Monday 7 November 2022

He Says

The Chin : 
From The Beginning, she was impossible. 
The Impossible Girl. 

I met her in the Dalek Asylum. 
Never saw her face, 
and she died. 

I met her again in Victorian London, and she died. 

Saved my life both times,
 by giving her own. 

But now she's back and 
we're running together, 
and she's perfect.

 Perfect in every way for me. 

Except she can't remember 
that we ever met. Clara. My Clara. 
Always brave, always funny, 
always exactly what I need. Perfect. 

Too perfect. 
Get used to not knowing. 
I thought I never would. 
I was wrong. 
I know who Clara Oswald is. 
I know how she came to be 
in my life, and I know 
what she will always mean. 

I found out the day we went to Trenzalore.

[Citadel, Gallifrey]
(A very long time ago, an alarm is sounding.) 

Something wrong? 

It's the repair shop. What kind of idiot would steal a faulty TARDIS? 
(The monitor screen shows a white-haired old man in a black frock coat and a teenaged girl getting into a non-camouflaged Type 40.)

[Repair shop]
Doctor? Doctor? 

Old Grandfather : 
Yes, what is it? What do you want? 

Sorry, but you're about to make a very big mistake. 

I don't know where I am. It's like I'm breaking into a million pieces and there's only one thing I remember. I have to save the Doctor. He always looks different.
(The sixth Doctor walks across behind her.) 
CLARA: Doctor! 
(The fourth Doctor walks past her, scarf flying - The Invasion of Time.) 
CLARA [OC]: But I always know it's him. Sometimes I think I'm everywhere at once, running every second just to find him. 
(The seventh Doctor is dangling from the ice cliff on the lower levels in Dragonfire.) 

CLARA: Doctor! 
CLARA [OC]: Just to save him. 
(The third Doctor drives past in Bessie - The Five Doctors.) 

CLARA: Doctor! 
(The second Doctor, in his fur coat, runs past her in a palm-fringed park - The Five Doctors with a CGI background? She tries to follow, but falls onto a clear surface, where the fifth Doctor is floating beneath her in the Matrix in Arc of Infinity.) 
CLARA: Doctor? 
CLARA [OC]: But he never hears me. 
(The Eleventh Doctor in Victorian clothes, in The Snowmen.) 
CLARA [OC]: Almost never. I blew into this world on a leaf. 
(The leaf that blew into the face of her father, that made him meet her mother.) 

I'm still blowing. 
I don't think I'll ever land. 
I'm Clara Oswald. 
I'm The Impossible Girl. 
I was born to Save The Doctor.

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