Wednesday 16 June 2021

Ripley-8 : The Monster’s Mother

“I failed to slaughter The Princess
Daughter of The Deposed King.

Given the chance to 
I was moved by BEAUTY.


Johner :
What's the big deal, man? 
Fuckin' waste of ammo. 

The Robot :
Let's go. 

Johner :
Must be a chick thing. 

[ Breathing Heavily ] 
[ Faint Snarl ] 
[ Hisses ]

Johner : 
Am I dreaming, 
or is this not the shit we brought with us? 

Yeah, it's the same shit. 

Johner :
Stinks in here, man. 
Let's keep moving. 

[ Screams ] 

Man :
Get away from me! 
Get away from me! 

Drop the rod, man. 

Man :
Get away from me! 

Do it! 

Man :
Get away from me. 

[ Clangs ] 

Man :
Get away from me. 
Who are you people? 
What's happening here? 

Christie :
Calm down. 
What's happening here is 
We're getting the fuck off 
this ghost ship, okay? 

Man :
Ship? What ship? Where am I? 
I was in cryo, right? 
On my way to Xarem, right? 
Work crew for the nickel refinery, right? 
I wake up. 
I know -- I don't understand. 
Oh, God. Uh, I s-I saw— 
I saw horrible things. 

The Robot :
Look, you're coming with us. 
It's too dangerous for you here. 

[ Breathing Erratically ] 

Ripley-8 :
[ Sniffing
Leave him. 

The Robot :
Fuck you. We're not leaving him here. 

Ripley-8 :
He's got one inside of him. 
I can smell it. 

Man :
Inside me? Inside me? 
What's inside me? 

Johner : 
Hey, man. I don't want one of those things birthing 
anywhere near my ass. 
It's a bad risk. 

Man :
What's inside me? 

The Robot :
Look, we can't just leave him here. 

Johner :
I thought you came here to stop 'em from spreadin'. 

Man :
What's inside me? 

The Robot :
There's gotta be a process
Can't you stop it? 

Christie :
Got no time for that. 

Dr. Wren :
I can't do it here. 
The lab is out of order. 

Man :
What's inside me? 

I could do him. 
Back of the head. Painless. 
It might be the best way. 

Man :
What's inside me? 

The Robot :
No, there's got to be another way.  
What if we freeze him? 

Man :
What's in-fuckin'-side me? 

Dr. Wren :
A parasite
Foreign element

Ripley-8 :
There's A Monster in your chest. 

These guys hijacked your ship, 
and they sold your cryo tube... 
to this... human
and he put An Alien inside of you. 

It's a really nasty one. 

And in a few hours, 
it's gonna burst its way 
through your rib cage... 
and you're gonna die. 

Any questions? 

[ Breathing Erratically

Man :
Who are you? 

Ripley-8 :
I'm The Monster's Mother. 

The Robot : 
Look, he comes with us, we freeze him on the Betty, 
then the doctor can remove it later. 

Christie :
Fine with me. 

Johner :
Since when were you in goddamn charge? 

The Robot :
Since you were born without balls

Christie :
Ease off, people. 
All right. You come with us. 
You might even live. 

Get twitchy on me, and you'll be shot. 
Let's move out. 

The Robot :
This way.
Come on.

Baby, am I glad to see you.
I was sure that asshole got you. 
Are you hurt?

The Robot :
I'm fine.

You got body armour on?

The Robot :
Yeah. Come on.

Ripley-8 :
You took it in the chest. I saw it.

You're A Robot?

Son of a bitch. 
Our little Call is just full of surprises.

I should've known. 
No human being is that humane.

I thought synthetics were supposed 
to be all logical and shit.

You're just a big old psycho, girl.

You're A Robot?
You're a Second Gen, aren't you?
You're an Auton.
Robots designed by robots, right?

Oh, yeah. That's right. I remember.
Now, they were supposed to revitalise the synthetic industry.
Instead they buried it.

They don't like being told what to do.

The Government ordered a recall.
Now, I heard...
I had heard that only a few... Just a few had gotten out intact in time.

Man, I never, never thought that I would SEE one.

Great. She's a toaster oven.
Can we leave now?

How long before we land?

Just under two hours.

Hey, Vriess, you got a socket wrench?
Maybe she just needs an oil change.

I'm sorry. Access denied.

I can't believe I almost fucked it.

Yeah, like you never fucked a robot.

The Robot :
You know, if Wren gets in The Computer, 
he could really screw us.
We gotta find a terminal.

No, there's no console on this level.
We'd have to go back.

Well, we can't go back.
And I don't know any of Wren's access codes.

Ripley-8 :
Help me.

The Robot :
No, I can't.

Johner :
Right. You're the new model droid. 
You can access the mainframe by remote.

The Robot :
No, I can't. 
I burned my modem. 
We all did.

Ripley-8 :
Call, you can still patch in manually, 
you know that.

There's ports in the chapel, up there.

Ripley-8 :

(crosses Herself)

Ripley-8 :
You're programmed for that?

The Robot :
Don't make me do this.

Ripley-8 :
Don't make me make you.

The Robot :
I don't want to go in there.
It's like my insides are liquid. It's not real.

Ripley-8 :
Get over it
You can blow this ship before it reaches Earth...
and kill them all.
Just give us time to get out first.

The Robot :
Damn it.

Ripley-8 :

The Robot :
Hold on.

Breach in Sector 7, Sector 3.
Sector 9 unstable.
Engines operating at 41%.
Eighty-six minutes until Earth dock.

We burned too much energy.
I can't make critical mass. I can't blow it.

Ripley-8 :
Then crash it.

I'm okay. I'm okay.
I feel good.

The Robot :
Ground level recalibrated.
New destination: 7-6-0-4-0-3.
Uninhabited quadrant.
Braking system's offline.
Deceleration increase.

Time until impact now 43 minutes, 8 seconds.

Ripley-8 :
Try to clear us a path to the Betty.
And start her up.


The Robot :
Please wait.

Emergency override in console 45V, Level 1.

It's Wren. He's almost at the Betty.

Wren :
Father, locate the power drain. Report.
Father? Father?

The Robot :
Father's dead, asshole.
Intruder on Level 1. 
All aliens, please proceed to Level 1.

Ripley-8 :
You got a mean streak.

The Robot :
Damn it….

Ripley-8 :
Let me see.

The Robot :
Don't touch me.

Ripley-8 :
Come on.

The Robot :
You must think this is pretty funny.

Ripley-8 :
I'm finding a lot of things funny lately.
But I don't think they are.

The Robot :
Why do you go on living?
How can you stand being what you are?

Ripley-8 :
Not much choice.

The Robot :
At least there's a part of you that's human.
I'm just... Look at me.
I'm disgusting.

Ripley-8 :
Why did you come here?

The Robot :
To kill you. Remember?
Before the recall...
I accessed the mainframe.
Every dirty little covert-op 
The Government ever 
dreamed up is in there.

And this, you, the aliens, 
even the crew from the Betty.

I knew if they succeeded, 
it'd be the end of them.

Ripley-8 :
Why do you care what 
happens to Them?

The Robot :
....(wince) because I'm 
programmed to.

Ripley-8 :
You're programmed to be an asshole?
You're the new asshole model
They're putting out? Come on.

The Robot :
I couldn't watch 
Them do it.

I couldn't let Them 
annihilate themselves.

Do you understand that?

Ripley-8 :
I did, once.
I tried to save.... people.
It didn't work out.

There was this girl.
She had bad dreams.

I tried to help her.
She died.
Now I can't even 
remember her name.

I guess we're almost there.

The Robot :

Ripley-8 :
Do you dream?

The Robot :
I... We have neural processors that... Yes.

Ripley-8 :
When I sleep, I dream about Them. It.
Every night.
All around me. In me.

I used to be afraid to dream, 
but I'm not anymore.

The Robot :

Ripley-8 :
Because no matter how bad the dreams get, 
when I wake up it's always worse.

It's not so far now.
God, I'm so tired.

Sleep when you die, man.

Oh, no. This is bad, right?

I think we're near the nest.

Well, then, we'll go another way.

The Robot :
We don't have time.

Johner :
We got nearly 90 minutes.

The Robot :
Not anymore.

Johner :
What are you saying?
What did you do, robot?

Ripley-8 :
Let's go. Come on.

Hey. You wanna die here with your little brothers and sisters, that's cool.
But I plan to live past today.
If this little hunk of plastic is pulling any shit, 
I'm gonna kill her.

Kill you.

Does that compute
Or do I have to draw you a schematic?

Suddenly, The Monster’s Mother PINS Johner to The Wall and prepares to rip out his lying tongue —

Ripley-8 :
(turns to Call)
You want another souvenir?

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