknowable curve. The World War I soldiers first, their faces strangely old under their pie-plate helmets, with their sign which read THE DERRY VFW WELCOMES HOME OUR BRAVE BOYS, then the Boy Scouts, the Kiwanians, the Home Nursing Corps, the Derry Christian Marching Band, then the Derry World War II vets themselves, with the high-school band behind them. The crowd moved and shifted. Tickertape and confetti fluttered down from the second- and third-floor windows of the business buildings that lined the streets. The clown pranced along the sidelines, doing splits and cartwheels, miming a sniper, miming a salute. And Bill noticed for the first time that people were turning from him – but not as if they saw him, exactly; it was more as if they felt a draft or smelled something bad. Only the children really saw him, and they shrank away. Ben stretched his hand out to the picture, as Bill had done in George’s room. ‘Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-NO!’ Bill cried. ‘I think it’s all right, Bill,’ Ben said. ‘Look.’ And he laid his hand on the protective plastic over the picture for a moment and then took it back. ‘But if you stripped off that cover –’ Beverly screamed. The clown had left off its antics when Ben withdrew his hand. It rushed toward them, its paint-bloody mouth gibbering and laughing. Bill winced back but held onto the book all the same, thinking it would drop out of sight as the parade had done, and the marching band, and the Boy Scouts, and the Cadillac convertible carrying Miss Derry of 1945. But the clown did not disappear along that curve that seemed to define the edge of that old existence. Instead, it leaped with a scary, nimble grace onto a lamppost that stood in the extreme left foreground of the picture. It shinnied up like a monkey on a stick – and suddenly its face was pressed against the tough plastic sheet Will Hanlon had put over each of the pages in his book. Beverly screamed again and this time Eddie joined her, although his scream was faint and blue-breathless. 

The plastic bulged out – later they would all agree they saw it. Bill saw the bulb of the clown’s red nose flatten, the way your nose will flatten when you press it against a windowpane. ‘Kill you all!’ The clown was laughing and screaming. ‘Try to stop me and I’ll kill you all! Drive you crazy and then kill you all! You can’t stop me! I’m the Gingerbread Man! I’m the Teenage Werewolf!’ And for a moment It was the Teenage Werewolf, the moon-silvered face of the lycanthrope peering out at them from over the collar of the silver suit, white teeth bared. ‘Can’t stop me, I’m the leper!’ Now the leper’s face, haunted and peeling, rotting with sores, stared at them with the eyes of the living dead. ‘Can’t stop me, I’m the mummy!’ The leper’s face aged and ran with sterile cracks. Ancient bandages swam halfway out of its skin and solidified there. Ben turned away, his face as white as curds, one hand plastered over his neck and ear. ‘Can’t stop me, I’m the dead boys!’ 

No!’ Stan Uris screamed. His eyes bulged above bruised-looking crescents of skin – shockflesh, Bill thought randomly, and it was a word he would use in a novel twelve years later, with no idea where it had come from, simply taking it, as writers take the right word at the right time, as a simple gift from that outer space (otherspace) where the good words come from sometimes. Stan snatched the album from his hands and slammed it shut. He held it closed with both hands, the tendons standing out along the inner surfaces of his wrists and forearms. He looked around at the others with eyes that were nearly insane. ‘No,’ he said rapidly. ‘No, no, no.’ 

And suddenly Bill found he was more concerned with Stan’s repeated denials than with the clown, and he understood that this was exactly the sort of reaction the clown had hoped to provoke, because … Because maybe It’s scared of us … really scared for the first time in Its long, long life. He grabbed Stan and shook him twice, hard, holding onto his shoulders. Stan’s teeth clicked together and he dropped the album. Mike picked it up and put it aside in a hurry, not liking to touch it after what he had seen. But it was still his father’s, and he understood intuitively that his father would never see in it what he had just seen. ‘No,’ Stan said softly. ‘Yes,’ Bill said. ‘No,’ Stan said again. ‘Yes. We a-a-all –’ ‘No.’ ‘– a-a-all suh-haw it, Stan,’ Bill said. He looked at the others. ‘Yes,’ Ben said. ‘Yes,’ Richie said. ‘Yes,’ Mike said. ‘Oh my God, yes.’ ‘Yes,’ Bev said. ‘Yes,’ Eddie managed, gasping it out of his rapidly closing throat. Bill looked at Stan, demanding with his eyes that Stan look back at him. ‘Duh-don’t let it g-g-get y-you, man,’ Bill said. ‘Yuh-you suh-saw it, t-t-too.’ 

I didn’t want to!’ Stan wailed. Sweat stood out on his brow in an oily sheen. ‘But y-y-you duh-duh-did.’ Stan looked at the others, one by one. He ran his hands through his short hair and fetched up a great, shuddering sigh. His eyes seemed to clear of that lowering madness that had so disturbed Bill. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Yes. Okay. Yes. That what you want? Yes.’ Bill thought: We’re still all together. It didn’t stop us. We can still kill It. We can still kill It … if we’re brave. Bill looked around at the others and saw in each pair of eyes some measure of Stan’s hysteria. Not quite as bad, but there. ‘Y-Y-Yeah,’ he said, and smiled at Stan. After a moment Stan smiled back and some of that horrible shocked look left his face. ‘That’s what I wuh-wuh-wanted, you weh-weh-wet end.’ 

‘Beep-beep, Dumbo,’ Stan said, and they all laughed. It was hysterical screaming laughter, but better than no laughter at all, Bill reckoned. ‘C-C-Come on,’ he said, because someone had to say something. ‘Let’s f-f-finish the clubhouse. What do you s-s-say?’ He saw the gratitude in their eyes and felt a measure of gladness for them … but their gratitude did little to heal his own horror. In fact, there was something in their gratitude which made him want to hate them. Would he never be able to express his own terror, lest the fragile welds that made them into one thing should let go? And even to think such a thing wasn’t really fair, was it? Because in some measure at least he was using them – using his friends, risking their lives – to settle the score for his dead brother. And was even that the bottom? No, because George was dead, and if revenge could be exacted at all, Bill suspected it could only be exacted on behalf of the living. And what did that make him? A selfish little shit waving a tin sword and trying to make himself look like King Arthur? Oh Christ, he groaned to himself, if this is the stuff adults have to think about I never want to grow up. His resolve was still strong, but it was a bitter resolve. Bitter. 

Sunday 12 May 2024

Just Row The Damn Boat

"One of the interesting things about playing 
competitive sports as a child is that you 
confront your own limitations 
rather starkly at a certain point."

«The Social Network» Rowing Scene

Foster :
You know, the whole thing about Perfectionism....
Perfectionism is very dangerous
because of course if your fidelity 
to Perfectionism is too HIGH
You never DO anything --
Because Doing anything results in — 

It’s actually kind of tragic because it means 
you sacrifice how gorgeous and perfect 
it is in Your Head for what it really is. 

And there were a couple of years 
where I really struggled with that.

I played serious tennis when I was a child. 
I played it enough to start to feel like it was beautiful.

You were 17th in the United States Tennis 
Association Western Section when you were 14 years old…

That sounds very impressive.... That’s a regional ranking 
and it means that I was probably 4,000th in The Nation for my age group.

But could you have been better? 
Was it a matter of Choice that you didn’t pursue it?

Foster :
I perhaps could have been somewhat better. One of the interesting things about playing competitive sports as a child is that you confront your own limitations rather starkly at a certain point. For the first couple of years I was very good and was regarded as promising. And then after I developed for two or three years it became very clear exactly how good I was going to be, which is I could probably be a good college player but that I was never going to have professional potential or anything.

And so you passed up on it?

I didn’t pass up on it. I kept playing. But there’s a difference between training. I mean the people who seriously, seriously play devote their lives to it sort of the way monks do. I mean you don’t date, you go to bed at a certain time, you eat certain ways, you practice 10-12 hours a day. And I mean, the difference between practicing three hours a day and practicing 12 hours a day is everything. And I certainly never — I never trained seriously after the age of 16.

Were you also, at that point, attracted to other things, like writing?

I wasn’t all that attracted to writing originally. I read a great deal. My parents read a great deal. I do know that as my interest in tennis waned, my interest in academics increased. I mean, I started doing my homework in high school and discovering that it was somewhat fun. And then in college I barely even played on the team because just classes were much more interesting.

But then there’s also the drug factor here, which plays a major role in this book…


You know, it’s real interesting. I was a very difficult person to teach when I was a student and I thought I was smarter than my teachers and they told me a lot of things that I thought were retrograde or outdated or B.S.

I’ve learned more teaching in the last three years than I ever learned as a student. And a lot of it is that when you see students work where the point, whether it’s stated or not, is basically that they’re clever, and to try and articulate to the student how empty and frustrating it is for a reader to invest their time and attention in something and to feel that the agenda is basically to show you that The Writer is clever.

All the kind of stuff, right, when I’m doing my little onanistic, clever stuff in grad school, that when my professors would talk to me about it, I would go, “Well, they don’t understand. I’m a genius, blah, blah, blah, blah.” Now that I’m the teacher, I’m starting to learn—it’s like the older you get, the smarter your parents get—now I’m starting to learn that they had some smart stuff to tell me.

You’re probably further victimized by all of this because certain kinds of students will gravitate to your class; And those are people who think that they’re kindred spirits.

Yeah, in a certain way. Although the only way that I’m well known at Illinois State is that I am The Grammar-Nazi. And so any student whose deployment of a semi-colon is not absolutely Mozart-esque knows that they’re going to get a C in my class, and so my classes tend to have like four students in them. It’s really a lot of fun.

King Richard talks to a sad Serena Williams

Saturday 11 May 2024


Hammerman  - Nobody's Perfect


1916 Executions | Michael Collins (1996)

Cease firing!
Cease firing!

 Move forward!

 Come forward!

 Keep your hands in the air and 
your weapons visible at all times.
 Form up, in three columns...
 across the square.

 Now, ground your arms.

 Take three paces back...


 Move three paces back, now!

 The Game's over, Harry. 
We lost again.


 Pick your feet up!

 Move it, you Fenian bastard!

 Open the gates!

 Show me the ringleaders 
of this little farce.

 Pearse... with the gunner eye.


 Thomas Clarke.


 Get up, you Fenian swine.

 Wait, Michael. Wait.

 Till when?

 Till the next time.

Eamon de Valera.

 What happens next time?

 We won't play by their rules. 
We'll invent our own.


 "The fact... that I was born in... 
America... might save my hide.

 Either way... I am ready... for what... comes.

 The Irish Republic... 
is a dream... no longer".


"It is daily sealed... by the lifeblood... 
of those who... proclaimed it.

 And every one of us... they shoot... 
brings more people... to our side.

They cannot imprison us... forever.

And from... the day... of our release... Michael...
we must act... as if The Republic... is...
a fact.

We defeat... The British Empire...
by... ignoring it".

The Big Fellah :
 They let us out of jail so we can do our best 
to be put inside again.

 Don't you see a certain 
paradox in that?
 A contradiction.

 An immovable force meets an 
immovable object kind of thing.

 Look, isn't that a lovely picture?

 Maybe we should settle down.
 Just the two of us?

 And him.


 How are you?

The Big Fellah :
 How long has that man been there?

 As long as we have. 
Half an hour or so.

The Big Fellah :
 How'd They know we were coming?

 They know what we ate for breakfast.

The Big Fellah :
 There's only one way to beat Them, then.
 Find out what they eat for breakfast.

The South Bank Show: Michael Collins (1996) (20x06)

The Chord

Shelly Peiken - Last chord of "A Day In The Life"

If you are a Beatles fanatic, you'll love this demonstration of the last chord in "A Day In The Life" played on the exact same 2 pianos the Beatles used in 1967 at Studio 2, Abbey Road. Enjoy! 

The Fifth Doctor Regenerates | The Caves of Androzani | Doctor Who