Capt. SHAW :
Of all the stations that
a Changeling could infiltrate,
why transporter tech?
Seven of Nine :
I don't know. I've never
encountered one before.
Capt. SHAW :
[SIGHS] They're goo-people.
Walking, talking clay-dough.
They can replicate a person
on sight alone.
Voice, mannerisms,
s-speech patterns,
but that's it. You...
Most of the time, you can tell.
Ask him a question that
they should know the answer to.
Simple question,
wrong answer... boom, Changeling.
Seven of Nine :
Yeah, but that would require
a huge amount of knowledge
about everyone in the crew.
Look, you and I got off
on the wrong foot.
I underestimated you.
You have great instincts,
you're a natural leader, make a
great captain one day —
Which is something
I totally would say...
Seven of Nine :
….if you were a Changeling
and not just a dick.
Capt. SHAW :
Now you're starting to catch on.
But you were right.
Goo people... it's got to be tough
to snuff out this asshole alone.
So, so... Maybe you get them
to come to you.
Seven of Nine :
Capt. SHAW :
Bait them. Steal their pot.
Seven of Nine :
Pot? I'm assuming you're not referring to cannabis.
Capt. SHAW :
Sadly, no.
Seven of Nine :
Capt. SHAW :
So, it's hard
for Changelings to maintain
their non-goo false form, and so,
they have to rest in a-in a...
in a-in a pot, a vase, a...
Sometimes, they leave behind,
like, residue goo, like, resi-goo.
You get a sample of that,
you upload it to the computer,
you have the ship scan
for that son of a bitch.
Seven of Nine :
Thank you,
Capt. SHAW :
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