Saturday 17 December 2016

The Power of Myth

Randal Graves: 
State Your Name and Latest Film.

George Lucas: 
George Lucas, 
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

Randal Graves: 
And, do you think Phantom Menace 
is as good a movie as Empire?

George Lucas: 
Well, certainly, I, uh, think it's the best movie I've made yet.

Randal Graves: 
Permission to Treat This Witness as Hostile. 
Mr. Lucas, How Do You Explain that in Star Wars, 
Obi-Wan tells Luke that when he met His Father 
He was A Great Pilot
but in Menace he's just a little boy?

[ He is a great pilot - who is also a little boy. ]
[ He Sees Things Before They Happen. ]
[AND, Because That isn't  What He Says : -- ]

George Lucas: 
Uh, well, my... 
My Kids thought...

Randal Graves: 
And how come Obi-Wan tells Luke 
that Yoda is The Jedi that trained him
but in The Movie Liam Neeson trains Obi-Wan?

[ When Force-Orphan Jedi Janissaries are taken away from their families in early infancy, the Younglings receive a standard schooling taught by various Masters within the Jedi Temple in accordance with Socratic Method - Yoda is seen to teach at least one of those classes. ]

[ It takes an entire Temple to raise a Padawan. ]

[AND, Because -- AGAIN --That isn't  What He Says : -- ]

George Lucas: 
Uh, well, The Power of Myth...

Randal Graves: 
Isn't it True you knew this was A Bad Movie
that you wrote it over a weekend 
but kept telling people it was done for years?

Objection, Your Honour - 
The Pod Race was pretty cool.

In this interview made in 1999 Bill Moyers discusses with George Lucas how Joseph Campbell and his concept of the Monomyth also known as 
The Hero's Journey and other concepts 
from Mythology and Religion shaped the Star Wars saga

Nestled into a rolling hillside north of San Francisco, Skywalker Ranch is the command center 
of George Lucas’ filmmaking empire. 
I first came here to interview Joseph Campbell, 
a friend and mentor to George Lucas. 

Twelve years later I came back, 
this time to interview the protégé. 

After a 22-year hiatus, George Lucas 
is back in the director’s chair 
with a new episode in his “Star Wars” epic, “The Phantom Menace.” 
I wanted to know why he thought the “Star Wars” saga had grasped such a hold on our collective imaginations. 
Over the course of an afternoon, we talked about myths and movies, Fathers and Sons, fantasy and imagination.

Joseph Campbell said that 
all the great myths, the primitive myths, the great stories, have to be regenerated if they’re going to have any impact, and that you have done that with “Star Wars.” 
Are you conscious of doing that? 

Are you saying, 
I am trying to cre — recreate the myths of old? 

Or are you saying, 
I just want to make a good action movie?

Well, when I did “Star Wars”
I consciously set about to recreate myths and the — and the classic mythological motifs. 

And I wanted to use those motifs to deal with issues that existed today.

 What these films deal with is the fact that we all have Good and Evil inside of us and that we can choose which way we want the balance to go. 

“Star Wars” was made up of many themes. 
It’s not just a single theme. 

One is our relationship to machines, which are fearful but as — also benign and they’re — they’re an extension of the human, not mean in themselves. 

The — the issues of friendship and your obligation to your fellow man and to other people that are around you, that you have control over your destiny, that you — you have a destiny, that you have many paths to walk down and — and you may have a great destiny. 

If you decide not to walk down that path, your life might not be as satisfying as if you wake up and listen to your inner feelings and realize what it is that you have a particular talent for and what contributions you can make to society.

One of the appeals of “Star Wars” originally was that it — it satisfied our craving to resolve our ambiguities.

The good guys were Good Guys, the bad guys were Bad Guys. 

[ Not True. ]

You used color to suggest some of this philosophy.

Yeah. I use color a lot in — in my films. I’m very conscious of — of the design of my films.

Tatooine is — is usually our Home planet 
and there isn’t much there 
except a lot of brown sand
A very, very clean place.

Death Star, the Empire, has been 
painted black or white or gray

There’s a lot of gray, but it’s colorless. 
The Emperor, I put in a splash of red

I mean, red is a — 
an aggressive color.

When you were writing, did you have all of this in your mind before you got the pencil to the page, or were you making it up as you…

Well, some artists — they see 
The Picture whole, you know, completed. 
I see The Picture in a fog. I know sort of what it looks like, I know what’s there and so what I do is I say, 
‘I want something — I want a costume that is very regal, very grand, very different from anything we see, but has a lot of cultural history behind it.’ 

So I don’t want to make something up. 

I want to use something that is from a — 
a living Human Culture. 

And in this particular case, I was looking for an Asian influence for the planet of Naboo, and so I go to the research library and I said, ‘Look allover Asia, even into the Middle East, all the way across into the islands to find me unique and interesting ceremonial costumes.’ 
I kind of had a rough idea of what it was, but not until I actually — we finished with it is it clear. 

It’s not like I’m working from a finished thing. 

I’m working from something where you have a lot of pieces and it’s vague and you try to put it together.

Where do these rough ideas come from?

Now, that I don’t know. 

That’s a mystery.

But 25 years ago, when you cast the original plot, you didn’t see these costumes? You didn’t see these characters, did you? That’s all. ..

No. No. This is something I didn’t really do until I started to sit down and write this script.

I knew the basic story, how Darth Vader 
got to be Darth Vader.

But I didn’t have any details about what anything looked like. 

I knew there would be a — a slave owner. 

I didn’t know that he would actually run a junk shop and be blue and fly around on funny little wings.

Are you conscious when you’re doing that of — a little bit of David and Goliath here, a little bit of Buck Rogers there, a little bit of Tarzan or Wizard of Oz here?

What happens is that no matter how you do it, when you sit down to write something all other influences you’ve had in your life come into play. 
The things that you like, the things that you’ve seen, the things — the observations you’ve made. That’s ultimately what you work with when you’re writing.
 And you — you are influenced by the things that you like. Designs that you like, characters you like, moments that you remember, that you were moved by. It’s — it’s like trying to compose a — a symphony in a way.

And do you have any sense of where that comes from in you. 
I mean, your own creative precincts?

You know, the psychology of developing fantasies is a very interesting and delicate thing. 

I’ve come across people that have no imaginations at all, and it’s a very interesting… .

They become journalists.

Well, it’s — it’s — it — 

I was shocked the first time I came across it. 
And — because I just assumed everybody had an imagination.
And when you — you confront somebody who doesn’t, especially a child, it’s a very interesting and profound thing to me. 

It — an imagination is a — is a trait, you know. 
It’s like anything else. It’s a — it’s a — it’s a talent, or it’s an ability you have to cope. 

Like dreaming.

The underwater world, for example, in “The Phantom Menace,” looks as if it’s a dream.


Where did that idea come from? 
Out of your own fantasy?

You know, part of it is where can I go that I haven’t been before? 
And underwater was one of those places I hadn’t been before, but I wanted to create a very special, sophisticated but organic kind of a society down there.

We were using a kind of technology which had to be completely worked out. 

How do these bubbles exist under there?
 Where do they come from? 
What do they use for energy? 

The whole culture has to be designed

What do they believe in? 
How do they operate? 
What are the economics of the culture? 

Most of it doesn’t appear in the movie, but
you have to have thought it through, otherwise there’s — something always rings very untrue or phony about what it is that’s going on. 

And one of the things I struggle for is to create a kind of immaculate realism in a totally unreal and fantasy world

It’s a science that I can make up. 
But once I make up a rule, then I have to live with it.

Such as? The world according to George.

Well — I mean, one of the rules is that there’s sound in space.

So there’s sound in space. 

I can’t suddenly have spaceships flying around without any sound anymore because I’ve already done it. 

I’ve established that as one of the rules of the — of the — of my galaxy and I have to live with that.

The technology of laser swords, what they can cut through, what they can’t cut through.

In the past, when I originally wanted to do “Star Wars,” I had this idea for this really fantastic world and fantasy world. 
But I realized very quickly that I couldn’t pull it off, that it was just impossible. I could make spaceships fly, and I could make them fly in ways that nobody’d ever done it before, but to get to the next level of creatures and — and — and all these fantasy characters, I couldn’t do it. 
And it really wasn’t until we created sort of digital cinema that I was able to suddenly have my imagination go wild and …

And this enables you to do what, digital?

It — it — it allows me to create sets that I could not have otherwise.

Right there on the computer screen?

They’re on the computer screen. I can create backgrounds. 
And since I have a — a scene that takes place on a landing platform in the middle of a city — well, before digital technology, you just couldn’t shoot a scene like that. 
It was just impossible. 
You couldn’t build a set big enough. 
You couldn’t create that reality. It’s the same thing with characters. Jar Jar or Watto. You couldn’t have a character like that. 
I mean, Watto is a short little blue character that flies around. 
You couldn’t put a man in a suit and accomplish that.

The mesmerizing character for me is — is Darth Maul.

When I saw him, I thought of Satan and Lucifer in “Paradise Lost.” I thought of The Devil in “Dante’s Inferno.” I mean, you’ve really — have brought from — it seems to me — from way down in our unconsciousness this image of — of — of Evil, of The Other.

Well, yeah. We were trying to find somebody who could compete with Darth Vader, who’s one of the most, you know, famous evil characters now. 

And so we went back into representations of Evil.
Not only, the Christian, but also Hindu and Greek mythology and other religious icons and, obviously, then designed our own — our own character out of that.

What did you find when you went back there in — in all of these representations? There’s something …

A lot of — a lot of evil characters have horns. 

It’s very interesting. 

I mean, you’re trying to build a icon of Evil, and you sort of wonder why the same images evoke the same emotions.

What emotion do you feel, George, when you look at Darth Maul?

I think the first thing you’re supposed to react to is Fear. 
You’re supposed to go, ‘Ooh.’ You — you wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley. 

And I’m not creating a monster. You know, that’s like — I — I didn’t want to create some ugly — you know, this — somebody ripped out their intestines and threw them all over their head — and it’s — you can’t watch it. 
This is something …

It’s actually mesmerizing.

This is something that is more — it works in a different emotional way. It’s not repulsive, it’s just — it’s — it’s something you should be afraid of.

Is the emotion you wanted from him different from the emotion you wanted from Darth Vader?

It’s essentially the same in a different kind of way. 
Darth Vader was a — a composite man. I mean, he was…
half-machine, half-man. 
And that’s where he lost a lot of his humanity is that he — you know, he has mechanical legs.
You know — and he has mechanical arms possibly and he’s hooked up to a breathing machine. So there’s not much, actually, human left in him.
This one is all human. 

And I wanted him to be like an alien, but I wanted him to be human enough that we could identify with — with him, because he’s not a — a — a sort of a monster we can’t identify with. He’s…

He’s us.

…he’s — yeah. 
He’s the evil within us.

I’ve had psychotherapists tell me that they use “Star Wars” sometimes to deal with the problems of their child patients. 

And they’ve said that the most popular character among the children is Darth Vader.

Well, children love power because children are The Powerless. 

And so their fantasies all center on having power. 

And who’s more powerful than Darth Vader, you know? 

And, some, you know, will be attracted to Luke Skywalker because he’s the good guy. 

But ultimately, we all know that Darth Vader’s more powerful than he is.
And as time goes on, you discover that he is more powerful because he’s the — he’s The Ultimate Father who is all powerful.

This is where I disagree somewhat with our friend Joseph Campbell who said that 

The Young Man has to slay His Father before he can become an adult himself. 

It seems to me, and I think you’re right on here, that the — that the young man has to identify — has to recognize and acknowledge that he is his father and is not his father.

You know, Joe used to talk about the — the basic issues that — that — that create the mystery of life. 
Of, you know, birth and death, and I like to always add, you know, your relationship with your parents. 

Do you know yet what is going to be the transforming of Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader?


You already know that?

GEORGE LUCAS: Yeah, I know what that is. And it’s — it’s — it’s sprinkled throughout this episode. I mean, it’s — it’s all of the — the groundwork’s been laid in this episode. 
And the — the film is ultimately about the Dark Side and the light side, and those sides are designed around compassion and greed
And we all have those two sides of us and that we have to make sure that those two sides of us are in balance.

I think it’s going to be very hard for the audience to accept that this innocent cherub almost of a — of a boy, who’s playing Anakin Skywalker, can ever be capable of the things that we know happen later on. 
And I’m sure you’ll take care of that but, you know, I look at Hitler and wonder what did he look like at eight years old, or Stalin …

Mm-hmm …

… or …

Well, there are lots of — there’s a lot of people like that. 
I mean, you just — you see them all the time and you — that’s what I wonder. I wonder, how can those people possibly exist? 
How could they live with themselves? How could they — you know, what is it in the human brain that gives us the capacity to be as evil as human beings have been in the past and are right now.

Well, you’ve been probing that for a good while now.


Twenty-five years. Have you come to any conclusions?

I haven’t

This movie is very much about a mentor and an apprentice
And — and I’m wondering, did you have such a mentor when you were growing up? 

Is this — is this part of — of — the movie — an extension of what happened to you?

Obviously, my first mentor was my Father, but then you progress with either, you know, people that are more skilled in a particular area than you are. 

In film, Francis Coppola became my mentor and — and taught me how to write screenplays, taught me how to work with actors. 

I was much more of a — a cameraman and a film editor, much more on the technical side of things. 

And, you know, I think my last mentor probably was Joe, who …

Joseph Campbell.

Joe Campbell, who asked a lot of the interesting questions and exposed me to a lot of things that made me very interested in a lot more of the cosmic questions and The Mystery. 

And I’ve been interested in those all my life, but I — I hadn’t focused it the way I had once I got to be good friends with Joe.

 A professor I know said that he recently asked his freshman class how many of them had seen all three of the trilogy, and everyone in the class raised his hand. 

And he said to me, 
‘I hope Lucas knows he’s mentoring an entire generation of — of — of young Americans.’

 I — I have a philosophy that we all teach, and we all teach every day of our lives. 

And it’s not necessarily what we lecture. 

I’ve discovered kids don’t like lectures at all. 

But it is really the way we live our lives. And what we do with our lives and — and the way we conduct ourselves. 

And once in a while they listen to the lectures. 

So when I make the films, I’m very aware of the fact that I’m teaching on a much larger scale than I would just as a parent or somebody walking through life. 
Because I have this megaphone. 

Anybody in the media has a very large megaphone that they can reach a lot of different people, and so whatever they say, whatever they do, however they conduct themselves, whatever they produce has an influence and is teaching somebody something. 

And I try to be aware of what it is I’m saying.

What do you make of the fact that so many people have interpreted “Star Wars” as — as — as being profoundly religious?

I don’t see “Star Wars” as profoundly religious. 

I see “Star Wars” as — as taking all of the issues that religion represents and trying to distill them down into a — a more modern and more easily accessible construct that people can grab onto to accept the fact that there is a greater mystery out there. 

When I was 10 years old, I asked my mother — I said, 

‘Well, if there’s only one God, why are there so many religions?’ 

And over the years — I’ve been pondering that question ever since. 

And it would seem to me that the conclusion that I’ve come to is that 
All the religions are True - They just see a different part of The Elephant. 

A religion is basically a — a container for Faith. 

Faith is the — the glue that holds us together as a society. 

Faith in our — in our culture, our — our world, our — you know, whatever it is that we’re trying to hang on to is a very important part of, I think, allowing us to — to remain stable

Remain balanced.

And where does God fit in this concept of the universe? 
In this cosmos that you’ve created? 

Is the Force God?

I put The Force into the movies in order to try to awaken a certain kind of spirituality in young people. 

More a belief in God than a belief in any particular, you know, religious system. 

I mean, the — the — the — the real question is to ask the question, because if you — if you — having enough interest in the mysteries of life to ask the questions, is — 

Is there a God or is there not a God?

That’s — that’s, for me, the worst thing that can happen. 

You know, if you asked a young person, 
‘Is there a God?’ 

and they say, 

‘I don’t know.' 

‘ You know? 

I think you should have an opinion about that.

Do you have an opinion, or are you looking?


Well, I think there is a God. No question. 

What that God is, or what we know about that God, I’m not sure. 

The one thing I know about life and about the — the nature of the human race is that it — 

The Human Race has always believed it’s known Everything.

Even the cavemen thought they had it all figured out and they knew Everything there was to know about Everything. 

Because that’s what — that’s where mythology came from. 

You know, it’s constructing some kind of — of — of Context for The Unknown. 

So we figured it all out and it was fine. 

I would say that, you know, cavemen had, you know, on a scale — and understood about one, you know? 

Now we’ve made it up to about five. 

The only thing that most people don’t realize is
 the scale goes to A MILLION.

The central epic of our culture has — has been the Bible. 

And it’s about Fall, Wandering, Redemption, Return

But the Bible no longer occupies that central place in our culture today. More and more people today are — young people, in particular, are turning to the movies for their inspiration, not to organized religion.

Uh-huh. Well, I hope that doesn’t end up being the — the course that this whole thing takes because I think there’s definitely a place for organized religion and it’s a very important part of the social fabric. 

And I would hate to find ourselves in a completely secular world, where, you know, entertainment was passing for some kind of religious experience.

One reason when critics said that “Star Wars” has been so popular with young people, it’s religion without strings attached, that it becomes a very thin base for theology. In fact…

Well, it is a thin base for theology, that’s why I would hesitate to call the Force God. 
When the film came out, almost every single religion took “Star Wars” and used it as an example of their religion and — and were able to relate it to young people and saying, ‘This is what’ — and relate the stories specifically to the Bible and relate stories to the Koran and, you know, the Torah and things. 

And so it’s like, you know — if it’s a tool that can be used to make old stories be new and relate to younger people, 
that’s what the whole point was.

We downloaded something from your Web site the other day and there you were talking about how you wanted the Jedi to be more than just fighters. 
You wanted them to be “spiritual,” but you didn’t say what you meant by that?

Well, I — I guess they’re like ultimate father figures or negotiators. 
And — and at this point in time they are — they’re sent out to negotiate a — a deal.

They help to put forth answers where people are in the middle of a dispute.

They’re aren’t an aggressive force at all. 
They try to — conflict resolution, I guess, is what you might — 

Intergalactic Therapists.

BILL MOYERS: Have you been influenced by Buddhism, because “Star Wars” came along just about the time there was this growing interest in America in Eastern religions, and I — and I notice in “The Phantom Menace,” the new Episode One, that they discover this slave child who has a — an aura about him. And it reminded me of — how the Buddhists go out to look for the next Dalai Lama.

GEORGE LUCAS: Mm-hmm. Well, there’s a — again, a mixture of all kinds of — of mythology and religious beliefs that have been amalgamated into the movie, and I’ve tried to take the ideas that seem to cut across the most cultures, because I’m fascinated by that and I think that’s one of the things that I really got from Joe Campbell, was that — what he was trying to do is find the common threads through the various mythology, through the — the religions.

BILL MOYERS: One of the comparisons that came to mind just when I was re-watching the series recently is when Darth Vader tempts Luke to come over to the Empire by offering him all that the Empire has to-offer, I was taken back in my own youth to the story of Satan taking Christ to the mountain and offering him the kingdoms of the world if only he would tum away from his mission.


BILL MOYERS: Was that conscience in your mind?

GEORGE LUCAS: Well, yeah. I mean, that — that story also has been retold; the temptation. I mean, Buddha was tempted in the same way. It’s all through mythology. I didn’t want to invent a religion. I wanted to try to explain in a different way the religions that have already existed.

BILL MOYERS: You’re creating a new myth.

GEORGE LUCAS: Well, and I — I — I’m telling an old myth in a new way. I’m just taking the — the — the core myth and I’m localizing it. As it turns out, I’m localizing it for the planet. But I guess I’m localizing it for the end of the — of the millennium more than I am for any particular place. This is the — the — you know, this is — this is — again, part of the globalization of the world we live in. The average human being has much more awareness of the other cultures that exist — co-exist with them on this planet, and that certain things go across cultures, and entertainment is one of them. And film and the stories that I tell cut across all cultures, are seen all around the world.

BILL MOYERS: So what lessons do you think they’re taking away from watching “Star Wars” in — in Italy and Malaysia and South America?

GEORGE LUCAS: One of the main themes in the film is having organisms realize that they must live together and they must live together for mutual advantage. Not just humans, but all living things and everything in the galaxy is part of a — a greater whole.

(Excerpt from “Star Wars”)

BILL MOYERS: How do you explain the power of film to get inside us?

GEORGE LUCAS: Well, I think film is a very modern art form. It — it takes all of the — you know, all of the aspects, the senses, really, of other art forms, be it painting, music, literature, you know, drama, theater, and puts them into one — one art form.

BILL MOYERS: There’s something that happens in a darkened theater when the right moment occurs.

GEORGE LUCAS: You know, when you’ve seen a picture, it connects with you in a particular kind of way. A good novel operates — again, you have this little voice going on and you’re saying, you know, ‘This has something to do with me in my life.’ Art is a — is a very human thing because it — it relates, I think, to the issues of beauty, and not just visual beauty but intellectual beauty. Why — what is beauty and what does beauty trigger in our brain? And why do we — why do certain colors and things mean certain things to us, and certain sounds? Certain chords make us feel happy or sad. And how — you know, how is it when you take all these things together and recreate reality in a way that you can evoke sadness or crying, or laughter, or, you know, it’s a — it’s a very interesting human experiment. And I’m fascinated by it every day. I mean, I’m just completely amazed at how the thing works. I don’t — you know, I know quite a bit about it, but I know I know very little about it.

(Excerpt from “Star Wars”)

BILL MOYERS: I found an unforgettable part of it being that emphasis of Kenobi on intuition, on, you know, urging Luke Skywalker to feel what he sees, to depend on this second sight, this insight which is a very powerful Buddhist notion.

(Excerpt from “Star Wars”) Bill Moyers

BILL MOYERS: Why is it so important to you, as it is in your films, to listen to your inner feelings?

GEORGE LUCAS: It’s an issue of quieting your mind so you can listen to yourself. And as Joe would say, ‘Follow your bliss.’ It’s — to follow your talent is — is one way to put it. That’s the way I see it. I went — when — you know, the hardest thing to do when you’re young is to figure out what it is you’re gonna do. And you’ll never know what it is you’re gonna do. But if you follow the things that you enjoy — I’m not sure anybody really enjoys making money. They may enjoy what they do after they’ve made it, but they don’t enjoy the process. If you can find something that you actually enjoy the process, then you found your bliss.

BILL MOYERS: When did you know what it was for you?

GEORGE LUCAS: When I discovered movies.

BILL MOYERS: Which was?

GEORGE LUCAS: But I — which was when I was in college, where I could be in a psychology class or be in a anthropology class. Suddenly I loved being in school, I loved learning this stuff. I was either going to go to one college where I was going to be basically an anthropology major, I was going to go to another college and be an art student, and then I ended up going to another college and being a film student. But I truly believe that no matter which of those routes I’d have taken, because I was interested in all those things, I would have ended up right back where I am now. Because I certainly had no intention of making theatrical films when I went into the film business. I loved making documentary films and I loved making sort of avant-garde non-story films. And here I found myself — and I hated writing. So now I found myself writing. I find myself running three companies, which is the last thing in the world I wanted to do. I enjoy it, but I’ve walked down a path — I’ve just — I followed the things that I thought inside were the things I should be doing.

BILL MOYERS: You make it sound so easy. You’re so relaxed and so laid back. But was there a struggle?

GEORGE LUCAS: Well, I didn’t — I — there wasn’t really a — a struggle because I think when you stumble — it’s like falling in love. You know, when you — and — and falling in love is tricky. Because sometimes you can — you can be infatuated with that somebody or you can be sexually aroused by somebody, but that isn’t falling in love. And you sort of have to move away those momentary things that come and go within, you know, days or hours, and try to say, ‘This is the real thing.’ When you fall in love, you pretty much know it. And when I fell in love with movies, I definitely knew it.

BILL MOYERS: How did you know it?

GEORGE LUCAS: I was just in a place where I was very happy. When you get into something that you like and you say, ‘This is great,’ you know. ‘This is something that I want to do,’ you just — it — it takes a lot of strength to stick with it because a lot of the times it’s not what society deems as a worthy thing to do. And not what a — your parents particularly want you to do. You know, my father wanted me to go into the stationery business and run an office equipment store.

BILL MOYERS: Was that a struggle not to do …

GEORGE LUCAS: That — it wasn’t a struggle because I knew immediately that that wasn’t — that wasn’t what I wanted.

BILL MOYERS: Is that what he did? Run a stationery store?

GEORGE LUCAS: Yeah. And he was — you know, he built it up for me and for me to take over, and he was pretty much devastated when I refused to get involved in it.

BILL MOYERS: What’d he say?

GEORGE LUCAS: Well — he said, ‘Well, you’ll come back and, you know, you’ll — you’ll see that making your way in the world isn’t that easy, and … ‘

BILL MOYERS: How did you tell him?

GEORGE LUCAS: Well, I basically got — it was probably the biggest disagreement we ever got into, and I got really mad at him and just basically said, ‘You know, I’ll never work at a job where I have to do the same thing over and over again every day.’ And he just didn’t want to hear that. And I knew that that wasn’t my — you know, he said, ‘You know, there’s a lot of — you know, it’s a good job, it’s a good business, you can make a lot of money, you’ll be successful.’ And I said, ‘I don’t want that. I just don’t want to do it.’ You know, he worked very hard to be able to give this to me, and so for me to refuse it was a big deal. And he thought that I would go off and starve to death as some kind of artist somewhere living in a garret.

BILL MOYERS: Is he still living?

No. No, he — he died a number of years ago. But he did — he died after I did “Star Wars,” so he — he was very proud of me at the end and he — you know, I did the only thing you have to do in the end. You only have to accomplish one thing in life, and that is to make your parents proud of you. If you’re healthy and you can take care of yourself and you’re a good person — I mean, you contribute to society and not take away, that’s all your parents want in the end.

 I’m not a psychologist, I’m just a journalist, but it does seem to me that the scenes of Luke and his father — there’s something of George Lucas in there. Some memory trace there.

Oh, yeah. No matter how you write, you write from your own emotions and your own feelings. There’s two sides to the redeemer motif that I’ve got in the “Star Wars” films, which is that ultimately Vader is redeemed by his children. 
And — and especially having children. 
I believe that. I believe that you are redeemed by your children. 
And — because that’s what life is all about, is procreating and raising children. 
And it should bring the best of you out.

Are you going to be prepared for that moment when your daughter says-~your older daughter is about to go off already and — and say, ‘This is the way I want to go, Dad.’

I think there is a point where, even though you love your children a great deal, you must let go, which is actually what “The Phantom Menace” is about.

BILL MOYERS: “The Phantom Menace” is about letting go?

GEORGE LUCAS: It’s about letting go.

BILL MOYERS: In what sense?

GEORGE LUCAS: In the sense that you have this young boy, who’s 10 years old, who has to leave his mother and go off on his own and the mother has to let him go because otherwise he would be a slave the rest of his life.

(Excerpt from “The Phantom Menace”)

GEORGE LUCAS: At some point you do have to become an independent person. And it’s about learning to let go of your — your needs, so to speak, and — and think of the needs of others.

BILL MOYERS: So “Star Wars” is — yes, it’s about cosmic, galactic, epic struggles, but it’s at heart about a family. The large myth set in a local family.

GEORGE LUCAS: Well, in most — most myths center around characters and — and a hero, and it’s — it’s about how you — how you conduct yourself as you go through the hero’s journey, which everyone goes through. It’s especially relevant when you go through this transition phase. Most societies it’s when you’re 13 or 14. In our society it’s sort of 18 to 22, somewhere in there, that you must let go of your past and must, you know, embrace your future and — and in your own self, by yourself, figure out what it is — what — what path you’re going to go down.

BILL MOYERS: Is it fair or accurate to say in effect that “Star Wars” is — is your own spiritual quest?

GEORGE LUCAS: Well, I would say there’s part of that. I’d say part of what I do when I write is ponder a lot of these issues. I have ever since I can remember, and, obviously, some of the conclusions I’ve come to are, you know — I — I use in the films.

BILL MOYERS: Yes. Well, some critics scoff at this whole notion of a deeper layer of meaning to what they call ‘kids’ stuff.’ But I come down on your side, on Joe Campbell’s side, when he says, ‘Kids’ stuff is the stuff dreams are made of. ‘

GEORGE LUCAS: Yeah, it’s much harder to — to actually write for kids than it is to write for adults.


GEORGE LUCAS: Well, because they’re — they’re more — they’re more susceptible to anything that doesn’t ring true, and the~-~on one level, they will sort of accept — they don’t have constraints so they can open their minds up and they’re not, you know, locked into a particular dogma. And at the other side, if something doesn’t make sense to them, they’re much more critical of it. They also don’t like to think of things as being right and wrong. It’s — it’s too difficult for them to rationalize their own behavior in that kind of a world.

BILL MOYERS: So when you write, do you see your audience and do — do you see a 13-year-old boy?

GEORGE LUCAS: I don’t — I — I see my audience and my audience is me, you know? I make these films for myself more than I make them for anybody else. I mean, I’m lucky that the things I believe in, and the things that I enjoy and the things that entertain me entertain a large population. Sometimes they don’t. I mean, I’ve made a bunch of movies that nobody’s liked so that doesn’t always hold true. But I certainly wasn’t out to become successful, it — it happened.

BILL MOYERS: You are financing your own movies.

GEORGE LUCAS: I’m financing my own movies and it allows me the freedom to have my own — my own vision be accurately portrayed on the screen, and I will, you know, be successful or unsuccessful based on how people relate to that vision. But I don’t have a lot of other people coming and telling me really what to do. So I have” bought my freedom, but I’ve also bought the freedom for everybody that works for me because I think the core issues that I’m dealing with are — if they were valid 2,000 years ago, they’ve got to still be valid today, even though they’re not in fashion.

BILL MOYERS: Why are they out of fashion?

GEORGE LUCAS: Because I think it’s harder — you know, the world we live in is more complex, and — and I think that a lot of those moralities have gotten to be grayed to the point where they don’t exist anymore. But those issues are still there in most people’s minds.

BILL MOYERS: What do you mean?

GEORGE LUCAS: The importance of, say, friendship and loyalty. You know, and most people look at that and say, ‘How corny.’ But, you know, the — the issues of friendship and loyalty are — are very, very important to the way we live our lives. But it’s not common knowledge among young people. You know, they’re still learning. They’re still picking up ideas. They’re still using these ideas to shape the way they’re gonna conduct their life. And you need to tell the same story over and over again every generation so that generation gets it. And I think we’ve gone for a few generations where a lot of the sort of more basic stories have fallen by the wayside.

BILL MOYERS: And what do stories do for us in that sense? What do myths …

GEORGE LUCAS: They try to show us our place. Myths help you to have your own hero’s journey, find your individuality, find your place in the world, but hopefully remind you that you’re part of a whole, and that you must also be part of the community, and — and think of the welfare of the community above the welfare of yourself.

I hear so many young people today talk about a world that’s emptied of heroism, where there are no noble things to do. 
What do you say to them?

I mean, everybody becomes — everybody has the choice of Being a Hero or Not Being a Hero every day of their lives. 
And you can either Help Somebody
you can Be Compassionate toward People
or you can Treat Some People with Dignity or Not. 
And — and 
One Way, You Become a Hero, and The Other Way, 
you know, 
You’re Part of The Problem. 
And it’s — it’s not a grand thing
You know, you don’t have to get into a giant laser sword fight and blow up three spaceships to become A Hero. 
I mean, it’s a very small thing that happens every day of your life.

Essentially, isn’t “Star Wars” about transformation?

Well, it is about transformation. And — and ultimately it’ll be about transformation of how young Anakin Skywalker became evil and then was redeemed by His Son. 
But it’s also about transformation of how his son came to — 
to Find The Call. 
Luke works intuitively through most of the movie until he gets to the very end.

(Excerpt from “Star Wars”)

Everything up to that point is very intuitive. 
He goes back and forth with his emotions about fighting his father or not fighting his father.

(Excerpt from “Star Wars”)

GEORGE LUCAS: Finally he comes to that decision to say, ‘No, this is — this is what I have to do. I have to simply throw my weapon down.’ And it’s only that way that he’s able to redeem his father, which ultimately is the issue. It’s not as apparent in the first three movies, but when you see the movies I haven’t made yet, that — the issue of how do we get Darth Vader back is really the central issue. How do we get him back to that little boy that he was in the first movie? That good person who loved and was generous and kind?

BILL MOYERS: Ultimately …

GEORGE LUCAS: And had a good heart.

BILL MOYERS: Had a good heart. Ultimately, doesn’t it take, particularly in religion, a — a leap of faith? What — Kierkegaard’s leap of faith?

Yes. Yes. Definitely. And that’s — that’s — you’ll notice Luke uses that quite a bit through the films. Not to rely on his senses, not to rely on — on the computers, not to — but to rely on faith. That is what ‘Use The Force’ is, is a leap of faith. That there are mysteries and powers larger than we are, and that you have to trust your feelings in order to — to access these things.

Your friend Joseph Campbell called it 
the perfect eye to see with.


How do you develop that eye?

Well, I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know whether I have that eye. But…

Oh, you do. People — your colleagues tell me you’re always making quick decisions, good or bad. 
You’re making intuitive decisions very quickly.





I’m making intuitive decisions because I — I’m — I — I can see the picture in my head even though it’s foggy …

(Excerpt from “Star Wars”)

… and I know instantly whether this fits in there or doesn’t.

Do you have to work to keep nurturing your imagination, to keep feeding that interior pool from which these ideas and images …

I’ve — I’ve never had a problem with that. I mean, my imagination runs wild. It’s — it’s — you know, people say, ‘Well, you’re gonna run out of stories, you gonna … ‘ I — I don’t think I’ll ever run — I have more stories than I can possibly do in my lifetime. And more — and I’m interested in more things to do than I can possibly do in my lifetime. And I’m now beginning to confront the fact that the — the amount of time I’ve got is less and less, that I — more and more things are going to have to go by the wayside, and I’m going to have to focus more on the things that really are meaningful to me, you know, ’cause even if I have 30 or 40 years left, it’s not enough.

This transcript was entered on July 31, 2015, 2015.

The Virtue of the Sith

The Virtue of the Sith
The Ethical Certainty and Purity of Moral Purpose with the Sith as Enemy Image.
(and other Religious Fundamentalists, Clerical Fascists and Tyrants)

" Always two there are,
No more, no less.
A Master and an Apprentice."

" But which was destroyed ? 
The Master or The Apprentice? "

What part of "There are always two of them" did you not f***king understand, Windu..?

I'm gonna have to go with "all of it", because it's quite clear that you don't understand a damn thing about the Nature of Evil and are totally closed-minded and unwilling to gain such understanding, evil to better know how to fight it.

Which is why it knows you better, it will beat you and you will never see it coming.

As you can't even see it.

  "So much of this is denial. That we have no Dark Side. 

You know: the hippies, and those lovely people in the rave era who were all on ecstasy – they tried to pretend we have no Dark Side. 

And what happened was they got fucked up by their own Dark Side. 

As will ALWAYS happen."

If you understand the Rule of Two at all (which you clearly don't), you will understand that by its very nature, The Sith Master would never reveal himself or expose himself to capture or physical harm, so that has  to have been The Apprentice, and it can only be The Apprentice - The Apprentice has to keep The Master alive until he has learnt all of his secrets of the Dark Side, otherwise they will die with him (exactly as Anakin does by attacking Mace), and likewise, he has  to submit completely to the Will of the Master and do his bidding in all things or risk being abandoned or replaced (both of which would be lethal).

Even if that subservience includes actions intended to reveal his own existence as a Sith Lord, as in the case of Darth Maul, thereby guaranteeing both his death and ensuring that he will never achieve his sole aim in life of replacing his Master, since he has now revealed himself to The World as a Sith Lord.

If he should fail - he can still achieve his aim, provided he kills everyone who ever saw or who came into contact with him; a task which Maul sets about with clear and obvious zeal and relish.

"A Sith Lord?!?"

No clue. Had absolutely no idea.

And they totally were  warned - Count Dooku told them that, apparently until he was blue in the face, got fed up, quit the Jedi Order and hooked up with Sifo Dyas/Sideous.

They took absolutely no notice.

Then he told Obi Wan, again, on Geonosis, and Obi Wan (who doesn't know at that point that he's evil, certainly not that he's a Sith apprentice himself), refuses to believe him.

"Impossible - We would have known about it."

Yeah, cuz you know everything about anything - except for the Dark Side, which you know absolutely NOTHING about, because you ignore and avoid it.

"We must move quickly if the Jedi Order is to survive..."

Yeah - because that's what's important...

Notice that he doesn't even pretend to give a shit about Democracy, law, elected government, constitutionality, moral ethics or Natural Law - 

"I have just learnt of the existence of an existential threat to my elite peer group and our privilege, so I must  exterminate it immediately, by any means necessary, regardless of the cost, and no matter who may get hurt or killed in the crossfire."

The Jedi Order and their entire Thousand-Year tenure of total political and spiritual hegemony represent a complete failure to address the Problem and Nature of Evil.

Evil is clean - Evil is honest and pure and necessary, because it is in the nature of evil to use up, destroy and consume everything in it's path, including it's own kind, and eventually itself.

And in so-doing will hunt itself into extinction.

Left to its own devices, Evil will ALWAYS consume itself, because it must - if has to.

Which is exactly what happened to the ORIGINAL Sith a thousand years before the fall of the Old Republic - they were not defeated or hunted into extinction by the Jedi (although Jedi history may well claim that to be so) - far from it.

They exterminated themselves - largely through jealousy, War-Lording and far too much pointless duelling.

What are you waiting for? 

Just touch these two strands together and the Daleks are finished. 
Have I that right? 

To destroy the Daleks? You can't doubt it. 

Well, I do. You see, some things could be better with the Daleks. Many future worlds will become allies just because of their fear of the Daleks. 

But it isn't like that...

But the final responsibility is mine, and mine alone. 
Listen, if someone who knew the future pointed out a child to you and told you that that child would grow up totally evil, to be a ruthless dictator who would destroy millions of lives, could you then kill that child? 

We're talking about the Daleks, the most evil creatures ever invented. 
You must destroy them. 
You must complete your mission for the Time Lords. 

Do I have the right? 
Simply touch one wire against the other and that's it. 
The Daleks cease to exist. 
Hundreds of millions of people, thousands of generations can live without fear, in peace, and never even know the word Dalek. 

Then why wait? 
If it was a disease or some sort of bacteria you were destroying, you wouldn't hesitate. 

But I kill, wipe out a whole intelligent lifeform, then I become like them. I'd be no better than the Daleks. 

Think of all the suffering there'll be if you don't do it. 

"I have been arrogant. And I apologise."

Jedi Councilor Anakin Skywalker
(NOT a Jedi Master...)

Evil? Your Evil is my Good. 
I am Sutekh the Destroyer. 
Where I tread I leave nothing but dust and darkness. 
I find that good

Then I curse you, Sutekh, in the name of all nature. 
You are a twisted abhorrence. Argh! 

Any further insolence, Doctor, and I shall shred your nervous system into a million fibres. 

Is that understood?

"[Leo] Strauss believed it was for politicians to assert powerful and inspiring myths that everyone could believe in.

They might not be true
but they were necessary illusions. 

One of these was Religion;
the other was the Myth of the Nation."

"At the end of 1992, Bill Clinton won a dramatic victory.

But the NeoConservatives were determined to regain power.

And to do this, they were going to do to Bill Clinton what they had done to the Soviet Union.

They would transform The President of the United States into a fantasy Enemy - 

an image of evil that would make people realise the truth of the Liberal corruption of America..."

"Mentioning the name of Clinton provokes disgust and revulsion; the President has a heart that knows no words. 

A heart that kills hundreds of children, definitely knows no words. 

Our people in Arabia will send us messages with our words, because he does not understand words. 

If there is a message that I may send through you, I address the mothers of the American troops - to these mothers I say, 'If they are concerned for their sons, then let them object to the US Government's policy'"

Usama Bin Laden, 

CNN Interview, 
Khost, Afghanistan, 1997  

"So what are we gonna do?

If you want to change things, the first thing you have to change is yourself.

Because if you don’t change yourself, you will take on the world as if it is yourself – and fuck up. 

You will really fuck up, because you don’t understand your own dark side. 

If you don’t understand your own weird, shitty side.. if you don’t understand the fact that there’s someone in there who will kill your mother, if need be – if you can’t take that on; if you can’t take that on board and realise that Charles Manson and me and you are not much different; that John Wayne Gacy and me and you are not much different – except that he did it. 

Y’know, there’s those days when I’m gonna kill that motherfucker over there – but we don’t do it.

But it’s in us, and it’s there. 

And so much of this is denial. That we have no dark side. 

You know: the hippies, and those lovely people in the rave era who were all on ecstasy – they tried to pretend we have no dark side. 

And what happened was they got fucked up by their own dark side. 

As will ALWAYS happen.

So let’s kiss our Dark Sides; let’s f**k our Dark Sides. 


Get him down there where he belongs. 

And he can tell us stuff. Y’know, that thing’s useful.

But above all: let’s become plex-creatures. 

Complexsuperplex – be able to take on new personality traits; able to take on new ideas; able to adapt; able to extend our boundaries into what was previously the ‘enemy territory’ – until the point where we become what was once our enemy, and they are us, and there is no distinction."

Rogue One : No Capitulation, No Compromise, No Collaboration with the Imperial Zionist Entity

"Just remember - everything I do now, I do for you.
Remember that."

What is Sacrifice...?

Randal: All right, look-you're a roofer, and some juicy government contract comes your way; you got the wife and kids and the two-story in suburbia-this is a government contract, which means all sorts of benefits. All of a sudden these left-wing militants blast you with lasers and wipe out everyone within a three-mile radius. You didn't ask for that. You have no personal politics. You're just trying to scrape out a living.

(The Blue-Collar Man (Thomas Burke) joins them.)

Blue-Collar Man:
Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt, but what were you talking about?

Randal: The ending of Return of the Jedi.

Dante: My friend is trying to convince me that any contractors working on the uncompleted Death Star were innocent victims when the space station was destroyed by the rebels.

Blue-Collar Man: Well, I'm a contractor myself. I'm a roofer... (digs into pocket and produces business card) Dunn and Reddy Home Improvements. 

And speaking as a roofer, I can say that a roofer's personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs.

Randal: Like when?

Blue-Collar Man: Three months ago I was offered a job up in the hills. A beautiful house with tons of property. It was a simple reshingling job, but I was told that if it was finished within a day, my price would be doubled. Then I realized whose house it was.

: Whose house was it?

Blue-Collar Man: Dominick Bambino's.

Randal: "Babyface" Bambino? The gangster?

Blue-Collar Man:
The same. The money was right, but the risk was too big. I knew who he was, and based on that, I passed the job on to a friend of mine.

Based on personal politics.

Blue-Collar Man: Right. And that week, the Foresci family put a hit on Babyface's house. My friend was shot and killed. He wasn't even finished shingling.

Randal: No way!

Blue-Collar Man: (paying for coffee) I'm alive because I knew there were risks involved taking on that particular client. My friend wasn't so lucky. (pauses to reflect) 

You know, any contractor willing to work on that Death Star knew the risks. 

If they were killed, it was their own fault. 

A roofer listens to this... (taps his heart) not his wallet.

If this works the way I think it will, once the invasive programme starts spreading, it'll only be a matter of months before the Borg suffer total systems failure.


A question. 
What exactly is total systems failure?

The Borg are extremely computer dependent. 
A systems failure will destroy them.

I just think we should be plain about that. 
We're talking about annihilating an entire race.

Which under most circumstances would be unconscionable. 
But as I see it, the Borg leave us with little choice.

I agree. We're at war.

There's been no formal declaration of war.

Not from us, but certainly from them. 
They've attacked us in every encounter.

They've declared war on our way of life. 
We are to be assimilated.

But even in war there are rules. 
You don't kill civilians indiscriminately.

There are no civilians among the Borg.

Think of them as a single, collective being. 
There's no one Borg who is more an individual than your arm or your leg.

Rogue One : Weekend Revolutionaries (Will Get You Killed)

Samuel Taylor Coleridge :
"Well, Citizen John - this is a fine place to talk Treason!"

John Thelwell :
"Nay, Brother Samuel - here is such a place as to make you forget there were ever a need for Treason..."

Michael Collins - Minister for Mayhem

"His militancy has become something of an embarrassment to The Rebellion..."


"This is to Inform You That Any Further Collaboration with the Forces of Occupation Will be Punishable by Death.


Signed - The Irish Republican Army"

There are dozens of Bajoran camps on the three class-M planets.
 I suggest we may want to begin on Valo Three, where an adhoc leader named Jas Holza lives. 
The Federation has had several dealings with him. 

I met Holza at a symposium a few years ago. 

What can you tell us about him, Doctor? 

I found him to be a very concerned leader and a good spokesman for his people. 
And a terrific dancer. 
No, really, I'm serious. At a reception afterwards. 

At least this man has genuine experience in diplomacy. 

And that's a big advantage on this mission. 
Very well. Mister Data, will you contact Holza, arrange a meeting? 


Ensign Ro, you're familiar with this star system. You'll take the conn. Is there a problem, Ensign? 

You're wasting your time. 
Holza is nobody. 
He's the token Bajoran that respectable people invite to symposiums and diplomatic soirees. 
But he has no real influence among my people. 

Ensign, whom do you suggest we speak to? 

Don't you understand? 
These are desperate people ready to martyr themselves. 
They don't want to talk. 

This ship is prepared to defend itself if necessary. 

Oh, it will be. Don't fool yourself. 
This mission will end in bloodshed. 

Well, let's hope that you're mistaken, Ensign. 
But can you point us at the right individual, as Mister Data suggested? 

I would go to the camp on the southern continent of Valo Two. 
Find a man named Keeve Falor. 
He has no diplomatic experience. 
And he won't ask you to dance.

Get Collins, uncovers a murky struggle of deception, betrayal and assassination that played a crucial role in winning Irish independence.

The popular image of the Tan War is of Flying Columns battling it out with British troops in the hills of Cork and Tipperary. In truth, however, the decisive battles of that time were fought in the streets of Dublin. It was a personal affair, as each side raced to identify their opponents – and kill them.

Now, recently uncovered testimonies from those at the centre of the intelligence war shine light on a world in which no-one could be trusted and nothing was what it seemed.
Extensively dramatised, Get Collins reveals this network of ‘backchannels’ – how, at the height of the war, secret contacts were made between British officials and senior Republicans including Michael Collins. The documentary also features newly discovered IRA surveillance photographs which were taken during this dramatic period.

The documentary tells the story of how Michael Collins – an obscure Volunteer officer in 1916 – established himself at the top of the Republican Movement just a few years later. As Minister of Finance, he controlled the purse strings. And as Director of Intelligence, Collins found the perfect weapon with which to take on the British Empire: information.

Operating from an anonymous office in Crow Street, in the shadow of Dublin Castle, Collins’ men established a network of spies and informers at the heart of the British administration. He assembled a handpicked group of Volunteers from the Dublin Brigade to act on the information gathered at Crow Street.

The Squad would operate in pairs, one man shooting the target in the body to bring him down, the other finishing him off on the ground with a shot to the dead. 
Killing the ‘political detectives’ of the Dublin Metropolitan Police was a brutal but effective tactic. The British were now fighting blind.

In response, the British Government sent two very different groups of men to Ireland, pursuing two distinct policies. The hardliners were represented by the new Chief of Intelligence, Colonel Ormonde Winter – codename ‘O’ – who mused that, “the Irishman, without any offence being intended, somewhat resembles a dog. He understands firm treatment”.

In contrast, the Castle’s Assistant Under-Secretary, Alfred ‘Andy’ Cope, had a very different mission – to make contact with the IRA and work out a political deal.

Cope established himself as a go-between, passing information between the IRA and No. 10. Some of these documents were captured in Army raids, placing Cope’s life in danger from hardliners on his own side. Captain Jeune, a British intelligence officer, noted ruefully that “it was decided that no drastic action could be taken against him, as it turned out that he was a protégé of Lloyd-George.”

Get Collins uncovers this network of ‘backchannels’ that led directly to Michael Collins, and shows how the Intelligence War was a vital, though brutal, element of the fight for independence.


Samuel Taylor Coleridge :
"Well, Citizen John - this is a fine place to talk Treason!"

John Thelwell :
"Nay, Brother Samuel - here is such a place as to make you forget there were ever a need for Treason..."

The Rutles

From these streets, very close to the Cavern Rutland, came the fabulous Rutland sound, created by the Pre-Fab Four - Dirk, Nasty, Stig and Barry, who created a musical legend that will last a lunchtime. 

They were discovered by their manager, Leggy Mountbatten, in a lunchtime disco very close to these streets. 

Their first album was made in 20 minutes. 

Their second album took even longer.

Yeah, I Live in a Volcano Now


Regni Nevillorum - The Reign of the Nevilles

"Was ever woman in this humour woo'd?
Was ever woman in this humour won?

I'll have her; but I will not keep her long!"

Richard III,
Act 1, Scene II

"Among the odder turns of events in this reign, Edward [IV] was himself for a short time a prisoner in Middleham Castle, Yorkshire, in the hands of Warwick [Richard Neville]'s brother, the Archbishop of York. Thus "England was in the extraordinary condition of having two kings, both captive in different place, under the charge of one Earl!"

The Nevilles - Richard Neville, Earl of Salisbury - and by marriage afterwards Earl of Warwick, - had all along been the chief supporter of Edward [IV]. He was the greatest and richest nobleman in the realm, and he was in some respects more powerful than the King upon the throne.

He was Lieutenant of Ireland, Captain-General of Calais, Captain of Dover (the lock and key of England), Warden of the Western and also the Scottish Marches, Lord Chamberlain, and Lord High Steward.

His brothers and relations filled high offices. Thirty thousand retainers lived at his different castles; "when he came to London, he held such a house that six oxen were eaten at a breakfast;" and when he came to Parliament, he came accompanied by six hundred armed men in his own livery. "He could raise armies at his call from his own earldoms".

"Was ever woman in this humour woo'd?  
  Was ever woman in this humour won?  
  I'll have her; but I will not keep her long.  
  What! I, that kill'd her husband and his father,  
  To take her in her heart's extremest hate,
  With curses in her mouth, tears in her eyes,  
  The bleeding witness of her hatred by;  
  Having God, her conscience, and these bars  
  against me,  
  And I nothing to back my suit at all,
  But the plain devil and dissembling looks,  
  And yet to win her, all the world to nothing!  
  Hath she forgot already that brave prince,  
  Edward, her lord, whom I, some three months since,
  Stabb'd in my angry mood at Tewksbury?  
  A sweeter and a lovelier gentleman,  
  Framed in the prodigality of nature,  
  Young, valiant, wise, and, no doubt, right royal,  
  The spacious world cannot again afford  
  And will she yet debase her eyes on me,  
  That cropp'd the golden prime of this sweet prince,  
  And made her widow to a woful bed?  
  On me, whose all not equals Edward's moiety?  
  On me, that halt and am unshapen thus?
  My dukedom to a beggarly denier,  
  I do mistake my person all this while:  
  Upon my life, she finds, although I cannot,  
  Myself to be a marvellous proper man.  
  I'll be at charges for a looking-glass,  
  And entertain some score or two of tailors,
  To study fashions to adorn my body:  
  Since I am crept in favour with myself,  
  Will maintain it with some little cost.  
  But first I'll turn yon fellow in his grave;
  And then return lamenting to my love.  
  Shine out, fair sun, till I have bought a glass,  
  That I may see my shadow as I pass."

Q : " Just in general, J.K. Rowling, what's the - what do you think of as the moral of these stories? 

I hear a lot of your own sort of reliving school life - ah - in the form of Harry who is really gifted beyond his awareness, he could be much more powerful [JKR: Mmm] than he actually is. There's something deeply - er - deeply exemplary, moral, good about this young man. 

What are the stories trying to tell us about goodness? "

JKR: "Erm - again - I - I - this sounds like a huge cop-out, but it's - it's hard for me to give you the full picture without ruining future plots, and - because there are kids out there that are so attuned to these books that if I say 'well, you might just find out x, y or z' they'll think 'ah -right, so-and-so's going to die, so-and-so is obviously going to learn to do this' you know that - that they'll just know, so I have to be careful what I say. Erm ... Harry is someone is forced for such a young person to make his own choices. He has very limited access to truly caring adults - and he is guided by his conscience. Now, Harry makes mistakes, repeatedly, erm Harry ha- ... did things like ... he did - he did steal the flying car, that was a very stupid thing to do, he - but it seemed like a great idea at the time, we've all been there - er - but ultimately Harry is guided by his conscience. He is flanked by two friends, they work far better as a team than apart, though Harry tends to be the one who has to shoulder the most of the burden - he is the true hero in that sense, Hermione, who is really the brain of the outfit, and Ron, who is also a very brave character, I mean, I deeply admire bravery in all forms, and that's why ... in book one, if - if people have read book one they'll remember that Neville Longbottom, who is a - who is a comic, but I - he's not a tr- wholly comic figure to me, Neville is actually quite a tragic figure to me as well because there's a lot of Neville in me - this feeling of just never being quite good enough - I mean I - we've all felt that at some point, and I felt that a lot when I was younger, and I wanted to show Neville doing something brave - it's not as spectacularly brave as Harry and Hermione do, but he - he finds true moral courage in standing up to his closest friends - the people who are on his side, but he still thinks they are doing wrong and he tells them so - so that's a very important moment for me too in the first book."

" Neville participates in the battle in the Department of Mysteries, in which he accidentally breaks The Prophecy 'about Harry and Voldemort'.

Dumbledore, to whom it was originally made, explains that it concerned “the Chosen One”, a wizard who would have the power to vanquish Voldemort and who would be born “as the seventh month dies” to “parents who have defied the Dark Lord thrice”; thus could refer to either Neville, who was born on 30 July 1980, or Harry, who was born a day later. "

This means that Neville could easily have had Harry’s fate, had Voldemort chosen to target him instead of Harry. "

Thursday 15 December 2016

Rogue One : "You Know of the Rebellion Against The Germans...?"

 Hotel Terminus - The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie

Michael Parenti - The Assassination of Julius Caesar

"The question that informs this book is, Why did a coterie of Roman senators assassinate their fellow aristocrat and celebrated ruler, Julius Caesar? An inquiry Into this incident reveals something important about the nature of political rule, class power, and a people’s struggle for democracy and social justice—issues that are still very much with us. The assassination also marked a turning point in the history of Rome. 

It set in motion a civil war, and put an end to whatever democracy there had been, ushering in an absolutist rule that would prevail over Western Europe for centuries to come. 

The prevailing opinion among historians, ancient and modern alike, is that the senatorial assassins were intent upon restoring republican liberties by doing away with a despotic usurper. 

This is the justification proffered by the assassins themselves. 

In this book I present an alternative explanation: The Senate aristocrats killed Caesar because they perceived him to be a popular leader who threatened their privileged interests. 

By this view, the deed was more an act of treason than tyrannicide, one incident in a line of political murders dating back across the better part of a century, a dramatic manifestation of a long-standing struggle between opulent conservatives and popularly supported reformers."