Friday 17 June 2022

Those People

The Allies wanted ANSWERS -- 
"How had arguably one of 
the most technologically-advanced 
and civilised nation in Europe 
descended into The Pit of HELL?

Who WERE These Men?
Were They MADMEN...?

Worst of all, if it could happen over there,
could it happen here...?

The Psychiatrists who studied The Prisoners at The Nuremberg Trials wrote their collective portrait :

"Their collective I.Q. is 140; 
They have a rigid view of the World - 
Black and White, without Grey.

They were born-Followers, who needed someone 
to tell them What to Think;
Though they had unusual personalities among them, 
they were NOT Insane."

The Answers The Allies recieved were NOT The Answers they were prepared to HEAR;
"NO, They were NOT Madmen; and, YES, it COULD Happen Here."

The Psychiatrists noted that there were plenty of similar individuals in The United States, 
who would GLADLY step over 
half the bodies 
of their fellow countrymen
to Control the remainder.

Capt. Gustav Gilbert
A rat catcher catching rats". 
Is that the kind of thinking it takes to carry out state sanctioned mass murder? 
Not just blind obedience but also 
a belief that your victims 
are not human? 

Reichsmarschall Hermann Wilhelm Göring
Let me ask you this :
What was Hiroshima? 

Was it not your medical experiment? 

Would Americans have dropped bombs as easily on Germany as it did upon Japan killing as many civilians as possible? I think not

To an American sensibility, 
a Caucasian child is considerably 
more Human than 
a Japanese child. 

Capt. Gustav Gilbert
America was at war with Japan,
a country that had attacked it without provocation —
You murdered millions 
of your own citizens. 

Reichsmarschall Hermann 
Wilhelm Göring
And what about the American citizens of the Japanese race who were put into protective custody in your own concentration camps? 

Capt. Gustav Gilbert
That was Wrong. 

Reichsmarschall Hermann 
Wilhelm Göring
Then why was this not done to citizens 
of German or Italian descent? 

Capt. Gustav Gilbert
I said it was wrong. 

Reichsmarschall Hermann Wilhelm Göring
What about the negro officers in your own army? 
Are they not allowed to command troops in combat? 
Can they sit on the same buses as the whites? 

The segregation laws in your country 
and the anti Semitic laws in mine, 
are they not a difference of degree?
Let me tell you —
From the beginning of the century, 
through the first war, 
until the rise of Hitler, 
the freemasonry of the Jewish merchants 
consistently undermined 
the German economy and 
nationhood of the Fatherland —
That is WHY we made 
anti-Semitic laws and
 why you, my friend 
could never understand 
anti-Semitism, why? 
Because you are a Jew. 

“I am suggesting that 
a Set of Ideals 
was primarily responsible 
for the rise of Nazism.

I think those Ideals 
are extraordinarily false 
and terribly destructive—
but that is NOT how millions of intelligent, educated, even in many cases well-meaning Germans saw them. 

But why do I call them 
a ‘Set of Ideals’

Why not just say :
“The Nazis had some 
[very Bad & Wrong] Ideas
of course they had some ideas with which to bewitch the masses —
but basically They just wanted Power 
and were effective at using 
those ideas to get Power”

Well, of course 
The Nazis wanted Power. 
What politician doesn’t 
want aPower? 

But if you are only out for power, 
think about how you go about getting it in a Democracy

The best way is to identify the established political parties, 
join one of the powerful ones, 
and work your way 
up the ranks to the top. 

Here is an analogy: 
In the United States, the two 
major parties are the Democratic 
and Republican parties. 

So if you are young and ambitious and you want a realistic chance at becoming a Senator or even President in your lifetime, 
you join one of those two parties. 

What you do not do 
is join a fringe party. 

What you do not do 
is start your own party—
say, the Midwestern Farmer’s Union Party, out in the middle of nowhere. 

The only reason you would start the Midwestern Farmer’s Union Party 
is that you are a True Believer 
in the ideals of Midwestern Farming 
and think you cannot 
achieve your ideals 
by joining the established parties. 

But that describes 
the Nazis exactly
They did not join 
the Social Democrats 
or any of the established 
political parties. 

They set up their own fringe party, initially based 
in the south of Germany 
and away from the 
centre of power in Berlin. 

They were true 
believers in a cause. 
They did not want power if it meant compromising their ideals by joining with an established party. 

They wanted Power—
but Power to achieve 
what they took to be 
high ideals

Loki :
Kneel before me. 
I said kneel

Is not this simpler
Is this not your natural state? 

It's the unspoken truth of Humanity, that you crave subjugation

The bright lure of Freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for Power, for IDENTITY. 

You were made to be ruled
In the end, you will always kneel. 

German Elder :
Not to Men like you. 

Loki :
There are no Men Like Me. 

German Elder :
There are always men like you. 

Loki :
Look to your elder, people. 
Let him be an example. 

The Captain :
You know, the last time 
I was in Germany, 
and saw a man standing 
above everybody else, 
giving orders —
we ended up disagreeing. 

Frau Goering :
Good afternoon, Captain.

The prisoners aren't allowed visitors.

Frau Goering :
I am the wife of Reichsmarschall Göring.
This is His Daughter.

No exceptions, madam.

Frau Göring.
- My name is Captain Gilbert.

Frau Goering :

Nice to meet you. Would you have a
moment to spend with me, to talk?

Frau Goering :

- Very good.
- This is Edda.

Hello, Edda. 
I'm Captain Gilbert. 
Do you like chocolate?

It must have been very difficult
for you these last few months.
Especially with your little girl.

It could have been worse, I suppose.
Hitler could have survived.

You've obviously come to
terms with The Truth.

I wish your husband
could do the same.

But he persists in remaining
Loyal to Hitler's Memory.

Yes, I cannot understand it, either.
Such Loyalty to a man
who wanted us dead.

I'm sorry?

Hitler’ [Boorman, via the Hitler-Clone decoy double] 
ordered all of us to be shot.
Hermann, myself...
our precious child.

That is why we surrendered
to The Americans.
Why else would we have
done such a thing?

I went through my notes last night.
I've spent all these months trying
to find a way inside Their Minds.

Hoping to understand
How Those People
could commit such atrocities
against My People.

I believe there are a couple of
factors that explain a lot of it.
First, Germany is a country where
people do what they're told.

You obey your parents, teachers,
clergymen, superior officers.
You're raised from childhood
not to question Authority.

When Hitler comes to Power, 
he has an entire nation 
that believes it's 
perfectly natural to do 
whatever he says.

Second, propaganda.
For years, Germans have been
bombarded with ideas like:
"Jews are not real Human Beings," or
"They're a corruption of The Race."

When The Government
says it's permissible
to deny Jews their rights,
and then says it's imperative to
kill these inferior people,
they comply.

Even if they've been your
friends or neighbours.

Anything else?

I told you once that I was searching 
for The Nature of Evil.

I think I've come close 
to defining it :
A Lack of Empathy.

It's the one characteristic that
connects all the defendants —

A genuine incapacity to
feel with their fellow man.

Evil, I think, is 
The Absence of Empathy.

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