Saturday 18 June 2022

Ellen Page

Cobb :
I’m gonna improvise.
Listen, there’s something 
you should know about me. 
About Inception.

An Idea is like A Virus — Resilient.
Highly contagious.
And the smallest seed 
of an idea can grow.

It can grow to Define… 
or Destroy You.

The smallest idea, such as:
Your World is not Real.”

Simple little thought that changes everything.
So certain of Your World. 
Of what’s Real.

Do you think he is?
Or do you think 
he’s as lost as I was?

I know What’s Real, Mal.

No creeping doubts?
Not feeling persecuted, Dom?
Chased around the globe
by anonymous corporations 
and police forces, the way 
The Projections persecute 
The Dreamer?

Admit it.
You don’t believe in 
oneReality’, any more —

So choose :
Choose to be here.
Choose Me.

You know What I Have to Do :
I have to get back
to Our Children because 
You left them —
Because you left us.

Mal :
You’re Wrong.

I’m not wrong.

You’re confused.
Our children are here.
And you’d like to see 
their faces again, 
wouldn’t you?

Yes, but I’m gonna see them 
up above, Mal.

Up above?
Listen to yourself.
These are our children.
Watch. James? Phillipa?

Don’t do this, Mal. Please.
Those aren’t my children.

You keep telling yourself that, 
but you don’t believe it.

No, I know it.

What if you’re wrong?
What if I’m what’s real?
You keep telling yourself 
what you know.
But what do you believe?
What do you feel?

GuiltI feel guilt, Mal.
And no matter what I do, 
no matter how hopeless I am… 
no matter how confused, 
that guilt is always there… 
reminding me of The Truth.

What Truth?

That the idea that caused you to question your reality came from me.

You planted the idea in my mind?

What is she talking about?

The reason I knew Inception 
was possible was because 
I did it to her first.
I did it to my own wife.


We were lost in here.
I knew we needed to escape, 
but she wouldn’t accept it.

She had locked something away, 
something Deep Inside :
A Truth that she had once 
known, but chose to forget.

And she couldn’t break free.
So I decided to search for it.

I went deep into the recess 
of her mind and found 
that secret place.
And I broke in… 
and I planted an Idea.
A simple little idea that 
would change everything :

That Her World 
wasn’t Real;
That Death was 
the only Escape.

The Cobb of 5 Years Earlier 
You’re waiting for A Train —
A Train that’ll take you far away. 
You know where you hope 
This Train will take you;

But you can’t know for sure.
 Yet, it doesn’t matter
Now, tell me why?

The Mal of 5 Years Earlier 
Because You’ll 
Be Together!

Cobb :
But I never knew that 
That Idea would grow 
in her mind like 
a cancer

That even after she woke…
That even after you 
came Back to ‘Reality’… 
That you’d continue to believe
Your World wasn’t Real;
That Death was the 
only Escape.

The Princess :
Mal, no. Jesus.

Mal :
You infected my mind.

Cobb :
I was trying to 
Save You.

Mal :
You betrayed me.
But you can make amends. 
You can still keep Your Promise.
We can still be together, right here… in The World we built together.

The Princess :
Cobb, we need to get Fischer.

Mal :
You can’t have him.

Cobb :
If I Stay Here, 
will you let him go?

The Princess :
What are you talking about?

Cobb :
Fischer is on the porch —
Go check he’s alive, Ariadne.

The Princess :
Cobb, you can’t do this.

Go check he’s alive right now. Do it.

He’s here. And it’s time, 
but you have to come now.

You take Fischer with you, all right?

You can’t stay here to be with her.

I’m not. Saito’s dead by now.
That means he’s 
down here somewhere.
That means I have 
to find him.

I can’t Stay with Her any more, 
because She Doesn’t Exist.

I’m the only thing 
you do believe in 

No. I wish. I wish more 
than anything, but… 
I can’t imagine you with all your complexity… 
all your perfection, 
all your imperfection.

You all right?

Look at you. You’re just a shade
You’re just a shade of My Real Wife. 
And you were the best 
that I could do, but… 

I’m sorry, you’re just 
not good enough.

Does this feel Real?

Cobb :
(turning away from her to Ariadne
What are you doing?

The Princess :

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