Sunday 29 November 2020

Multiple Selves and Information Systems

Multiple Selves and Information Systems
by Robert Anton Wilson

Between 1910 and 1939, Charlie Chaplin always played the same character in all his films — the beloved little Tramp that became world-famous. 

In 1939, Chaplin wrote, directed and starred in The Great Dictator, in which the little Tramp did not appear. 

Instead, Chaplin played two characters — a tyrant, based on Hitler, and a Jewish tailor, one of Hitler's victims. 

Audiences all over The World (except Germany, where the authorities banned the film) complained, mournfully and angrily, that they missed The Little Tramp. 

Chaplin, however, having gotten rid of The Tramp once, never did bring that persona back. 

In later films, he played many characters (a serial killer, a kindly old vaudevillian, a deposed king), but never The Tramp. 

People still complained that they wanted to see The Tramp again, but Chaplin went on creating new characters. 

(We will leave it to Jungians to explain why Chaplin had to become two opposite characters before he could personally escape the Archetype of The Tramp...

Many actors have had equally hard battles in getting detached from, if not a specific character, a specific type. 

Humphrey Bogart remained stuck in villain roles, usually gangsters, for nearly a decade before he got to play his first hero. 

Cary Grant never did escape from the hero type — either the romantic hero or the comic hero; when Alfred Hitchcock persuaded him to play a murderer, in Suspicion, the studio over-ruled both of them and tacked on a surprise ending in which the Grant character did not commit the murder, after all. Etc.

Back in "the real world," if a member of a family changes suddenly, the whole family suddenly appears agitated and disturbed. 

Family counselors have learned to expect this, even when the change consists of something everybody considers desirable — e.g., an alcoholic who suddenly stops drinking can "destabilize" the family to the extent that another member becomes clinically depressed, or develops psychosomatic symptoms, or even starts drink-ing heavily (as if the family "needed" an alcoholic). 

It seems that we not only speak and think in sentences like "John is an old grouch" but become disoriented and frightened if John suddenly starts acting friendly and generous. 

(Audiences rejected the previously "lovable" Chaplin most vehemently when he played the multiple wife-killer in Monsieur Verdoux. 

Probably, audiences would not have felt upset if the role had gone to the actor who originally wrote it for himself and sold it to Chaplin when the Hollywood moguls blacklisted him — Orson Welles.

If Dickens’s Scrooge had changed, in actuality, as he changed in the book, several people in his social field would have suddenly developed bizarre behaviors they had never shown before... 

Chaplin, amusingly, once made a comedy about the chaos created by a man who conspicuously does not exhibit the "isness" or "essence" our subject-predicate language programs us to expect, City Lights

In this film, The Little Tramp encounters a millionaire with two entirely different personalities: a generous and compassionate drunk, and a greedy, somewhat paranoid sober man

The Tramp and all the other characters soon exhibit behaviors that would look like clinical insanity to the audience, if we did not know the secret none of the characters guess: namely that each "personality" in the rich man appears when brain chemistry changes. 

The Russian mystic Gurdjieff claimed that we all contain multiple personalities. 

Many researchers in psychology and neuroscience now share that startling view. 

As Gurdjieff indicated, the "I" who toils at a job does not seem the same "I" who makes love with joy and passion, and the third "I" who occasionally gets angry for no evident reason seems a third personality, etc. 

There does not appear anything metaphysical about this; it even appears, measurably, on electroencephalograms. 

Dr. Frank Putnam of the National Institute of Health found that extreme cases of multiple personality — the only ones that ortho-dox psychiatry recognizes — show quite distinct brain waves for each "personality" almost as if the researchers had taken the electrodes off of one subject and attached them to another. (O'Regan. op. cit.) 

Dr. Rossi defines these separate personalities as "state specific information systems." 

Not only do we show different personalities when drunk and when sober, like Chaplin's emblematic millionaire, but we have different information banks ("memories") in these states. 

Thus, most people have noted that something that happened to them while drunk appears totally forgotten, until they get intoxicated again, and then the memory "miraculously" re-appears. 

This observation of state-specific information occurs even more frequently with LSD; nobody really remembers the richness of an LSD voyage until they take another dose. 

Emotional states seem part of a circular-causal loop with brain chemistry — it seems impossible, for science in 1990, to say that one part of the circle "causes" the other parts. Thus, we can now understand a phenomenon mentioned earlier, namely that we tend to remember happy experiences when happy and sad experiences when sad. The separate "personalities" or information systems within a typical human seem to fall into four main groups, with four additional groups appearing only in minorities who have engaged in one form or another of neurological self-research (metaprogramming). 

1. The Oral Bio-Survival System. 
This seems to contain imprints and conditioning dating from early infancy, with subsequent learning built upon that foundation. 

If you stop and think about, you know how a carpet tastes, how the leg of a chair tastes, etc. You may even remember how the dirt in a flower pot tastes. 

This knowledge dates from the oral stage of infancy in which we take nourishment (bio-survival) through the mother's nipples and also judge other objects by putting them in our mouths.

A large part of parenting an infant consists in following the little darling around and shouting "Don't put that in your mouth" whenever they try to taste /test something toxic. 

Dating from Adorno in the 1940s, psychologists who do surveys on large groups (e.g., entering college freshper-sons) have repeatedly noted a correlation between dislike of "foreign" and "exotic" foods and the "fascist" personal-ity. 

A total Gestalt seems to exist — a behavioral/concep-tual cluster of dislike of new food-dislike of "radical" ideas/racism/nationalism/sexism/xenophobia /conserva-tism/phobic and/or compulsive behaviors-fascist ideolo-gies. 

This cluster makes up the well-known F-Scale (F for Fascism). Where more than two of these traits appear, the probabilities indicate that most of the others will appear. 

This seems to result from a neophobic imprint in the bio-survival system. Those with this imprint feel increasingly insecure as they move in space-time away from Mommy and "home-cooked meals." 

Conversely, those who like to experiment with strange and exotic foods seem to have a neophilic imprint and want to explore the world in many dimensions — traveling, moving from one city or country to another, studying new subjects, "playing" with ideas rather than holding rigidly to one static model of the universe. On this baby-level of the brain, some seem to have an imprint that clings to the familiar ("Oh, Mommy, take me home"), some have the opposite imprint that seeks novelty and exploration ("Let's see what's on the other side of the mountain") and most, following the Bell-shaped curve, have an imprint somewhere between these extremes — "conservative" on some issues, innovative on others. Subsequent learning will tend to get processed through these imprints, and those with strong neophobic reflexes will usually, if they ever reject the initial dogmatic family reality-tunnel, settle at once into an equally dogmatic new reality-tunnel. 

E.g., if raised Catholic, they seldom become agnostics or zetetics; rather, they will move, like iron filings drawn by a magnet, to dogmatic atheism or even a crusading atheist "religion" like Marxism, Objectivism or CSICOP. 

Since the mechanical bio-chemical reflexes on this level remain "invisible" (and cannot even reach translation onto the verbal level except in an altered state of consciousness, such as hypnosis, or under certain drugs), this hard-wired infantile information system controls all later information systems (or "selves") without the knowledge of the conscious ego. 

In most cases, the "happiest" or most tranquil areas of the infantile bio-survival system — those imprinted by the Safe Space around Mommy — can only be "remembered" or re-experienced with drugs that trigger neurotransmit-ters similar to those activated during breast-feeding. 

The attempt to re-capture that state may lead to re-imprinting via yoga or martial arts, or to a search for chemical analogs, which will eventually lead to the opiates. "Disturbed" or "unhappy" (ego dystonic) imprints here may account for opiate addictions. This oral bio-survival system makes a feedback loop from mouth to hypothalamus to neuropeptide system to lymph and blood etc. to immunological system. 

What Transactional Analysis calls the Wooden Leg Game — evasion of adult responsibility through chronic illness — does not appear conscious in most cases. 

Rather a Loser Script in this system depresses the sub-systems, including the immunological system, and renders the subject, or victim, statistically prone to more illness than average. Similarly, a Winner Script on this circuit contributes to longevity and may account for cases like Bertrand Russell (still writing philosophy and polemic at 99), George Burns (busy with three careers until 100) etc. 

2. The Anal Territorial System. Since all mammals mark their territories with excretions, the "toddler" stage of development and associated toilet training produces a system of synergetic imprints and conditioning concerned with territory and what Freudians call "anality" (sadomasochism). 

Those who take a Dominant imprint in this system seek power all their lives; those with a Submissive imprint seek Dominant types to lead them (the Reichian Fuhrerprinzip) and most people settle somewhere between these extremes, taking a masochist stance toward those "above" them (government, landlords etc.) and a sadist stance toward selected victims defined as "below" them (wives, children, "inferior races," people on Welfare, etc.) 

The "self" or information system on this toddler level may function as the predominant self or "normal" personality in those whose lives center around power or it may remain "latent" usually and only emerge in conflict situations. 

Usually, it emerges full-blown when enough alcohol enters the brain and alters habitual circuitry. 

The anal-sadist vocabulary of the typical drunk ("Oh, yeah? Stick it up your ass," "You dumb ass-hole," "Up yours, buddy," etc.) recapitulates toilet training and mammalian habits of using excretions as territorial fight-or-flight signals. 

People say later "He was acting like a two-year-old" or more simply "He just wasn't himself last night.

These remarks signify that the toddler information system — i.e., the mammalian anal-territorial circuits — temporarily took control of the brain. Politicians have great skill in activating this system and easily persuade large crowds to behave like small children having temper tantrums. 

The favorite activating device (dramatized by Shakespeare in Henry V) invokes mammalian pack-solidarity by attacking a rival pack. 

George Bush, perceived as a "wimp" by many, raised his popularity to unprecedented heights, just as I looked about for a contemporary illustration of this point. 

Mr. Bush simply invaded a small, Third World country (Panama) where a quick, easy victory came within a week. 

The "wimp" image vanished overnight. 

Any alpha male in any gorilla or chimpanzee pack, feeling his authority slipping, would have followed the same course. 

This system makes a feedback loop between muscles, adrenaline, the thalamus of the brain, the anus and the larynx. Swelling the body and using the larynx to howl (muscle-flexing and noise) makes up the usual Domination signal among birds, reptiles, mammals and politicians. 

Study the speeches of Hitler and Ronald Reagan for further details, or just watch two ducks disputing territory in a pond. 

Conversely, shrinking the body and muttering (or becoming totally silent) make up the usual Submission reflex. 

"Crawling away with its tail between its legs," the dog's submission reflex, does not differ much from the body-language of an employee who made the mistake of disagreeing with the boss and received a Dominator (flexing/howling) signal in response. 

The ego — or self — defined by this system appears more mammalian and evolutionarily advanced than the quick reptilian reflexes of the self operating on the oral bio-survival system. 

Nonetheless, the personality shrinks back to the primitive bio-survival self whenever real danger appears — whenever confronted by threat to life, rather than mere threat to status. 

This difference between mam-malian strategy and reptilian reflex explains why there seems more "time" in the anal territorial system than in the oral bio-survival system. In the later, mammalian system, one explores relative power signals slowly; in the earlier, reptilian system, one attacks or flees instantly. 

3. The Semantic Time-Binding System. After the growing child acquires language — i.e., learns that the flux of experience has had labels and indexes assigned to it by the tribal game-rules — a new information system becomes imprinted and conditioned, and this system can continue growing and learning for a lifetime. This system allows me to receive signals sent 2500 years ago by persons such as Socrates and Confucius. 

It allows me to send signals which, if I have more luck than most writers, will still find their way to new receivers 2500 years in the future. 

This time-binding function of symbolism gives humans problem-solving capacities impossible to most other animals (except, perhaps, cetaceans) and also allows us to create and suffer from "problems" that do not exist at all, except on the linguistic level. 

With human symbolism we can produce (or learn from their producers) mathematical systems that allow us to predict the behavior of physical systems long before we had the instruments to measure those systems (as Einstein predicted that clocks in outer space would measure time differently than clocks on our planet face). We can even build complex machines that work — most of the time. 

With symbolism we can also write messages so profound that nobody fully understands them but almost everybody agrees they say something important (e.g., Beethoven's Ninth Symphony). 

And with symbolism we can create meaningless meta-physics and Strange Loops so weird that society grows alarmed and either locks us up or insists on "medicating" us. 

With such weird symbols, if not locked up or medicated, we can even persuade multitudes to believe in our gibberish and execute 6,000,000 scapegoats (the Hitler case), line up to drink cyanide cocktails (the Jim Jones case), or perform virtually any idiocy or lunacy imaginable. 

If the imprints in the first two information systems differentiate us into large groups — conservatives and pioneers, dominators and followers, etc. — the semantic system allows us to differentiate ourselves still further, giving humanity more tribal eccentrics, both benevolent and malign, than any other class of animals. 

We do not all live in the same universe. Millions live in a Moslem universe and find it very hard to understand persons living in a Christian universe. Millions of others live in a Marxist universe. 

Most Americans seem quite happy in a mixed 19th Century Capitalist and 13th Century Christian universe, but the literary intelligentsia lives in an early 20th Century Freudian/Marxist universe, and a few well-informed scientists evidently actually live in a 1997 universe. Etc. 

The elaboration of such emic realities or reality-tunnels can reach extremes of creativity, in which a person "invents" a totally new and individualized gloss on the whole of existence. 

Such great creators will either win Nobel prizes (for art or science) or will get thrown in "mental hospitals," depending on how much skill they have at selling their new vision to others. 

Some will even get locked up in nut-houses and later become recognized as great scientific pioneers — e.g., Semmelweiss, the first physician to suggest that surgeons should wash their hands before operating. 

(Ezra Pound had the peculiar distinction of winning an award from the Library of Congress for writing the best poem of the year, in 1948, while government psychiatrists insisted he "was" insane.) 

The semantic time-binding system makes a feedback loop between the verbal left brain hemisphere, the larynx, the right hand (which manipulates the world and checks the accuracy of maps or glosses) and the eyes (which read words and also scan the environment). 

The self existing in this system has more "time" than the self on the mammalian territorial system or the reptilian survival system. 

Indeed, it can speculate about "time", or about other words, and invent philosophies about timeless universes, three-dimensional time (Ouspensky), infinite time dimensions (Dunne) etc. 

It can invent new Gestalts which make quantum jumps in our social information banks and it can wallow in utter nonsense endlessly. 

A "clever" imprint in this system usually lasts for life, as does a "dumb" imprint. Subsequent conditioning and learning all occur with the parameters of a fluent (well-spoken, clear-thinking) self or a dull (inarticulate, "unthinking") self. 

4. The Socio-Sexual System. At puberty, the DNA un-leashes messenger RNA molecules which notify all sub-systems that mating time has arrived. The body metamorphizes totally, and the nervous system ("mind") changes in the process. A new "self" appears. 

 Cat and Mouse 

As usual, imprinting and genetics play a major role, with conditioning and learning modifying but seldom radically altering genetic-imprinted imperatives. If the environment provides a sex-positive imprint, adult sexuality will have a joyous and even "transcendental" quality;. if the environ-ment provides a sex-negative imprint, sexuality will remain disturbed or problematical for life. 

The socio-sexual system feedbacks run from front brain through hormonal and neuropeptide systems to genitalia to breasts and arms (hugging, cuddling, fucking circuitry). 

A "good" sexual imprint creates the archetypal "bright eyes and bushy tails," while a "bad" imprint creates a tense (muscularly armored) and zombie-like appearance. 

The self or ego in this system easily learns adult Game Rules (civilized norms, "ethics"), if the sexual imprint has not had strong negative components. 

Where the imprint does have negative or "kinky" components, adult Game Rules do not set in place and either an "outlaw" personal-ity crystallizes (the rapist/criminal with the archetypal "Born to Lose" tattoo) or else the Jekyll-Hyde dualism appears, well illustrated recently by several sex-negative TV preachers who got caught in some very kinky private sex-games. 

Whatever system dominates at a given time appears as the ego or self at that time, in two senses: 

1. People who meet Mr. A when he has the Oral Submissive self predominant, will remember him as "that sort of person." 

People who meet him when he has the Semantic/rational self predominant remember him as another sort of person. Etc. 

2. Due to state-specific information, as discussed earlier, when you have one of these selves predominant, you "forget" the other selves to a surprising extent and act as if the brain only had access to the information banks of the presently predominant self. 

E.g., when frightened into infantile Oral states, you may actually think "I am always a weakling," quite forgetting the times when your Anal Dominator self was in charge, or the Semantic or Sexual imprints were governing the brain, etc. 

(This analysis owes a great deal to Dr. Timothy Leary's Info-Psychology, Falcon Press, 1988. A discussion at greater length, less technical than Leary's, appears in my Prometheus Rising, op. cit.) 
But, if we have a variety of potential selves rather than the one block-like "essential self" of Aristotelian philosophy, and, if each self acts as an observer who creates a reality-tunnel which appears as a whole universe (to those unaware of Transactional and Quantum psychology), then: 

Each time an internal or external trigger causes us to quantum jump from one "self" to another, The Whole World around us appears to change also. 
This explains why Mary may say, and honestly believe, "Everybody bullies me" one day and then say, and honestly believe, "Everybody likes me and helps me" on another day, why John may feel "Everybody is a bastard" one hour and "I feel sorry for everybody; they're all suffering" the next hour. 

Every person lives in different umwelt (emic reality) but every self within a person also lives in a different reality-tunnel. 
The number of universes perceived by human beings does not equal the population of the planet, but several times the population of the planet. It thus appears some sort of miracle that we sometimes find it possible to communicate with each other at all, at all. 

Quantum mechanics says an electron has a different "essence" every time we measure it (or, more clearly, it has no "essence" at all). 

Neuroscience reveals, similarly, that the Mary we meet on Tuesday may have a different "self" than the Mary we met Monday (or, as the Buddhists said long before neuroscience, Mary has no "essence" at all). 
As we said at the beginning, the bedrock claim of existentialism holds that "existence precedes essence," or we have no "essence". 
Like electrons, we jump from one information system to another, and only those who have not looked closely believe that one "essence" remains constant through all transformations. 

Cat and Mouse Exercizes 

1. J. Edgar Hoover, Head of our Secret Police for over 50 years, now appears to have lived the life of an active homosexual. 

He kept files on the sexual behavior of politicians, business people, famous actors and anybody who could advance or harm his career, and used these files for blackmail.
[ AND he was Secretly Black (his parents generation would have called him a Mulatto), passing as White -- he also spied on and persecuted Black Civil Rights Leaders and had a letter sent to Dr. Martin Luther King threatening sexual blackmail and encouraging him towards suicide. ]

Try to figure out Mr. Hoover's imprinted and conditioned selves, according to the above analysis. 

2. Try the same on Jesus Christ. 

3. Try Thomas Jefferson. 

4. Let each member of the study group pick some subject, or victim — not part of the group, but someone the member sees daily. 

Let the member study that person care-fully and analyze which selves appear most often, how frequently the selves shift, and which self (if any) appears dominant most of the time.
5. This exercize will seem the hardest in the book, but try it anyway. 

Observe yourself for a week, and try to see which selves appear most often, if one self appears dominant, etc. 

Tippecanoe (and Tyler, Too!)

The Curse of Tippecanoe (also known as Tecumseh’s Curse or the 20 Year Presidential Curse) is the supposed pattern of deaths in office of presidents of the United States elected in years that are evenly divisible by 20,1 since the 1840 election. Because of the timing of presidential elections, these are also those taking place in years ending with 0. The presidents fitting this description were William Henry Harrison (elected in 1840), Abraham Lincoln (1860), James A. Garfield (1880), William McKinley (1900), Warren G. Harding (1920), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1940) and John F. Kennedy (1960).

William Henry Harrison, nicknamed Old Tippecanoe, died just a month after taking office in 1841. His death is the first attributed to the Curse of Tippecanoe.
Ronald Reagan (1980) was seriously wounded by gunshot, but survived more than 15 years after his second term. George W. Bush (2000) survived his terms in office, despite an assassination attempt. Thomas Jefferson (1800) and James Monroe (1820) preceded the supposed curse, and outlived their presidencies by 17 and 6 years, respectively.

The winner of the 2020 election would be next in line to this purported curse. The major national news outlets announced on November 7, 2020 that they projected Joe Biden as the 2020 winner, and thus he would presumably take office on January 20, 2021.”

The Circle of Life if it only applied to boys.

“We’ve seen it. The Lion King. The callow youth loses mom or dad, or his comfortable place in the tribe, and he has to fight his way back to save the kingdom from its corrupt old leader, before claiming The Captive Princess and becoming The New King and… ad infinitum. 

The Circle of Life if it only applied to boys.”


On May 31, 2014, in Waukesha, Wisconsin, two 12-year-old girls, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, lured their Best Friend Payton Leutner (known as Bella) into The Woods and stabbed her 19 times in an attempt to become proxies of Slender Man.

"The more I looked into it, the more I began to see that we have these Mutants living among us, right now. 

The People from The 21st Century; from The END of The 21st Century are Here. 
But there is no CONTEXT for them.
[ Context is For Kings. ] 

In The Same Way That – y’know, if you lived in… Tunguska two hundred years ago, and you were an Epileptic, you would be A Shaman. 
There was A Context for you. 

In This Society, You’re an Epileptic. 
It’s Quite Simple : "It’s a Disease, and Nothing You Say is of ANY Worth, because it’s considered Pathology."

If, on the other hand, you look at these people, who are The Mutants… and what do They call it?

Multiple Personality Disorder.

This is what lies Beyond The Personality; The “I”; The Bullshit.

Because if you take “I” to The Limit – and like I said, I’m sure a lot of us here have done this – it becomes… 

All that happens is that Self Questions Self. 

Endlessly; repetitively. 

“Am I doing This Right?" 
"Is this The Right Way?" 
"Should I think about These People like This?"
"Should I approach Them This Way; Should I involve Them This Way?” 

Self Questions Self, endlessly, and it reaches a peak… 

On The National Scale, that same thing – Self Questions Self; Self encounters Not-Self -- Equals Borders, War, Destruction.. 
That’s Where it Goes. That’s Where it Ends. 
That Thing ends in Disaster.

It ends in Neurosis on a Personal Level. 
And it ends in War on The National Level.

So I began to think: “What Could We Replace That With?” 
And I was looking at these poor MPD fuckers. 
And I realised, 
They Just Don’t Have a Context.

Krav Maga (/krɑːv məˈɡɑː/; Hebrew: קְרַב מַגָּע‎ [ˈkʁav maˈɡa(ʔ)], lit. “contact combat”) is a military self-defence and fighting system developed for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Israeli security forces derived from a combination of techniques sourced from aikido, boxing, wrestling, judo, and karate.

Krav Maga has a philosophy emphasizing aggression, and simultaneous defensive and offensive maneuvers. Krav Maga has been used by the Israel Defense Forces’ special forces units, security forces and by regular infantry units. Closely related variations have been developed and adopted by Israeli law enforcement and intelligence organizations. There are several organizations teaching variations of Krav Maga internationally.
In addition, there are two types of this martial art; one type is used in the Israeli security forces and one type is in civilian use.

Q : What advice do you have for the magicians out there who have a story to tell and want to storm the reality studio?

GM: Tell a Different Story. Tell a fresh story that speaks to its times and the people around you. A story that offers possibilities, exit strategies, rather than apocalypse and ruin. I can’t see that there’s anything else…

In the Wonder Woman book I’m doing, for instance, I’ve actively avoided writing the boy hero story that’s so ubiquitous as to seem inescapable —  the familiar story of the One, the champion, the Joseph Campbell monomyth thing that drives so many Hollywood movies and YA stories. 

We’ve seen it. The Lion King. The callow youth loses mom or dad, or his comfortable place in the tribe, and he has to fight his way back to save the kingdom from its corrupt old leader, before claiming the captive princess and becoming the new king and… ad infinitum. The Circle of Life if it only applied to boys. 

I thought, where is the mythic heroine’s story? In Ishtar Rising, Wilson talks about the myth of Inanna, and how she goes down into Hell and has to give up everything of herself to gain the wisdom and experience she can bring back to her tribe. Privileging the network rather than the sovereign individual.

And so, as I thought about the differences between the hero’s and the heroine’s journey, it gave me a bunch of different modes to work in. Finding ways to avoid telling the boy hero story again was quite liberating. It just gave me a bunch of new ideas, an interesting new way of telling stories that didn’t rely on the framework of the hero’s journey that Campbell talks about.

Saturday 28 November 2020

Out of His Box

get it?!

but it doesn’t matter, see, because every single time I try to think outside his toybox

he builds a new box around me


i’ve been driven literally in.sane trying to get him to loosen up

well, now

“This may sound like a joke, but it’s not. God is out of His box. In olden times, God lived in the Tabernacle on the altar of the Catholic Church, and the priest had the key. God was locked in, and the rest of us were locked out. There was safety in that. But now the box is broken, and God is loose. No one knows what to do about it. I’d love to read a history a hundred years from now to see what we’re going to do. There are wondrous possibilities, but if we don’t succeed the consequences could be dreadful. God is high voltage, and if you get more than you can stand, as I did in Calcutta, you need help immediately. We can’t lock God up again. We can’t put him back in the Tabernacle. 

In former times, the Catholic priest performed the Benediction at five o’clock on Holy Days. He would bring out the monstrance, a mandala-shaped, stemmed de- vice with glass on both sides. The priest would put the host between the two pieces of glass and hold the monstrance by the stem using his stole, so that he wouldn’t touch it directly. Then he would turn and show God to the congregation. 

Those days are gone. God is not in His Box or in the monstrance. He’s Out and firing all over the place. 

The eruption of alchemical gold is one of the chief signs of this. Alchemical gold can be Your Best, or it can be Your Worst. 

In India, God is still in the box. In this respect, India is a beautiful, peaceful place. Everyone knows exactly what to do. 

There are laws for everything, and the priest still has the key to The Box. If you need to know something, you consult The  Ancient Myths or Ask Your Guru or Your Father. 

God is penetrable, and there are answers. It’s like the old Catholic world, where there was a Right Way to Do Things and a Priest to tell you What it Was. 

It’s not possible for us to go back to that. We no longer respect Authority in that way. 

We can’t get God in The Box again, and it isn’t clear that we can survive his being out of The Box. It is like a ten-thousand-volt power surge getting into the household wiring and blowing out the circuits. 

These are desperate times. We have to create our own forms and our own differentiation, and we’re not prepared to do it. 

When Jesus says, “I no longer call you servants, I call you friends,” we can hardly bear it. We may be pleased for a moment, but suddenly we feel as though we weigh five tons. We can’t carry all the weight, even though it is ours and always has been. With God out of his old box, what vessel might contain him now? All psycho- logical powers need a temenos, a boundary, a container. Until recent times, the container has been authority. But today we tear authority down. The tidal wave of accusations, the cry for blood, is us discrediting our own gold. We point our fingers and say “It’s  Their Fault.”

 The only container that can conceivably hold the power of the mystery today is our own consciousness. We’ve pulled God out of his objective, collective con- tainers, and swallowed him into our own psychology. Now we need the consciousness to manage this. 

So far, we are not succeeding.”

Robert Johnson,
The Psychology of Projection

Understanding The Global Unease After WWI

 Understanding The Global Unease After WWI




Project Quantum Leap


Donald Bellisario discusses the origin of the title "Quantum Leap"




Friday 27 November 2020

The Medieval Mind

Bride of Frankenstein (1/10) Movie CLIP - Pretorius Shows Henry His Experiments
Dr. Pretorius
[toasting with Henry] 
To a new World of Gods and Monsters. Ha, ha. 

The Creation of Life is enthralling, distinctly enthralling, is it not? 
My experiments did not turn out quite like yours Henry. 

But Science, like love, has her little surprises - as you shall see. 

There is a pleasing variety about my exhibits. 
My first experiment was so lovely that we made her A Queen. 
Charming, don't you think? 

Then of course, we had to have A King. 
Now, he's so madly in love with her that we have to segregate them....

My next production looked so disapprovingly at the other two that they made him An Archbishop...

The next one is The Very Devil - very bizarre, this little chap. 
There's a certain resemblance to me, don't you think? 
Or do I flatter myself? 
I took a great deal of pains with him. 

Sometimes I have wondered whether life wouldn't be much more amusing if we were all devils, and no nonsense about angels and being good.

The Medieval Mind
In the Middle Ages, the work of alchemy was to produce Gold from base metals.  

There were charlatans trying to make actual Gold, but the best alchemists were  those working with The Gold  of The Spirit.  

Alchemy comes from a time when the medieval mind was at its highest flowering.

In Medieval times, people did not divide Reality into Inner and Outer or even acknowledge a difference between the two.

For them, inside and outside were the  same.

To accomplish all that we have today, we’ve had to split the world in two.

We couldn’t be this competitive with a Medieval Mind.

But the price we pay for our  accomplishments is Loneliness and an Inability to Love.

When We’re In Love, We ARE  Our Beloved.

I spent many years trying to help people differentiate between inner  and outer: 
You are you, and I am I. 
Your husband is your husband. 

We have not yet  completed the transition to The Modern Mind. 

Many psychological problems are a  failure to differentiate between out there and in here.  
According to the teachings of India, The External World is 'maya', illusion.

It is  considered illusory because it is actually WITHIN, not out there.

We see only the “ten  thousand things” that we project.

Or Count Dracula
Or, IT.

In ancient China, Lao Tzu dreamed of a butterfly,  and for the rest of his life he didn’t know whether he had dreamed the butterfly or  the butterfly had dreamed him.  
In the West, gold is the symbol of the Self, while in the East, the symbol of our  inner divinity is The Diamond.

In their interior meanings, they are the same, but the  images are different. Diamonds are the hardest matter on earth—unearthly, celestial, and impersonal.

Gold is much softer, a matter of relationship, the Self as related. I think we’re lucky to have gold to cope with.    

The Glow in Your Eyes 
When we see that we have given our spiritual gold to someone to hold for us, there  are several ways we might respond. We could go to him or her and say, “The mean-  ing of my life has suddenly appeared in the glow in your eyes. May I tell you about  it?” This is another way of saying, “I have given you my inner gold. Will you carry it  for me for a while?” 

But we rarely say and do things that directly. 

Instead, we stand  across the room, turn our back on him, and feel totally frightened, stumbling and carrying on in odd ways. We meet at the coffee pot during the morning break at  work and banter with each other, speaking all kinds of nonsense. We joke and  laugh, and an animated play goes on. Then, when we head back to work, we feel  energized and brightened for the day. It was not the coffee. It was the exchange of  inner, alchemical gold.  The exchange of gold is a mysterious process. It is our gold, but it’s too heavy  for us, so we need someone else to carry it for a time. That person becomes synonymous with meaning. We follow him with an eagle eye wherever he goes. His  smile can raise us to heavenly heights, his frown will hurl us to hellish depths, so  great is the power of meaning.  

At age forty-five or fifty, when you have raised your children and become  accomplished in your work, suddenly you fall into a hole. The more sensitive and  intelligent you are, the deeper the hole might be. A guide in the form of Virgil may  come and list all the things in your life that have gone wrong. These are the nine  levels of Hell. 
Your guide, your intelligence, will disillusion you. “ Abandon hope,  all ye who enter here” is a classical beginning to what Jung called the “ individation process,” or the spiritualization of a man. If I could rewrite that sign, it  would say, “Give up all expectations and presently held concepts.”  
The job of your intelligence is to catalog Hell for you, to tell you all the things  that don’t work. If your integrity is sufficient, if you go forward, Beatrice will come  in the form of a radiant vision of hope and the feminine to take you the rest of the  way and gently deposit you in Heaven. 
This will be one of the most profound experiences of your life.  
Modern men and women have forgotten how to take this journey. Even with the  best of motives— trying to find that vision of life that will nourish us and give  meaning to the progression of our days on earth—we do crazy things. We let our  marriage go to pieces and marry someone else, hoping to find the visionary feminine in her. We would do well to learn from Dante. 
Most important is to remember  that Virgil, the one who helps us discern what is wrong, and Beatrice, the heavenly  guide, are both interior figures and that this is an interior journey. It has its exterior  dimension. If you are an artist, a poet, a healer, a teacher, or a mystic, you will pro-  duce outer, tangible results of your journey. But the journey is essentially inner.  This is the most important thing to learn.  You will never find a Beatrice to marry, because she is in your imagination, your  art, and your prayers. When you seek her in an interior way, she will come in an in-  stant. But you must be humble enough to ask your feminine side for these rare  qualities of tenderness and beauty, receptivity and love. Without doing so, it can be  difficult to become truly whole. Even if you experience her as a real woman who  has entered your life, the grace that has descended upon you is your inner awak-  ening, catalyzed by this wonderful experience. It is not the other. It is in you.  


There are legends and predictions throughout the world of the once and future  king, someone who has brought about a golden age and promises to come back in  the future to restore it. Arthur, the great and noble king who brought England together in the sense we know it now, is one. It is said that Arthur didn’t die at the  end of his reign, but was transported to the isle of Avalon, a place of healing, and  that he offered, when needed, to come back. The magician Merlin, the introverted,  inward-turned aspect of the Arthurian story, also said, as he was leaving, “I will  come back to you again.” 
In Mexico, just before his death, the god-king Quetzalcoatl promised to come back if he was needed.  According to Indian mythology, an avatar is sent to the earth every thousand  years and at other times when there are special difficulties. Buddha was one. In  India today, there are rumors that a new avatar has been born who, when he comes  to maturity, will step forth to be the new savior. If we take this literally, we might be  disappointed. They come and they go. But in an interior sense, it’s a real possi-  bility. A point of intersection between our time-bound world and eternity exists for  us, and that’s salvation. I’m fascinated by this promise of a return—the once and  future king. It’s a glorious promise that can give us hope.    
Literalism Is Idolatry
The British philosopher Owen Barfield said something that reverberates in my  mind every day. He said, “ Literalism is idolatry.” If you take the inner world literally  into our time-space world, you lose it.  Throughout my childhood and adolescence, I was in love with the Church and  devoted to it.

But as I grew older, I became critical and wouldn’t have anything to  do with it. Later, I read a medieval text that made Christianity real for me again. It  said that Christ is constantly being conceived, constantly being born in his stable,  constantly confounding the elders, constantly being tried by Judas, constantly  being crucified, constantly resurrecting, and, most wonderful of all, constantly in
his Second Coming.  

The doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ is, for Christians, the greatest  telling of the story of the once and future king. Early Christians said that on the  eighth day after his Resurrection, Christ will come and usher the world into the  millennium, when time will end, strife and suffering will stop, and the Kingdom of  Heaven will be at hand. Taken literally, this story doesn’t touch me very much. It’s  too abstract, too far out of reach. If we wait for this literally, we’ll wait till dooms-  day.  But when we take this story out of literalism and into the interior world, which  has no time and no space, we have an immediate, living fact. If we take the full  story of Christianity inwardly as a timeless fact, these possibilities are available for  us to touch as soon as we are ready, or perhaps even as soon as we choose.

The  Second Coming of Christ is not just available to us. It is beating on our doors.  

It was expected that Christ would return within the octave, eight days, and put an  end to the cyclic nature of life. The eighth day is Sunday, and so Christians cele-  brate Sunday as their holy day. When we celebrate on Sunday, we celebrate the  ushering into the kingdom, and we relocate ourselves outside of time and in eter-  nity. Since it’s the eighth day of the week, the expectation was that there was only  going to be one of them. If we want to be logical, we could say that it didn’t work,  because Monday turns up. But symbolically, in the depths of our unconscious,  there is only one day of the Second Coming of Christ. There is only one Mass and  one day of worship. It is not a process. Christianity puts an end to process and to  the cyclic nature of man’s sojourn on earth.  According to Jewish custom, the Sabbath is on the seventh day. There are seven  days followed by the first day again. This is the myth of eternal return. Mircea Eli-  ade points out that more people on earth believe in the cyclical nature of time than  in the linear nature of time. Sabbath, Saturn, andSaturdayare all associated with the  number seven. Seventh-Day Adventists celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday. Seven is  the symbol of cycle.  If you deal with numbers in your dreams or in mythology, you’ll get lost if you  take them literally. Numbers have their own symbolism, and at this level of com-  prehension they are about quality, not quantity. A delightful Chinese story illustrates this. 
The Chinese army was in a desperate, beleaguered situation, and so the  general met with his advisors to decide what to do. Should they retreat and save  what they could, or make a desperate effort and try to break out? They stayed up all  night discussing the pros and the cons, and at dawn they took a vote. Six said re-  treat, and four wanted to fight it out. So they fought, because four is so much bet-  ter a number than six. This is a non-literal way of thinking. Of course they won. The  story wouldn’t have survived if they hadn’t.    The Heavenly Jerusalem    Envision the Second Coming of Christ as an inner reality that takes place on the  eighth day of the week. Eight is a symbol of infinity, as you can see when you turn  the numeral eight (8) on its side. A baptismal font has eight sides to indicate that  when a child is baptized, he’s initiated into the eight-sided consciousness, eternity.  On this symbolic level, there is nothing past the number eight. You’ve annihilated  the cyclic nature and completed life.  A Brahman friend in India told me, “ Robert, you know all about wrnycC— the  Indian concept that the world is illusory, a construct. “Let me tell you about ma-  hamaya” Mahameans great. “ Mahamaya is the ultimate reality. It means looking at  maya with intelligence.” Looking at illusion in a fresh way is the heavenly  Jerusalem. This is not a promise, but a fact, right now. If you can jump out of time,  which we are capable of doing, we can see any given moment as eternity. We don’t  have to travel anywhere or even to wait in line. This is not a new fact. It’s a fresh  way of looking.  As mentioned, the Second Coming of Christ is available to us as individuals when we are ready, or perhaps even when we choose. This is the Christian way of  speaking about enlightenment, heightened consciousness, the experience that relo-  cates your spiritual center of gravity. We are not bound to history. The Second  Coming of Christ is available to us as individuals, and it will wait for us until we are  able to remain steady in its presence.  This intersection of levels happens to people more than we might realize. They  don’t understand the structure of it, so they just walk off and leave it. But saint-  hood is more common than we think.    The Church and the Mass.    

In the medieval world there was a proverb that the Mass, the communion service, a  point in which we shift from time-bound to eternal consciousness, is the interim  carrier of Christ. 

Mass can happen only once, but it can also happen again and  again. 

The Church was touching on a non-literal fact and teaching it in the abstruse  symbolism of the Second Coming of Christ. If you have the kind of mind that can  think non-literally, there are jewels like this throughout Christianity.  The Church was also said to be the interim carrier of Christ— from his resurrection until his Second Coming eight days later. It was said that Christ is like the  sun, and the Church is like the moon. When the sun is farthest from the moon, the  moon is full. 
When Christ is farthest from the Church, the Church is at its greatest  power. When the sun and moon are closest together, the moon has no light at all.  As the Second Coming of Christ approaches, the Church will have fulfilled its duty  and can disband. There is no Church or Mass in Heaven, because they are interim  carriers of the nature of Christ. Christ is present in Heaven, so interim carriers are  not needed.  Many traditions posit that there are two truths: absolute and relative. In Christianity these are expressed as eternity, which is neither spatial nor temporal, and  the Church, which is the human dimension. We need both— the Church as the interim carrier and the insight into a higher order of things.  

Cultural Yearning
As a culture, we hunger for the Second Coming of Christ. A new kind of conscious-  ness is stirring. People sense this. Some call it the New Age— leaving the Age of  Pisces, symbolized by two fishes, and entering the Age of Aquarius, symbolized by  the water bearer, a man with a jug on his shoulders pouring out water. If we take  Aquarius back to his Greek roots, we get Ganymede, who was abducted from earth  by Zeus and appointed his cupbearer. He poured the wine at heavenly celebrations.  This means more to me than Aquarius. The one who fills the cup with wine is a  predecessor of Dionysus and a forerunner of Christ, and is the ruler of the age to  come, with similar expectations to the Second Coming of Christ.  The hippie movement was a somewhat naïve attempt at the Second Coming, a  group of people who wanted something new, the wine of life, exhilaration, motivated by the archetype of the Second Coming of Christ. The drug culture is another  manifestation— although of an extremely poor quality— of the demand for the  Second Coming of Christ, for the ecstatic experience and the cessation of time-  and-space-bound consciousness. When someone comes to me with a drug problem, I can often touch him by saying, “ What you’re doing is right. Your expectations and demands are valid. But you’re doing it in the wrong way.”  Discontent, chaos, and caution-to-the-wind seem to be endemic worldwide. I  think it is the stirring of the Second Coming of Christ. But it needs intelligence be-  hind it. This timeless quality needs time. We’re going to blunder for a while before  a new consciousness, a new grail castle, a new peak experience will find its solidity.  
If the Second Coming is always available, why is the world in such a mess? The  best that we are capable of can turn into the worst if we get it on the wrong level.  Some of the world’s worst messes, like Hitlerism, were fueled and motivated by a  sublime archetypal energy. These things can misfire badly. Perhaps they need to  misfire until they are mature enough for their sublime aspects to be realized.  
There is great danger that the archetype of the Second Coming of Christ, or the  Once and Future ing, can erupt in a negative form again. Nazism is an example within living memory. There is nothing that human beings cannot literalize into  trouble. Literalism knows no end, and literalism is the death of insight. But that  sublime archetypal structure is always available in its true, interior way, for anyone  who chooses to touch it and is capable of touching it. Sometimes the point of con-  tact becomes accessible only in our deepest, darkest moments.    

Balancing Heaven and Earth    

St. Teresa of Avila was consumed by ecstasy at unpredictable moments. She often  found herself caught in a rapture for minutes at a time, sometimes longer. 
But  someone observed that she was never enraptured while she was cooking her breakfast. If she were, she might burn it. 
Eternity can dovetail into our practical lives. It’s  possible for us to manage the toast and the rapture.  
We need poets to rescue us from the awful contradictions we get into. 
Speech  is literal and rational and cannot easily contain the depths of the mystery. For that  we need symbols and symbolic language. 
During Mass — a great symbol of the  intersection of time and eternity — we are liberated from space and time. 
But after  Mass, we need to go home and cook our breakfast. We can discover within our-  selves the capacity to sustain both the presence of the divine and the holiness of  daily life. 
The two are, in fact, one.  

(Punch cards litter the floor. The Doctor stops pacing and kicks at a pile of them.)

It's no good, K9.


Listen. I'm going to have to go to the rebels for help. 
But will they help, I ask myself.

Probability of indigenous dissident group rendering effective assistance, very low.

Shush. I'm thinking. 
I've got to make a very impressive entrance. 
Something that'll win them over entirely. 
Got it! 

Right, K9, we need a slight spatial movement and no temporary displacement. 
Very tricky, these short hops.

Information, master.

What is it?

The relative smallness of E-space should render fractional increments more stable.

But of course. 
Good boy, K9.

[Rebel's cave]
We can't let Ivo and the villagers attack alone. 
They'll be slaughtered!

Will it help if we're slaughtered with them, just as we're winning back the old knowledge? 
I refuse to throw it all away.

Ivo was right, then. 
You do prefer these toys to human life.

Because they are the slow secret of victory. 
Why do you think they are so afraid of Science?

The Doctor was A Scientist. 
Like all the rest, he vanished in the Tower.

(The TARDIS materialises and The Doctor comes out.)

Halt! Don't move. 
Look, I'm awfully sorry to drop in on you like this, 
but we do have a bit of a crisis on our hands.

We face Danger, we face Evil, which stands at the
gate of our most holy sanctuary.

God is with us, as we know.
God's Love is Eternal.
This we know too.

Tonight, in our most deadly hour do we think our God will remember us?

Will he reach down and save us from Death's Shadow?

No, He will not.

Where in Our World is God to be found?

In our prayer?

In our song?

In our Suffering, in our Endurance?

Faith is Not a Transaction.

You do not barter with The Infinite --
You ALIGN With It.

So, then, where do we find Our God?

Sisters, I will tell you.

When you stand in the deepest pit, alone, without hope or help, and yet still know Right from Wrong...

When there is only darkness and despair and yet you feel humming in your blood, the difference between good and

When you are beyond rescue or reward or judgment...

And you STILL look evil in the
face and say, 

"This far but no further.”


Whose voice is that who is with you in that darkness?

Whose voice keeps you to the path?

Darkness and evil may seem compelling to us all, and I believe it is because,
in THEIR presence, we can FEEL God in our hearts.

No, He will not reach down to Save Us.

We will RISE to meet him.

Let us pray.


Ahem. Ahem.


She was clearing her throat.


I think it's fine now.
Oh, ladies, who's next? Boo!