Saturday 16 March 2024

I LIKE That Shirt, Friend!

Stantz, Spengler and Winston come downstairs wearing new Ghostbuster uniforms. The uniforms are ridiculously overdone and over-decorated with military berets topping off the whole ensemble. Venkman notes the unhappy looks on their faces.

(trying to bluff his way through)
Incredible! This is a very good look.
We look like the Bronxville High School Marching Band.
Will you just trust me on this? It's all part of the new plan -- higher visibility, lower overhead, deeper market penetration, bigger profits. Just wait until we open the boutique.
What boutique?
The Ghostbusters Gift Boutique. It's a natural. I've been working on it all day.
(he reads from a list)
Ghostbuster tee-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, visors, beach towels, mugs, calendars, stationery, balloons, stickers, Frisbees, paperweights, souvenirs, tote bags, party supplies, motor oil, toys, video games.
(suddenly inspired)
Ooh, I'm grossing myself out -- Ghostbusters breakfast cereal.
Breakfast cereal.
(thinks better of it)
Okay, forget the cereal. But this could be a gold mine. 
We get this junk cheap from Taiwan or Korea and all we have to do is stick our logo on it. We'll be laughing.
Our primary concern should be the continued integrity of the biosphere. It's a responsibility shared by all conscious beings.
Isn't that what I just said?
(to Venkman)
Look, Venkman. We don't have time for this. We've got customers waiting-- paying customers. You can wear pink huggies and go-go boots if you want. We're sticking with the old coveralls.
They go upstairs to change uniforms. Venkman follows them to the foot of the stairs.

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