Wednesday 26 October 2022


They also Serve, who Stand and Wait --
Loyalty is a Much-Misunderstood Thing.

Wild At Heart - Love Me 
(Performed by Nicolas Cage)

Sailor's in Deep Trouble here.
I can't just leave him.

Oh yes, you can!
Yes, you can!

Your mama was real worried 
about you, honey. Me Too.
Can you give your old friend Santos a hug?

Dearest Sailor,

First thing you'll want to know is :
I'm keeping the baby.

Mama wasn't for it at first,
but I think now she is.

I'm gonna name it Pace,
no matter if it's a boy or a girl.

It's kinda hard to believe that
Pace will be six when you get out.

Our Child!

I love you, Sailor.

I miss dancing and talking,
and especially The Other!


When... does... Sailor's train get in?


If I asked you not to go...

It wouldn't make any difference.

Girl, what if I told you not to go?

Mama, if you get in the way of Our Happiness,
I'll fucking pull your arms out by the roots!


Mama, you almost crashed us!

Oh, an accident, baby!

Oh no, oh man!

Same fuckin' thing happened to me last year!

You must be my son.

Shake hands with Your Daddy, Pace.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Pace.
I read a lot about you.

Are you hungry?

Lead the way.



What's wrong, Mama?

Don't worry, Son. 
Just stay here.

I'm sorry, Sailor,
I just can't help it.

Just give me one little minute, then I'll quit.

The Boy's frightened, Lula. 
This ain't no Good.

Really, Sailor, I'll be okay.

It's a mistake, Honey.

You two go on.
I'll walk back to the depot.

What are you talking about?
That's Your Son in there!

He never Knew Me, Lula.
So there's not much for him to forget.

And 6 years apart makes it almost simple for us too.

How can you say that, Sailor?

It's what Makes Sense.

Please don't do this, Sailor!

If ever something doesn't feel right to you,
remember what Pancho said to the Cisco Kid :
"Let's Win, before We're Dancing 
at The End of a Rope, 
without Music."

You've been fine without Me.
No need to make Life tougher 
than it has to be.

Sailor, come back!

What do you faggots want?

The Good Witch...

Lula Loves You.

But I'm a robber and 
a manslaughterer.

And I haven't had any 
Parental Guidance.

She's forgiven You all that.
You Love Her.
Don't be afraid, Sailor.

But I'm Wild at Heart.

If You are Truly Wild at Heart,
You'll fight for Your Dreams.
Don't Turn-away from Love, Sailor.
Don't Turn-away from Love.

Ass-Kicking Angel :
Had Enough, asshole?

Yes I have.
And I want to apologize  to 
You Gentlemen for referring 
to You as homosexuals.

I also want to thank you fellows.

You've taught me
a valuable lesson in life.

I just met the Good Witch.

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